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Loughlin, Right Reverend Monsignor James Francis, d.d., b. at Auburn, New York, 8 May, 1851; d. in Barbadoes, 17 March, 1911. Education: parish, pubhc, and high schools, Toledo, Ohio; Niagara University, Niagara Falls, New York; Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1874; assistant, St. Matthew's Church, Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, 1874-1880; professor of Greek, canon law, and music, St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania, 1880-1886; rector, Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Hadington, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he built the church, 188&-1901; chancellor of archdiocese of Philadelphia 1892; domestic prelate 1899; rector, Church of the Nativity, Philadelphia, 1901-1911; censor of books, secretary of the School Board and member of various charitable boards, archdiocese of Philadelphia. Established reading circles in principal parishes of Philadelphia; lecturer on Church history and on Dante; spoke fluently, Latin, Greek, French,. German, Itahan, Spanish, and Polish; one of the founders and former president, Catholic Summer School, Cliff Haven, New York; at one time president of the Catholic Young Men's National Union; former associate editor of "American CathoUc Quarterly Review" Member American Catholic Historical Society. Author of sermons; contributor to: "Phila- delphia Saturday Public Ledger"; "American Catho- lic Quarterly Review".

ARTICLES: Adrian I-VI, Popeb; Aqapetus I, Saint, Pope; Agapetus, Pope; Alexander II-IV, Popes; Alexander VI, Pope; Ambrose, Saint; Anaclettjs II; Anchorites; Antipodes; Arminianism; Cblestine V, Saint, Pope; Clement II-IV; VIII-XII, Popes; Clericis Laicos; Colonna Family; Congre- gationalism; Conwell, Henry; Corcoran, James; Disciples OF Christ; Discussions, Religious; Drexel, Francis Anthony; Egan, Michael; Eugene III, Blessed, Pope; Eugene IV, Pope; Faith, Protestant Confessions of; Friends, Society of; Gelasius II, Pope; Gregory VIII, Pope; Gregory VIII, Antipope; Infralapsarians; Paschal II, Pope; Paul III-V, Popes; Philadelphia, Archdiocese of; Pius III, IV, Popes.

Loweree, Reverend Daniel R., b.a., b. at Guadalajara, Mexico, 1877. Education: Seminary, Guadalajara. Ordained 1903; at present, hbrarian of the Seminary, Guadalajara. Contributor to various periodicals; editor of "Boletin Eolesidstico y Cientifico del Arzobispado de Guadalajara".

AKTICLE: Guadalajara, Archdiocese or.

Lowth, Mother Catherine Mart, r.s.h. Education: College and State University, Wisconsin. Entered the Society of the Sacred Heart; has devoted her time to teaching in various schools of her order; has been mistress of studies in Sacred Heart convents, St. Louis, Missouri; Chicago, Illinois; Cincinnati, Ohio; Manhattanville, New York; Ehnhurst, Provi- dence, Rhode Island; Lake Forest, Illinois; and (at present) Halifax, N. S.

ARTICLE: Duchesne, Philippine-Rose.

Loyola, Mother Mart (Elizabeth Giles), writer, b. at Islington, London, 30 June, 1845. Education: Bar Convent, York, England. Became a Cathohc 1855; entered the Institute of Mary 1866; at present mistress of novices. Bar Convent, York. Author of: "First Communion"; "Child of God"; "Soldier of Christ"; "Hail, FuU of Grace"; ';Confes- sion and Communion"; "Coram Sanctissimo " ; "Jesus of Nazareth"; "Welcome"; "Home for Good"; "Forgive Us Our Trespasses"; "First Confession"; "Heavenwards"; "Children's Charter",


ARTICLES: Institute of Mary; Ward, Maey.

Lucas, Reverend George J., s.t.d., j.u.d., b. at Youghal, Co. Cork, Ireland, 22 May, 1852. Educa- tion: St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; Woodstock College, Woodstock, and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland; Catholic University, Washington, D. C; Pontifical University, Rome;

further studies in Canada, England and Belgium. Entered the Society of Jesus, but left it owing to ill health; ordained 1889; curate (1889-1896) at Scran- ton, Archbald, and Dunmore, Pa. ; rector, St. Andrew's Church, Blossburg, Pa., 1896-1908; rector, St. Mary's Church, Pittston, Pa., 1908-1912; permanent rector, St. Patrick's Church, Soranton, Pa., 1912- ; synodal examiner ^eaad promoter fiscahs, diocese of Scranton; secretary and treasurer of board of directors of St. Patrick's Orphanage, Scranton. Moderator of the "Accademia" of priests of the diocese of Soranton. Author of "Agnosticism and Religion", which merited a congratulatory autograph letter from Gladstone (Baltimore, 1895); contributor to: "Freeman's Journal"; various newspapers. ARTICLE: Creed.

Lucas, Reverend Herbert Walter, s.j., m.a., writer, b. at Croydon, near London, 28 January, 1852. Education: Bayhs House; Beaumont College, Old Windsor, and Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, Eng- land; St. Bueno's College, St. Asaph, Wales; Gregorian University, Rome. Entered the Society of Jesus 1869; professor of Classics, philosophy, and pohtical economy, Stonyhurst CoUege, Blackburn, 1875-1882; ordained 1885; professor of Biblical exegesis, at St. Beuno's CoUege, 1889-1901; chaplain, Stonyhurst College, 1903-1908; stationed at St. Francis Xavier's Church, Liverpool, England, 1908-1916; St. George's, Worcester, 1916- . Author of: "Fra Girolamo Savonarola" (1899; 2nd ed. 1906); "In the Morning of Life" (1904; 3rd ed. 1910; German tr. 1900); "At the Parting of the Ways" (1906; 2nd ed. 1908); "We Preach Christ Crucified" (1908); (pamphlets:) "Conformity or Comprehensiveness"; "The Road to Reunion"; "The Iron Virgin of Nuremberg"; "Holy Mass" (2 vols. 1914); "God's Truth" (1916); con- tributor to: "The Tablet"; "The Month"; "Dubhn Review".

ARTICLE: Ecclesiastical Aechitectuee.

Lucey, Right Reverend Monsignor John Michael, a.m., b. at Troy, New York, 29 September, 1843; d. at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, 20 June, 1914. Education: Catholic School and Ward's Academy, Fort Smith, Arkansas, under Professor Stanley, now generally identified with Henry M. Stanley, the explorer; St. John's College, Fordham, New York; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio. Served in the Confederate Army, imder McCuUogh, Sterhng, Price, and Hindman, 1861 ; teacher, high school. Fort Smith, Arkansas, 1870-1871; ordained 1872; mission- ary and pastor in Southeastern Arkansas 1872-1914; domestic prelate 1903; vicar-general, diocese of Little Rock, 1907-1914; was chaplain general of the Arkansas Division, United Confederate Veterans of the South. Mentioned for bravery at Battle of Wilson's Creek, 1861; organized St. Joseph's Parish and founded Colored Industrial Institute, Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Former member Arkansas Historical Association. Author of: "Sketch of the Cathohc Church in Arkansas"; "Practical Socialism" (pam- phlet); "The Mass" (pamphlet); contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLE: Little Rock, Diocese of.

Luebbermann, Reverend Boniface, b. at Cincinnati, Ohio, 8 November, 1852; d. at Dayton, Ohio, 9 May, 1910. Education: St. Meinrad's College, St. Meinrad, Indiana. Professed in the Benedictine Order 1871; ordained 1877; missionary in Arkansas, establishing 13 congregations, 1878- 1879; superior (1884-1889) and prefect (1886-1888), St. Meinrad's Abbey, St. Meinrad, Indiana; with the consent of his superiors, became affiliated with the archdiocese of Cincinnati, 1889; professor of philoso- phy and other branches, Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, 1890-1895; rector, St. John's Church'