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Maas, Reverend Anthony J., s.j., b. at Baink- hausen, Westphalia, Germany, 23 August, 1858, son of John Maas and EUzabeth Peetz. Education: pubhc schools; private schools at Hellefeld and Stockum, WestphaMa; Gymnasium, Arnsberg, West- phalia; Jesuit scholasticates, Manresa, New York, Woodstock, Maryland, and Manresa, Spain. Came to America and entered the Society of Jesus 1877; professor of Latin and Greek, Jesuit scholasticate, Frederick, Maryland, 1883-1884; professor of Hebrew (1885-1905) and Ubrarian (1888-1905), Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland; ordained 1887; professor of Scripture (1891-1905) and prefect of studies (1897-1905), Woodstock College; assistant editor of "The Messenger", New York, 1905- 1907; rector, Woodstock College, 1907-1912; provin- cial, New York-Maryland Province, Society of Jesus, resident in New York, 1912- . Author of: "Life of Christ" (St. Louis, 1891); "Enchiridion" (Baltimore, 1892); "Day in the Temple" (St. Louis, 1892); "Christ in Type and Prophecy", 2 vols. (New York, 1893, 1896); "Commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew" (Boston, 1898); contributor to "American Catholic Quarterly Review" and various theological periodicals.

ARTICLES: Abaddon; Abarim; Abba; Abel; Aben Ezra; Aberle, Moritz von; Abiathah; Abisai; Abner; Abraham EcCHELENSis; Abram, NICHOLAS; Absinthe; Abyss; Acacia; Accaron; Achab; Achaicus; Achaz; Acre; Acrostic; Adrichem, Christian Kruik van; Adullam; Agabus; Agrapha; Albi, Juan de; Alfonso db Zamora; Allemand, Jean; Allioli, Joseph Franz; Amelote, Denis; Ancient of Days; Andrew OF C.ESAREA; ANTICHRIST; Aquila AND Priscilla; Assideans; AssuERtrs; Astruc, Jean; Athias, Joseph; Babel; Caballbro, Raimundo Diosdado; Cabassut, Jean; Castro Palao, Fernando; Communicatio Idiomattjm; Coninck, Giles de; CoRRECTORiES ; Deltjge; Deuteronomy; Editions of the Bible; Elect; Elohim; Emmanuel; Engaddi; Ephod; Epistle (in Scripture); Esch, Nicolaus van; Evagrius (Ponticus) ; Exegesis; Fabri, Honorb; Filioque; Forer, Laurenz; Genealogy (in the Bible); Genealogy of Christ; Gibbons, John; Gibbons, Richard; Gretsbr, Jacob; Haydock, George Leo; Henoch; HENRiQUEZ, Enrique; Hermeneutics; Hex.e- meron; Jehovah; Jesus Christ; Kenosis; Knowledge of Jesus Christ; Labbe, Philippe; Lentulus, Publius; Logia Jesu; Lucifer; Maurus, Sylvester; Pentateuch; Preada- mites; Psalms, Alphabetic; Quarantines; Resurrection; Salvation; Scripture; Theology, Dogmatic — Christology; Tower of Babel; Types in Scripture; Versions of the Bible: English Versions; Virgin Birth of Christ; Virgin Mary, The Blessed.

MacAuley, Patrick J., b. at Belfast, Ireland, 12 December, 1884. Education: St. Malachy's College, Belfast, and Maynooth College, Dublin, Ireland. Came to America 1909; on the staff of The CathoUc Encyclopedia, New York, 1909-1911; employed in an auditorial capacity by Foley, Welch & Stewart on the Western Division of the Grand Trunk Pacific Transcontinental Railway, resident at New Hazelton, British Columbia, 1911-

ARTICLES: Gagarin, Ivan Sergejewitch; Gifford, William; Godard, Saint; Gonnelibu, J^r6me; Hatton, Edward Anthony; Hbortology; Ibagu:^, Diocese of; Jeremi- AS (8); John of Beverley, Saint; Kimberley (Australia), Vicariate Apostolic of; Konig, Joseph; Langley, Richard; Laos, Vicariate Apostolic op; Loango, Vicariate Apostolic of; Serena, La, Diocese of.

colleges; stationed at Boston College, Bo.ston, Massa- chusetts, 1909-1911; professor of poetry and rhetoric, St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, 1912-1916; Brooklyn College, 1917. ARTICLES: Andrada de Payva, Diego; Azor, Juan.

MacCafirey, Reverend Canon James, Ph.D., S.T.L., J.O.B., b. at Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, 1875. Education: St. Macartan's College, Monaghan, and Maynooth College (Dunboyne student), DubUn, Ireland; Ecole des Chartes and School of Higher Studies, Paris; University of Freiburg, Germany. Ordained 1899; at present, professor of ecclesiastical history, Maynooth. Secre- tary, CathoUc Record Society of Ireland. Author of: "History of the CathoUc Church in the XIX Century", 2 vols. (DubUn and St. Louis, 1909; 2nd ed. 1910); "Manual of Church History" 2 vols. (DubUn, 1912); edited "Black Book of Lmierick", from manuscript in Majmooth Library (DubUn, 1907); contributor to magazines in Ireland and Germany; editor of "Journal of the CathoUc Record Society of Ireland"; associate editor of "Irish Theological Quarterly".

ARTICLES: Baron, Bonaventura; Basil of Seleucia; Basle, Council of; Boyle Abbey; Callistus II, Pope; Callistus III, Pope; Carve, Thomas; Clogher, Diocese of; CoELCHu; Colgan, John; Comgall, Saint; Cormac Mac- Cuilenan; Curry, John; Derry, Diocese of; Fleming, Thomas; French, Nicholas; Gihaldus Cambrensis.

McCarthy, Charles Hallan, Ph.D., b. at FrankUn, New Jersey, 14 February, 1860. Educa- tion: pubUc school, FrankUn; private tutors; Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Assistant princi- pal, pubUc schools of New Jersey, 1879-1881; clerk and special examiner, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C, 1881-1887; high school teacher, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1890-1904; lecturer on EngUsh and American history. Institute of Pedagogy, New York City, 1902-1904; professor of American history, CathoUc University, Washington, D. C, 1904^ . Member American Historical Associa- tion. Author of: "Lincoln's Plan of Reconstruction" (New York, 1901); "Civil Government in the United States" (Washington, 1911); "Columbus and His Predecessors" (Philadelphia, 1912); revised and enlarged: Fredet, "Modern History"; Kerney, "Compendium of History"; Kerney, "Abridgment of Murray's Grammar". ARTICLE: United States of America.

McCarthy, Right Reverend Felix D., b. at Carbonear, 1861. Education: AU Hallows College, Dublin, Ireland. Ordained 1884; assistant at the cathedral. Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, 1884-1886; engaged in parish work at Fortune Harbor (1886- 1887) and at the Straits of Belle Isle (1887-1889), Newfoundland; rector, St. Patrick's Church, Carbo- near, 1889- ; vicar-general, diocese of Harbor Grace, 1914^ ARTICLE: Harbor Grace, Diocese of.

McCafifray, Reverend Arthur J., s.j., b. at McCloskey, Right Reverend Monsignor James

Brooklyn, New York, 4 July, 1876. Education: St. Paul, b. at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 9 December,

Francis Xavier's CoUege, New York; Woodstock 1870. Education: La Salle College, Philadelphia,

College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society and St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania.

of Jesus 1893; ordained 1908 j has held the posts of Ordained 1898; at various times assistant at the

professor of Classics and of history in various Jesuit cathedral, Mobile, Alabama, and at St. Clement's