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married Anna Marie, daughter of Felix Emery, of Geneva, Switzerland, 1907; barrister; Justice of the Peace for Middlesex and London. Hon. fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge; secretary (since 1874), Catholic Union of Great Britain; member of the Athenaeum Club (London). Author of: "Ancient ReMgion and Modern Thought" (1884); "Chapters in European History" (1886); "A Century of Revo- lution" (1889); "On Right and Wrong" (1890); "On Shibboleths" (1892); "The Great Enigma" (1893); "The Claims of Christianity" (1894); "Four English Humorists of the Nineteenth Century" (1895); "Essays and Speeches" (1897); "First Principles in PoUtics" (1899); "A Year of Life" (1900); "Renais- sance Types" (1901); "India and Its Problems" (1902); "Christianity and Modern Civilization" (1903); "Studies in Religion and Literature" (1904); "Many Mansions" (1907); "Idola Fori" (1910); "The New France" (1913); "A Manual of the Law specially affecting Cathohcs" (in collaboration with J. P. Wallis) (1893).

ARTICLE: Ehqland (Sincb the Refobiution).

Limbrock, Vbkt Reverend Ebbrhard, s.v.d., b. at Ahlen, Westphalia, Germany, 23 May, 1859. Education: Scholasticate of the Society of the Divine Word, Steyl, Holland. Entered the Society of the Divine Word; missionary 1883-; ordained 1886; for a number of years missionary in Southern Shan- tung, China; prefect ApostoUc of Kaiserwilhelmsland, resident at Alexishafen, German New Guinea, 1896- . Has contributed articles on subjects relating to the missions to various periodicals.

ARTICLES: Divine Word, Society of the; Kaiserwil- helmsland, Prefecture Apostolic op.

Lindsay, Reverend Lionel St. George, sc.b., Ph.D., D.D., b. at Montreal, Canada, 1 May, 1849. Education: Seminary and Laval University, Quebec; Gregorian University, Academy of St. Thomas and Minerva, Rome. Ordained 1875; prefect of studies, Levis College, Levis, Canada, 1875; chaplain, Ursuline Monastery, Quebec, 1894-1898; diocesan inspector of Academies and Convent Schools, Quebec, 1898-1905; secretary (1905-1907) and archivist (1905- ), archdiocese of Quebec. Author of "Notre dame de Lorette en la NouveUe France" (1900); editor-in-chief (since 1902) of "La NouveUe France".

ARTICLES: Baillargeon, Charles-Francois; Briand, Joseph Oliver; Brosse, Jean-Baptiste de la; Bullion, Ang^lique; Calli£:res, Louis-Hector de; Caron, Ren^- Edouard; C artier, Georges-Etienne; Cazeau, Charles- F^Lix; D]6naut, Pierre; Dosquet, Pierre-Herman; Duver- NAT, Ludger; Esglis, Louis-Phillipe Mariauchau d'; Faillon, Etienne-Michel; Faribault, Georges-Barth^lemy; Frontenac, Count Louis de Buade; Garneau, Fran^ois- Xavier; Gabnier, Charles; Gasp^, Philippe Aubert de; GoupiL, Ren^; Gravier, Jacques; Holmes, John; Hubert, Jean-Frai^COIS; Lafitau, Joseph- Francois; Lafl^che, Louis; Lamberville, Jacques de and Jean de; Lauzon, Jean de; Laval, Francois de Montmorency; LaverdiIjre, Charles- Honor^; Le Motne Family; Le Motne, Simon; Lescab- bot, Mabc; Lusignan, Jean-Baptiste-Alphonse; Maillard, Antoine-Simon; Maisonneuve, Paul de Chomedey de; Mbilleur, Jean-Baptiste; Meecier, Louis-Honor^; Mont- calm-Gozon, Louis- Joseph; Montmagny, Charles Huault de; Peltrie, Madeleine de la; Periodical Literature, Catholic, Canada; Plessis, Joseph-Octave; Quebec, Province of; Raffeix, Pierre; Ragubneau, Paul; Raym- bault, Charles; Rimouski, Diocese of; Saoard, Th^odat- Gabriel; Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, Prefecture Apostolic of; Saint Vallier, Jean-Baptiste de; Tach^, Etiennb Pascal; Talon, Jean; Talon, Pierre; Tabs^, Joseph; Tracy, Alexandre de Prouville, Marquis de; Ungava; Ursulines OF Quebec; Vaudreuil, Philippe-de-Riqaud, Marquis de; Verreau, Hospice-Anthelme; Viger, Denis-Benjamin; Viger, Jacques; Youville, Marie-Marguerite de.

Linehan, Paul Henry, a.b., Ph.D., b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 15 January, 1879. Education: Har- vard University; Columbia University, New York. Assistant professor of mathematics. College of the City of New York, 1903- . Member of: the American Mathematical Society; the American Association for the Advancement of Science; the

Mathematical Association of America; the United States CathoUc Historical Society. Author of "Contributions to Equilong Geometry" (Lancaster,

Pa., 1915).

ARTICLES: BiNET, Jacques-Philippe-Mahie; Faa di Bruno, Francesco; Hermite, Charles; Inghirami, Giovanni; La Hire, Philippe de; Nunez, Pedro; Ozanam, Jacques; Pacioli, Lucas; Tartaglia, NicoLd; Torrubia, JosE; Vernier, Pierre; Vieta, Francois.

Linnenkamp, Right Reverend Monsignor Christopher, b. at Verl, Westphaha, Germany, 27 November, 1838. Education: Cape Girardeau, Mis- souri; St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin. Ordained 1864; assistant pastor at St. Louis, Missouri, 1864-1865; pastor at Weston, Missouri, 1865-1869; pastor, Immaculate Conception Church, and vicar- general of the diocese, St. Joseph, Missouri, 1869-

domestic prelate 1900. Author of "Souvenir

of the Immaculate Conception Church, St. Joseph, Mo.", pamphlet.

ARTICLE: St. Joseph, Diocese of.

Lins, Joseph, b. at Pfreimd, Germany, 19 March, 1872. Editor of "Herder's Konversations Lexikon", 1900-1908; contributor to " Staatslexikon der Gorres- GeseUschaft", "Die Religion in Geschichte imd Gegenwart".

ARTICLES: Aachen; Amsterdam; Anhalt, Vicariate Apostolic; Armenierstadt; Artvin; Augsburg, Diocese of; Baden, Grand Duchy of; Balearic Isles; Bamberg, Arch- diocese of; Basle-Lugano, Diocese of; Berlin; Boniface Association; Borromeo, Society of St. Charles; Branden- burg; Braun, Placidus; Bremen; Brixen, Diocese of; Brunn, Diocese of; Bukarest, Archdiocese of; Bulgaria; Cologne; CsanAd, Diocese of; Culm, Diocese of; Damara- land; Dresden; Frankfort-on-the-Main; Freiburg; Fulda, Diocese of; Germany, Vicariate Apostolic of Northern; Gesellenvereine; Gnesen-Posen, Archdiocese of; Hague, The; Hesse; Illyria; Koniggratz, Diocese of; Laibach, Diocese of; Lavant; Leipzig; Leitmeritz, Diocese of; Limburg, Diocebe of; Linz, Diocese of; Lithuania; Lubeck; Lublin, Diocese of; Lucerne; Mainz; Mecklenburg; Mehrerau; Meissen; Metz; Minden, Diocese of; Minsk, Diocese of; Misocco and Calanca, Prefecture Apostolic op; Mohileff, Archdiocese of; Montenegro; Moravia; Munich-Freising, Archdiocese of; MtJNSTER, Diocese of; Nuremburg; Osnabruck, Diocese of; Padbrborn, Diocese of; Palatinate, Rhenish; Passau, Diocese of; Plock, Diocese of; Ratisbon, Diocese of; Rhetia, Prefecture Apostolic of; Roehmond, Diocese of; Rottenburg, Diocese of; Rumania; Saint Gall, Diocese op; Saint Petersburg; Savoy; Schleswig-Holstein; Servia; Siberia; Sign, Diocese op; Strasburg, Diocese of; Tiraspol, Diocese of; Tran- sylvania; Trier, Diocese of; Tschidereb 2U Gleifheim; Tunis; Tuscany; Upper Rhine, Ecclesiastical Province of the; Utrecht, Archdiocese of; Vienna; Volksverein; WtJRZBURG, Diocese of; Zante; Zell, Karl.

Lionnet, Reverend Joseph, s.j., Litt.L., b. 9 February, 1861. Education: Seminary of Notre Dame des Champs, Paris; Cathohc University, Angers, France. Entered the Society of Jesus; has held the posts of professor of history and prefect of studies in various Jesuit colleges; at present, editorial secretary, "Etudes", Paris. Contributor to "Etudes".

ARTICLE: Daniel, Charles.

Loehr, August Octav Ritter von, Ph.D., ll.d., b. at Vienna, 31 March, 1882. Education: Benedic- tine Gymnasium, Seitenstettin, Austria; Universities of Vienna, Heidelberg, and Grenoble. Librarian, Institute for Austrian Historical Research, Vienna, 1903-1905; member of the Austrian Institute for Historical Studies, Rome, 1905-1906; assistant director, Austrian Imperial Collection of Coins and Medals, Vienna, 1906- . Correspondent, Im- perial Royal Central Commission for the Care of Monuments, Vienna (since 1908); member of the Institutue for Austrian Historical Research. Con- tributor to: "Regesta Habsburgica"; "Nunziature degli Paci".

ARTICLES: Numismatics; Stbeber, Franz Ionaz ton; Streber, Franz Seraph.

Loffler, Klemens, ph.o., b. at Steinbach, Eichs- feld, Germany, 30 January, 1881. Education: