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national Commission for the Revision of Studies in the Dominican Order. Collaborator in "Cyclopedia of Education" (by Father Kennedy: "Dominicans and Education") (New York); contributor to: "Rosary"; "Catholic University Bulletin"; "Ameri- can Ecclesiastical Review".

ARTICLES: Albertus Magnus, Blessed; Deza, Diego; Massouli^, Antoine; Mazzolini, Sylvester; Medina, Bartholomew; Ory, Matthieu; Paludantjs, Peter; Pelargus, Ambrose; Peter of Bergamo; Politi, Lancelot; Pohrecta, Serafino; Sacraments; Thomas Aquinas, Saint; Thomism.

Kennedy, John William, b. at Limerick, Ireland. Went to New Zealand at an early age; journalist 1889- ; has been sub-editor of "New Zealand Times" and "New Zealand Mail"; former editor "Catholic Times", Welhngton, New Zealand; former Australian correspondent of International Catholic Truth Society of America; sub-editor, "New Zealand Tablet", Dunedin, 1899- . Member of the New Zealand Institute of Journalists.

ARTICLE: Jennings, Sir Patrick Alfred.

Kennedy, Thomas, b.a., b.u.i.

ARTICLES: Epact; Hugh the Great, Saint; Indo-China; John Colombini, Blessed; John of Fecamp; Lebwin, Saint; Letourneux, Nicolas; Lockhart, William; McCarthy, Denis Florence; Majunke, Paul; Mariana Islands; Mat- thew OF Cracow; Mayhbw, Edward; Milner, Ralph, Venerable; Missions, Catholic; Mozambique; Nagasaki, Diocese of; New Caledonia, Vicariate Apostolic of; New Guinea; New Pomerania, Vicariate Apostolic of; Osaka, Diocese of; Pinz6n, MartIn Alonso; Proschko, Franz


Kenny, Reverenb Michael, s.j., b. at Glankeen, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, 28 June, 1863. Education: Mungret College, Limerick; Royal University of Ireland; further studies in DubUn and on the Conti- nent. Entered the Society of Jesus 1886; ordained 1897; former professor of philosophy and literature in various Jesuit colleges; formerly engaged in mission- ary work among the negroes; associate editor of "America", New York, 1909-1914; professor of philosophy and jurisprudence, law school, Loyola University, New Orleans, La., 1915- . Member of the Literary Bureau, Catholic Press Association. Has contributed to "The Messenger" and other periodicals.

ARTICLES: Harris, Joel Chandler; Kussell, Charles, Baron Russell of Killowen.

Kent, Rbvbeend William Henbt, o.s.c, writer, b. in London, 9 December, 1857, son of Charles Kent and Ann, daughter of Murdo Young of Rossshire, Scotland, authoress of "Evelyn Stuart", etc., great- grandson of Captain William Kent, R.N., discoverer of Kent Islands, and grand-nephew of Bishop Baggs, former rector of the English CoUege, Rome. Educa- tion: St. Charles College, London. Entered Congre- gation of Oblates of St. Charles 1876; ordained 1881; professor of dogmatic theology. Oblate soholasticate, London, 1882-1898; at present, devotes most of his time to writing; official biographer of Cardinal Manning; resident in London. Translated several hymns from Greek, Ss^riao, Armenian, Coptic, and Ethiopic; contributor to: "Weekly Register"; "Tablet"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Review"; "DubUn Review"; "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "Ave Maria".

ARTICLES: Anselm, Saint; Atonement, Day of; Atone- ment, Doctrine of the; Bec, Abbey of; Demon; Demoniacs; Dbmonoloqy; Devil; Devil- Worshippers; Indulgences; Indulgences, Apostolic; Judas Iscariot; Langton, Stephen; Manning, Henry Edward; Raw3s, Henry Augustus; Sabbatarians, Sabbatarianism.

Keogh, Reverend William French, o.s.c, b. at Aldershot, England, 23 December, 1864. Education: private school, Rathmines, Ireland; St. Wilfrid's College, Oakamoor, England; St. Charles CoUege and St. Mary's Scholasticate, London. Entered the Congregation of Oblates of St. Charles

1885; ordained 1888; master, St. Charles College, London, 1888-1890; religious instructor to Catholics, St. Marylebone Infirmary, London, 1890-1906; assistant superior (1907-1908) and superior (1908- 1911), Oblates of St. Charles, London; assistant. Church of St. Mary of the Angels, London, 1911- 1912; rector. Church of St. Peter and St. Edward, London, 1913; rector. Church of Our Lady of the Holy Souls, London, 1914- ARTICLK: Charles Bobbomeo, Saint.

Kerby, Reverend William Joseph, s.t.l., b. at Lawler, Iowa, 20 February, 1870. Education: primary schools, Lawler; St. Joseph's College, Dubuque, Iowa; St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin; Cathohc University, Washington; Univer- sities of Bonn, Berlin and Louvain. Ordained 1892; professor, St. Joseph's College, Dubuque, Iowa, 1894- 1895; associate professor (1897-1907) and professor (1907- ) of sociology, Cathohc University, Wash- ington. Arbitrator under Interstate Commerce Com- mission in settlement of disputes between the Order of Railway Telegraphers, the Big Four Railway, and the Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern; chairman. Section on Needy Families and Neighborhoods, National Conference of Charities and Correction, 1912. Member of the American Sociological Society; secretary. National Conference of Catholic Charities. Author of: "Le Socialisme aux Etats Unis" (Brussels, 1897); contributor to: "Catholic World"; "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "Catholic University Bulletin"; "Annals of American Academy of Social and Pohtical Science"; "The Dolphm"; "The American Ecclesiastical Review".

ARTICLES: Arbitration; Bouquillon, Thomas; Pooh, Care of by the Church (United States); Sociology.

Keman, Thomas Philip Neri, a.b., journahst, b. at Utica, New York, 3 September, 1856. Educa- tion: Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. Journahst, resident at Utica, New York. Member of the Oneida Historical Society; Knight of Columbus. Contributor to: "Utica Saturday Globe"; "St. John's Quarterly" (Sjrracuse), and daily newspapers. ARTICLES: Devereux, John C; Kernan, Francis.

Kerze, Reverend Francis L.

ARTICLE: Deharbe, Joseph.

Ketcham, Reverend William Henry, a.b., b. at Sumner, Iowa, 1 June, 1868. Education: private schools, WiUs Point and Hubbard City, Texas; St. Charles College, Grand Coteau, Louisiana; Seminary of Mt. St. Mary's of the West, Cincinnati, Ohio. Became a Cathohc 1885; ordaiaed 1892; missionary to Creek and Cherokee Indians and the eight tribes of the Quapaw Agency, resident at Muskogee, Indian Territory, 1891-1897; missionary to the Choctaws, resident" at Antlers, Indian Territory, 1897-1900; assistant (1900-1901) and director (1901- ), Cathohc Bureau of Indian Missions, Washington; United States Indian Commissioner 1913- . As missionary in Indian Territory, built numerous churches and schools and established many mission stations; converted to the Church a large number of Indians and whites; brought about the establishment of cordial relations between the government and the Catholic Indian Bureau, the abohtion of the "Brown- ing Ruhng", the recognition of the right of Cathohc Indian children in government schools to attend Cathohc services, securing priests for this purpose, the use of Indian "Tribal Funds" for the support and education of Indian children in mission schools and the securing of fee simple titles to much of the land occupied by missions and schools on Indian, reservations; founded the "Indian Sentinel"; propa- gated the Society for the Preservation of the Faith among Indian Children, obtaining for it the sanction