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member of: the Philological Society of the United States; the Modern Language Association of America; the Sons of the American Revolution; the Army and Navy of the Confederate States; Cross of Honor of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Author of: "French Verb Book"; "Lectures on Shakespeare"; "Nobleman of '89" (translated from the French of Quinton) ; compiled graded series of English Catholic Readers. ARTICLE: Mount St. Maby's College. '

Lalande, Reverend Louis, s.j., missionary, b. at St. Hermas, P. Q., Canada, 25 December, 1859. Education: Bourget Collegej Rigaud, Canada; various Jesuit colleges and scholasticates in Canada and the Island of Jersey. Entered the Society of Jesus 1881; former teacher of rhetoric, St. Mary's College, Montreal, Canada (three years); ordained 1894; teacher of philosophy, St. Mary's College, Montreal, 1894^1904; attached to the mission band, stationed at Immaculate Conception Church, Montreal, 1904r- . Has preached and lectured on numerous occasions in France, Canada, and the United States. Author of: "Une vieille Seigneurie"; "Croire c'est vivre"; "Entre Amis"; contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLES: Fabeb, Matthias; I^lix, C^lebtin-Joseph; Fl^chieb, Esprit; Fbatbbinous, Denis de; Feeppel, Chables- Emile.

Langan, Reverend John Tbacet, s.j., b.a., b. at Tremont, N. Y., 12 Dec, 1873. Education: St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; St. John's CoUege, Fordham, New York; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md.; Ore Seminary, Hastings, England. Entered the Society of Jesus 1893; professor of Latin and Greek literature. Holy Cross CoEege, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1900-1904; ordained 1907; professor of economics, Woodstock College, 1908; professor of philosophy, Boston CoUege, Boston, Massachusetts, 1909; professor of apologetics, Woodstock College, Woodstock, 1911- . Contributed to "The Mes- senger".

ARTICLE: Bolgeni, Giovanni, Vincenzo.

Langouet, Reverend Armand, o.m.i., b. at Pl^ch&tel, Ille-et-Vilaine, France, 19 September, 1868. Education: Oblate Novitiate of St. Jerlach, Houthem, Holland; further studies at LiSge, Belgium. Entered the Order of Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1893; ordained 1900; at various times, missionary at Kimberley, rector, Sacred Heart Church,Bloemf ontein, and assistant and rector, St. Mary's Church, Kimber- ley, South Africa; assistant (1909-1911) and rector (1911- ), Immaculate Conception Church, Pieter- maritzburg. South Africa. Has contributed to "L'Univers".

ARTICLES: Basutoland, Prefectube Apostolic of;


Apostolic of the; Zambesi Mission.

Lappin, Reverend Henry A., o.c.c.

ARTICLE: Faoli> Angelo, Venerable.

Lataste, Reverend Joseph, litt.D., superior of the seminary, Aire-sur-Adour, Landes, France.

ARTICLES: Pascal, Blaise; Pellibsier, Guillaume; Perraud, Adolphe; Peter of Poitiebs; Piits V, Saint, Pope; Port Royal.

Lauchert, Fbiedrich, Ph.D., b. at Messkirch, Baden, Germany, 1 September, 1863, of Catholic parents. Education: Gymnasium, Constance, Ger- many; further studies at Munich, Strassburg, Vienna and Bern. Brought up an Old Catholic from age of ten; connected with Universitv and State Libraries, Strassburg, Germany, 1888-1890, 1893-1895; lecturer. University of Bern, Switzerland, 1891-1893; professor of dogmatic theology and exegesis, Old CathoUc Seminary, Bonn, Germany, 1895-1899; s.t.d. (Old CathoUc) 1896; returned to Cathohc Church 1899;

resident at Munich, Germany, 1899-1901; librarian. Public Library, Aachen, Germany, 1901- Author of: "Herder's griechische und morgenland- ische Anthologie und seine Uebersetzungen aus Jakob Balde", dissertation for doctorate (Munich, 1886); "Geschichte des Physiologus" (Strassburg, 1889); "Sprichworter und sprichwortliche Redensarten bei P. Abraham a S. Clara" (Bonn, 1893); "G. Chr. Lichtenberg's schriftstellerische Thatigkeit in chrono- logischer Uebersicht dargestellt" (Gottingen, 1893); "Die Lehre des heiUgen Athanasius des Grossen" (Leipzig, 1895); "Des Gottesfreundes im Oberland, Merswin'sBuchvondenzweiMannen" (Bonn, 1896); "Die Kanones der wichtigsten altkirchlichen Con- cihen" (Freiburg and Leipzig, 1896); "La estoria de los quatro Dotores de la santa Eglesia, in einer alter spanischen Uebersetzung nach Vincenz von Beauvair herausgegeben" (Halle a.S., 1897); "Franz Anton Staudenmaier" (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1901); "Leben des heiligen Athanasius des Grossen " (Cologne, 1911); "Die italienischen hterarischen Gegner Luther's' (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1911); collaborator: "AUge- meine deutsche Biographie"; "Kirchhches Hand- lexikon"; Herder's "Konversationslexikon"; contrib- utor to: "Romanische Forschungen"; " Historisches Jahrbuch"; "Historisch-politische Blatter"; "Zeit- schrift fur kathoHsche Theologie"; "Katholik"; "Studien und Mittheihmgen aus dem Benediktiner- Orden"; "Theologische Revue"; "Literarische Rund- schau".

ARTICLES: Diebingeb, Franz Xayer; Febronianibm; Geissel, Johannes von; Gerhoh of Reicherbbehg; Ghan- derath, Theodor; Gr6ne, Valentin; Gunther, Anton; Gtjrk, Diocese of; Hettinger, Franz; Holy Coat; Janneh, Ferdinand; Kilian, Saint; Kraxjs, Franz Xaver; Kuhn, Johannes von; Liebermann, Franz Leopold; Manharteb; Middendorp, Jakob; Miletus, Vitus; Moufang, Franz Christoph Ignaz; Movers, Franz Karl; Muller, Adam Heinrich; Nihus, Barthold; Nikolaus von DinkelbbtShl; CEcolampadius, Johann; Ohler, Aloys Kabl; Pfbfferkorn, Johannes; Pfister, Adolf; Philanthropinibm; Physiologus; Pietism; Pighius, Albert; Pibtorius, Johann; Raich, Johann Michael; RXss, Andreas; Ratzinger, Geohg; Rolfus, Hermann; Sambuga, Joseph Anton; Schazleb, Constantine, Baron von; Scherer-Bboccard, Theodore, Count von; Seckau, Diocese of; Staff, Joseph Ambrose; Staudenmaier, Franz Anton; StSckl, Albert; Stolz, Alban Isidore; Ulen- berg, Kaspar; Walenbuhch, Adrian and Peter von; Wesbel Goesport, John; Widmer, Joseph; Wiest, Stephan; Windischmann, Karl Joseph Hieronymus.

Launay, Abb£ Adeibn Charles, b. at Meslay- du-Maine, Mayenne, France, 21 October, 1853. Education: College, Chateau Gonthier, France; Seminary for Foreign Missions, Paris. Entered the Society for Foreign Missions 1874; ordained 1877; missionary in West Cochin China 1877-1884; sta- tioned at the Seminary for Foreign Missions (at present, archivist), Paris, 1884- . Author of: "Atlas des Missions de la Soci^t6 des Missions EtrangSres" (Paris, 1889); "Les Cinquante-deux V^n^rables Serviteurs de Dieu, martyrs en Extreme Orient", 2 vols. (Paris, 1893); "Histoire Generale de la Soci6t6 des Missions Etrangferes", 3 vols. (Prix Audiffredi, French Academy) (Paris, 1894); "Histoire des Missions de I'Inde", 5 vols, (crowned by the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences) (Paris, 1898); "Histoire des Missions de Chine", 4 vols. (Paris, 1901-1906); "Histoire de la Mission du Thibet", 2 vols. (Paris, 1903); "Documents histo- riques sur la Soci^t6 des Missions EtrangSres" (Paris, 1904); "Lettres de Mgr. Pallu, administrateur g&^ral des Missions de Chine", 2 vols. (Paris, 1904);

Journal d'Andr6 Ly, prStre chinois" (Latin text) (Paris, 1906); "Les 35 V^n&ables Serviteurs de Dieu martyrises en Extreme Orient" (Paris, 1908).

ARTICLE: Society of Fobeign Missions, of Paris.

Laurentius, Reverend Joseph, s.j., j.c.d., b. at Krefeld, Germany, 24 December, 1861. Education: Jesuit scholasticates at Exaten, Holland, Ditton Hall, England, and Rome. Entered the Society of Jesus