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of the pope; as director of the Catholic Indian Bureau, has visited most of the Indian reservations in the United States and built several churches for the use of the Indians; attended First American Missionary Congress, Chicago, 1908, Lake Mohonk Conferences of Friends of the Indian, 1908, 1910, and Congress of Missionaries, Washington, 1909. ARTICLE: Indiait Missions, Bubeatj of Catholic.

Kettenburg, Reverend Philip Baron von, b. at Kettenburg, Hanover, Germany, 10 January, 1875. Education: Jesuit College, Kalksburg, and University of Innsbruck, Austria. Ordained 1898; vicar at Zurich, Switzerland, 1900-1901; assistant, Holy Rosary Church, Frederiksberg, Denmark, 1901-1905; assistant, St. Ansgar's Churchj Copenhagen, 1905- . Contributor to : " Katholische Kirohenzeitung" (Salzburg); "Nordisk Ugeblad" (Copenhagen).

ARTICLES: Eskil, Archbishop of Ltjnd; Lund; Winslow, Jakob Beniqntjs; Zosga, Jobgen.

Kierce, Francis John, a.m., lawyer, b. at San Francisco, California, 6 February, 1863. Education: pubUc schools and St. Gertrude's Academy, Rio Vista, California; St. Joseph's School and St. Mary's College, San Francisco. Admitted to the Bar 1887; admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States 1903; former supreme president of Yoimg Men's Institute (six years); has been pre- siding officer in various fraternal organizations; former vice-president, CathoUc Truth Society of San Francisco; practising lawyer, resident at San Fran- cisco. Member of Mechanics Mercantile Library Association (San Francisco) secretary of St. Mary's College (Ashland) Alumni Association. Contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLE: Young Men's Institute.

Killian, Vert Reverend Andrew, b.a., vicar- general, diocese of Wilcannia, New South Wales, Australia.

ARTICLE: Wilcannia, Diocese of.

Kimball, Reverend Charles Leo, s.j., b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 21 July, 1880. Education: public schools and Boston College, Boston; Jesuit scholasticates, Frederick and Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1898; professor beUes lettres. Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachu- setts, 1905-1910; stationed at Woodstock College, Maryland, 1910- ; ordained 1913; stationed at College of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Woodstock, Md., 1913; St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1914; Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass., 1915- . Has contributed to Catholic magazines.

ARTICLE: BiBiHua, Saint.

'King, Reverend John Hbnrt, s.t.b., Ph.D., b. at Wardour, Wiltshire, England, 16 September, 1880. Education: Woolhampton, England; Enghsh College and Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 1904; at present, secretary to the Bishop of Ports- mouth, England.

ARTICLE: Portsmouth, Diocese of.

King, Thomas George, k.s.g., b. in London, 1865. Education: London City College, London. Became a Catholic 1879; hon. secretary of St. George's Branch, Catholic 'Truth Society, London, 1888; hon. secretary (and organizer), Southwark Workhouse Association, 1891; member of the Committee, CathoUc Truth Society, 1893- ; hon. secretary (and founder). Catholic Guardians Association, 1895- ; member of the Committee (1897- ) and hon. secretary (1898-1909), Southwark Rescue Society; member of the Catholic Emigration Association; hon. manager of many industrial. Poor Law and voluntary schools and orphanages; foundation manager of a public primary school and of a Catholic hospital; accountant

and chief of clerical and statistical staff of a large engineering firm, London. Organized series of lectures for Protestants, London, 1892; has distributed CathoUc Uterature and defended CathoUc interests at Protestant lectures; twice received special blessing of the Pope for sociological work, 1905, 1907; active in securing special CathoUc chapels. Mass and Benediction, and perfect freedom for CathoUcs in Poor Law institutions; inaugurated annual conferences for CathoUc Poor Law Guardians, 1894; as member of CathoUc Emigration Association, has twice conducted parties of children to Canada; conducted party of Poor Law Guardians through Canada in the interests of emigration, 1902; participated in the foundation of CathoUc orphanage for London children at Prince Albert, Canada; served on the Committee of the Lady Mayoress's Fund for God's Poor; recipient of con- gratulations from the Holy Father on occasion of his silver wedding anniversary, 1913. Author of: "The Case for the Guardians", pamphlet for CathoUc Social Guild; contributor to: "The Month"; "The Tablet"; "CathoUc Times"; "Universe"; "CathoUc Herald". ARTICLE: Poor Laws.

Kirch, Reverend Joseph Maria Conrad, s.j., b. at Viersen, Rhine, Germany, 1 June, 1863. Edu- cation: Gymnasium, Emmerich, Germany; Universi- ties of Bonn, Heidelberg, and Munich; Jesuit scholas- ticates, Ditton Hall, England, and Valkenburg, Holland. Began career as a lawyer; entered the Society of Jesus 1884; former professor of history and Classical philology, Stella Matutina College, Feld- kirch, Austria (four years); ordained 1896; professor of church history, St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, 1899- . Has traveUed extensively in Italy for purposes of historical research. Author of

Enchiridion fontium historise ecclesiasticae antiquae" (1910); continued and edited Granderath, "Ge- schichte des Vatikanischen Konzils", 3 vols. (1903- 1906); collaborator in Herder's "Konversations- lexikon"; contributor to: "Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; "Analecta BoUandiana"; "Stimmen aus Maria- Laach".

ARTICLE: Vatican Council.

Kirsch, Right Reverend Monsignor Johann Peter, s.t.d., b. at Dippach, Luxemburg, 3 Novem- ber, 1861, son of Andreas Kirsch and Katharine Didier. Education: Athenaeum and Seminary, Lux- emburg; Campo Santo Tedesco and Vatican Archives School of Palaeography, Rome. Ordained 1884; director, Historical Institute of the Gorres Society, Rome, 1888-1890; professor of patrology and Chris- tian archseology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 1890- ; president of the archaeological section of the Gorres-GeseUschaft; domestic prelate. Author of: "Die christUchen Cultusgebaude im Alterthum" (1893); "Die papstUchen KoUektorien in Deutschland wahrend des 14. Jahrhundert" (1894); "Die Finanz- verwaltung des KardinalkoUegiums im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert" (1895); "Die Akklamationen und Gebete der altchristlichen Grabschriften" (1897); "Die Riickkehr der Papste Urban V. und Gregor XL von Avignon nach Rom" (1898); "Die christUche Epigraphik und deren Bedeutung fur die kirchen- geschichtUche Forschung", rector's oration (1898); "Le Cimetifere burgonde de F^tigny" (1899); "Die Lehre von der Gemeinschaft der Heiligen im christ- Uchen Altertum" (1900) (translated into EngUsh by John R. McKee, 1910); "Die papstUchen Annaten in Deutschland wahrend des 14. Jahrhunderts", Vol. I (1903); " Illustrierte Geschichte der katholischen Kirche", Part I (1905; popular ed. 1911); "Die hi. Cacilia in der romischen Kirche des Altertums" (1910) ; "Die Geschichte der Kirche, ein Zeugnis ihrer hoheren Sendung" (1912); "Die Frauen des Alter- tums" (1912); edited: Hergenrother, "Handbuch