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1879; ordained 1891; professor of canon law, St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, Holland, 1895- Author of: " Institutiones Juris eoolesiastici" (Frei- burg-im-Breisgau, 1903; 3rd ed. 1914); collaborator in Herder's "Kirohenlexikon", 2nd ed.; contributor to "Archiv fiir katholisches Kirchenreoht".

ARTICLES: Diocesan Chancery; Fiscal Pbocttrator.

Lavelle, Right Reverend Monsignor Michael J., M.A., LL.D., vicar-general, archdiocese of New York, b. in New York, 30 May, 1856. Education: St. Patrick's School, De La Salle Institute and Man- hattan College, New York; St. Joseph's Semi- nary, Troy, New York. Ordained 1879; assistant (1879-1887) and rector (1887- ), cathedral, New York; vicar-general, archdiocese of New York. President of the Catholic Young Men's National Union, 1889-1890, estabhshing it upon a firm basis; one of the promoters of the Catholic Summer School, Cliff Haven, New York, and president from 1896 to 1903; active in the interests of the American Federa- tion of Catholic Societies since 1900; takes special interest in the Italian Catholics of New York. Member of the Catholic Historical Association. Contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLE: Preston, Thomas Scott.

Lavigne, David Edward, a.b., ll.b., lawyer, b. at Waterbury, Connecticut, 13 January, 1881. Education: Laval University, Quebec, Canada; Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Practising lawyer, Worce.ster, Massachusetts, 1906-1907; editor- in-chief, "La Tribune", Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 1907-1910; practising lawyer, member of firm of Carpenter and Lavigne, Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 1910- . Secretary of the Woonsocket Armory Commission, appointed by the Rhode Island General Assembly.

ARTICLE: French Catholics in the United States.

Le Bachelet, Reverend Xavier Marie, s.j., D.D., b. in Paris, 14 January, 1855. Education: Ecclesiastical College, Vilhers-le-Sec, and seminaries, Sommervieu and Bayeux, France; St. Aloysius House, St. Holier, Jersey, Channel Islands. Entered the Society of Jesus 1878; ordained 1885; former professor of grammar and regent, St. Mary's College, Canter- bury, England (one year); professor of dogmatic theology successively at Jesuit scholasticates, St. Aloysius House, St. Holier, Jersey; Fourvi^res, Lyons, France; St. Mary's College, Canterbury; Ore Place, Hastings, England. Author of "De I'apologiStique traditionnelle et de I'apolog^tique modeme" (Paris, 1897); "La question Uguorienne; ProbabiUsme et Equiprobabilisme" (Paris, 1898); "Le p6ch6 originel dans Adam et ses descendants" (Paris, 1900); "L'lmmacul^e Conception" (Paris, 1903); "Bellarmin avant son Cardinalat" (Paris, 1911); "Bellarmin et la Bible sixto-cl6mentine" (Paris, 1911); "Bellarmin et les Exeroices Spirituels de S. Ignace" (Enghien, 1912).

ARTICLE: Terrien, Jean-Baptiste.

Lebars, Jean, b.a., Litt.i,., b. in France, d. in New York, 1906. Education: College at Tr^gnier and Academy at Rennes^, France; University of Paris. Professor of English language and litera- ture, St. Ignatius College, Paris (seven years); came to the United States 1902; instructor in French language and literature, College of the City of New York, 1902-1906; lecturer. Contributed to various magazines and newspapers.

ARTICLES: Academy, French; Amyot, Jacques; Armaqnac, Georges d'; Autran, Joseph; Baluze, Etienne; Broglie, Jacques-Victor-Albeht, Due de; Daguebbeau, Hbnri- FHANgois; Ep:6b, Charles-Michel de l'; Racine, Jean.

Lebreton, Reverend Jules, s.j., Litt.D., b. at Tours, France, 20 March, 1873. Education: St.

Gregory's College, Tours. Entered the Society of Jesus 1890; ordained 1903; professor of theology (1905-1907) and of the history of Christian origins (1907- ), Catholic Institute, Paris. Author of: "Les origines du dogme de la Trinity" (Prix Juteau- Duvigneaux, French Academy) (.Paris, 1910).

ARTICLES: Justin Martyr, Saint; Logos, the.

Le Brun, Alma Mary.

ARTICLE: Guérin, Anne Thérèse.

Le Brun, Reverend Charles Jule Augustb, C.J.M., D.D., Litt.L., b. at Gouberville, Manche, France, 14 March, 1863. Education: Seminary, Volognes, France; Catholic Institute, Paris; Grego- rian University, Rome. Entered the Eudist Congre- gation 1887; ordained 1888; former professor of philosophy. Seminary, Volognes, France; professor of theology. Seminary, Soissons, France, 1894-1898, and French Eudist scholasticate, 1898-1902; professor of theology, Seminary, Rimouski, Canada, 1902-1905; professor of theology (1905-1908) and rector (1908- 1912), Seminary, Halifax, Nova Scotia; stationed in Paris 1912- . Theologian of the Archbishop of Halifax at the Plenary Council of Canada, Quebec, 1909. Author of "La Devotion au Cceur de Marie, Etude historique et doctrinale"; collaborator in Vacant, "Dictionnaire de Thdologie Catholique" (by Dr. Le Brun: "Ven. Jean Eudes"); re-edited, with one of the Eudist fathers, the complete works of Ven. Jean Eudes, 12 vols. (Vannes, 1905-1910).

ARTICLES: Eudes, Jean; Eudibts; Good Shepherd, Our Lady of Charity of the.

Leclerc, Reverend Cli^ment, c.ss.r., b.a., b. at Orleans Island, Quebec, Canada, 22 November, 1858. Education: Seminary and Laval University, Quebec, Canada. Ordained 1884; entered the Redemptorist Order 1885; stationed at Redemptorist houses in Belgium 1885-1890; editor of "Annals of the Good St. Anne de Beauprd", St. Anne de Beaupr^, Canada, 1900-1907; rector. Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Hochelaga, Montreal, Canada, 1907-1913; rector. Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Sherbrooke, Canada, 1914- ARTICLE: Anne de Beaufr^, Sainte.

Leclercq, Reverend Henri, o.s.b., b. 4 December, 1869. Education: Notre Dame College, Tournai, Belgium. Naturalized French citizen 1888; sub- lieutenant, French army, 1893; entered the Bene- dictine Order; ordained 1898; formerly stationed at St. Michael's Abbey, Farnborough, England; sta- tioned at the Italian Hospital, Queen's Square, London, 1908-; editor with Dom Fernand Cabrol of "Dictionnaire d'arch^ologie chr^tienne et de Uturgie" (Paris). Author of: "Monumenta Ecclesiae liturgioa", 2 vols.; "Les Martyrs", 12 vols.; "L'Afrique chr^tienne", 2 vols.; "L'Espagne ohr6- tienne"; "Manuel d'arch^ologie chrStienne", 2 vols.; "Histoire des Conciles", 8 vols, (translation of Hefele, "Conciliengesohichte", 2nd ed.).

ARTICLES: Abbreviation, Methods of; Abbcedaria; Abercius, Inscription of; Abgab, The Legend op; Abrasax; Adam in Early Christian Liturgy and Literature; African Church, Early; Agape; Aqaunum; AkhmIn; Alphabet, Christian Use of; Amrah; Antinoe; Antiphon, In Greek Liturgy; Antiphonary, Gregorian; Ferri^res, Abbey op; Fire, Liturgical Use of; Flavignt, Abbey of; Gams, Pius Bonifacius; Gehbert, Martin; Goar, Jacques; Grace at Meals; Grancolas, Jban; Gregory of Neoc.«:sarea, Saint; Gregory of Nyssa, Saint; Gregory op Tours, Saint; GuiSranger, Prosper Louis Pascal; Hair (in Christian Antiquity); Holy Oils; Holy Oils, Vessels for; Holy Saturday; Holy Water; Holy Water Font; Host; Invita- torium; Isidore op Pelusium, Saint; Latbran Councils; Lay Communion; Lucifer of Cagliari; Maundy Thursday; Meletius of Antioch; Mbletius op Lycopolis; Nic^a, CouciLS of; Sacramentalb; Station Days.

Leduc, Reverend Hippolytb A., o.m.i., b. at Evron, Mayenne, France, 30 April, 1842. Educa- tion: College of Evron; seminaries at Pr^cign^ and