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Gymnasium, Heiligenstadt, Germany; Universities of Freiburg, Munich, Munster, and Gottingen, Germany. Assistant librarian, Universities of Miinster and Gottingen, 1903-1905; Gymnasium teacher 1905-1906; assistant librarian in Berlin 1906- 1908; associate librarian, University of Breslau (1908- 1909) and University of Miinster (1909- ). Author of: "Die Westfalischen Bischofe im Investi- turstreit" (1903); "Der Hulfensberg im Eichsfelde" (1909); "Papstgeschichte von der franzosischen Revolution bis zur Gegenwart" (1911) ; edited "Unser Eichsfeld", Vols. I-IV (1906-1909); issued critical edition of historical works of Hamehnann, 2 vols. (1908-1913); collaborator in: "Historisches Jahrbuch der Gorres-Gesellschaft" ; "Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart"; contributor to: "Historisch- politische Blatter"; "Grenzboten"; "Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde"; "Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart"; "Hochland"; "Aar"; various news- papers.

''ARTICLES: Constantitjs, Flavius Julius; Gresbmund, Dietrich; Humanism; Investitures, Conflict of; Lamor- MAiNi, Wilhelm; Langen, Rudolph von; Leo X, Pope; Leubus; Liesborn; Lindemann, Wilhelm; Luscinius, Ottmar; Mag- deburg; Magliabechi, Antonio; Mallinckrodt, Hermann von; Maria Theresa; Marienberg; Melanchthon, Philipp; Mone, Franz; Notker, Balbulus; Notker, Labeo; Odilio, Saint; Odo, Saint, Abbot of Clunt; Ostrogoths; Otto, Saint; Overberg, Bernhard Heinrich; Pannabtz, Arnold; Pantaleon, Saint; Paschasius, Saint; Paulinus, Saint, Bishop of Nola; Peasants, War of the; Periodical Litera- ture, Catholic, Germany; Pez, Bernhard and Hierontmus; Pforta; Pirkheimer, Charitas; Pirkheimer, Willibald; Pius VIII, Pope; Pomerania; Pontus; Poppo, Saint; Prag- matic Sanction; Prum; Reifenstein; Reibch, Gregor; Reuchlin, Johannes; Rimbert, Saint; Sabina, Saint; Samogitia, Diocese of; Savignt, Karl Friedrich; Schaft- lan; Schannat, Johann Fbiederich; Schedel, Hart- mann; Schonbobn Family; Schorlemer-Alst, Burghard, Freihbhh von; Sebastian, Saint; Sergius and Bacchus; SiGEBERT OP Gembloux; Silebia; Silvia, Saint; Simon, Saint AND Apostle; Simplius, Faustinus and Beatrice; Speyer, Diocese of; Staphylus, Friedrich; Staupitz, Johann von; Stolberq, Joseph; Strossmayer, Joseph Georg; Stddion; Syncretism; Tauler, John; Tepl; Tewdrig; Thalhofer, Valentin; Theiner, Augustin; Theobald, Saint; Theodard, Saint; Theodore of Studium, Saint; Theodulf; Thrysaus, Hermann; Tiberius; Titus, Roman Emperor; Toustain, CHARLES-FRANgois; Trajan; Trebnitz; Truchsess von Waldburg, Otto; Trudpert, Saint; Valdes, Alphonso de; Valerian; Valle, Pietro della; Vandals; Vargas y Mexia, Francisco de; Veghe, Johannes; Victor IV; Vierthaler, Franz Michael; Visigoths; Volk, Wilhelm; Von Gagebn, Max; Walkenried; Wandelbert; Welser, Bartholomeus; Wendelin of Trier, Saint; Wenrich of Trier; Westphalia; WiGBERT, Saint; Wigbod; Wilhelm V, Duke of Bavaria; WiMPFELiNG, Jakob; Wimpina, Konrad; Wittenberg, City and University of; Worms; Zionites.

López Bardón, Very Reverend Tirso, o.s.a., S.T.M., missionary Apostolic, b. at Cornombre, Le6n, Spain, 25 May, 1838, son of Dionisio L6pez and Manuela Barddin. Education: private; Augustinian College, VaUadolid, Spain. Entered the Augustinian Order 1855; for a time professor of philosophy, Augustinian College, VaUadolid, ordamed 1860; professor of theology and canon law, Augustinian College, and superior of the Mission, Manila, Philip- pine Islands, 1864-1866; diocesan censor of books, Philippine Islands, 1865-1866; professor (1866-1881) and prefect of studies (1877-1881), College of Santa Maria, La Vid, Spain; degree of Lector Jubilado 1881 ; master of novices, Augustinian College, VaUadolid, 1881-1888; s3modal examiner, archdiocese of VaUa- dolid, 1886-1892; definitor and assistant general, Augustinian Order, 1888-1895; annalist of the Augustinian Order 1895-1901; definitor of the PhiUppine Province, Augustinian Order, resident at VaUadolid, 1905- . Theologian of the Arch- bishop of Salamanca, Provincial Chapter, Valladohd, 1889; one of the judges of the papers read at the Floral Festival for the 400th anniversary of the death of Isabella the CathoHo, Medina del Campo, VaUa- dohd, 1904, for the celebration of the Centenary of the First Edition of "Don Quixote", and for the debate held at the Escorial for the 15th Centenary of the death of St. Augustine, 1886; on various occasions.

episcopal visitor of convents; one of the founders and former editor of "Revista Augustiniana " (now "La Ciudad de Dios"). Corresponding member of the Spanish Royal Historical Academy; member of the College of Doctors of Theology, Pontifical University for Ecclesiastical Studies, "Valladohd. Continuator of: Berti, "Brevarium Latinum Historioum" (Valla- dohd, 1889); Crusenio, "Monasticum Augustin- ianum" (ValladoUd, 1903); collaborator in "Ano Cristiano y Santoral Espanol" (Madrid, 1881- ); contributor to: "La Ilustraci6n Cat6Hca"; "La Ciudad de Dios."

ARTICLES: Agobtino Novello, Blessed; Badajoz, Diocese of; Barbastro, Diocese of; Barcelona, Diocese of; Braga, Archdiocese of; Braganqa-Miranda, Diocese of; Buhgos, Archdiocese of.

Lorigan, Reverend Jambs T., b. in Ireland, 1872. Education: Professor Coyne's School, Ireland; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio; I;Ouvaia University, Belgium. Began career as a journalist; came to America 1879; successively engaged in rail- road work and journalism, Tennessee, becoming iinaUy editor of a Cathohc weekly at NashviUe, 1879-1898; ordained 1905; assistant pastor in diocese of Nashville 1905; rector. Church of the Holy Ghost, KnoxviUe, Tennessee, establishing the parish and erecting the church and school, 1906-1912; chaplain, St. Peter's Orphanage, Memphis, Tenn., 1915- Has contributed to various magazines.

ARTICLE: Nashville, Diocese of.

Lorkin, Elizabeth Mary, l.r.a.m.

ARTICLES: Stradivari, Antonio; Stradivari Family.

Lortie, Reverend Joseph Francis Albert, O.M.I. , B.L., B.sc, B.A., b. at Ottawa, Canada, 17 September, 1881. Education: College of the Christian Brothers and Loyola CoUege, Montreal; Laval University, Quebec; Ottawa University, Ottawa, Canada. Entered the order of Oblates of Mary Immaculate; ordained 1908; professor of English Uterature and rhetoric (1908-1910), and acting rector (1910-1913), St. Patrick's CoUege, Jaffna, Ceylon; stationed at the Church of St. Saiiveur, Quebec, Canada, 1913- . Has lectured on social subjects in Ceylon. President (and founder, 1909) of the Jaffna Catholic Club. ARTICLE: Jaffna, Diocese of.

Lortie, Reverend Stanislaus A., a.m., d.d., b. at Quebec, Canada, 13 November, 1869; d. at Little Current, Ontario, Canada, 19 Aug., 1912. Education: Christian Brothers' School and Prepara- tory and Grand Seminaries, Quebec; Canadian College and Propaganda, Rome, under SatolU and Lepioier. Ordained 1893; professor of philosophy (1893-1900, 1901-1906) and of dogmatic theology (1900-1912), Laval University, Quebec; theologian of the Archbishop of Quebec and assistant secretary, First Plenary Council of Quebec, 1909. Member of: the Preparatory Commission, Temperance Con- gress, Quebec, 1910; the Society of Social Economy of Paris; director and archivist (and one of the chief promoters) of the Soci^t^ du Parler Fran5ais au Canada; president (and one of the chief pro- moters) of the Society of Social and Political Economy of Quebec. Author of : "Elementa philos- ophia? ChristianEe ad mentem Sancti Thomse" (text book in Laval University and various other Canadian colleges); "Compositeur Typographe de Quebec" (CoUection: "Les ouvriers des Deux Mondes"); "Conferences de I'Universit^ Laval"; philosophical and sociological pamphlets; has contributed philo- sophical and sociological articles to various periodicals; one of the directors of the "Bulletin" of the Society du Parler Frangais au Canada.

ARTICLES: Bastiat, Claude-Fh^d^ric; Poor, Case of, by the Church.