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Church and Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Philadelphia; rector of the Seminary and secretary to the Bishop, Vigan, Philippine Islands, 1903-1905; rector, St. Gertrude's Church, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, 1905-1909; vicar- general, chancellor and secretary, diocese of Jaro, Philippine Islands, 1909-1916; rector of the Church of the B.V.M., Media, 1916; appointed Bishop of Zamboango, Philippine Islands, 1917. ARTICLE: Jaho, Diocese of.

McCormack, Mother Mart Belinda, r.s.h., Convent of the Sacred Heart, Omaha, Nebraska. ARTICLE: Hahdey, Maky Alotsia.

McCormick, Reverend Patrick Joseph, s.t.l., Ph.D., b. at Norwich, Connecticut, 10 December, 1880. Education: St. Joseph's Seminary, Dun- woodie. New York; CathoHc University, Washington. Ordained 1904; diocesan superintendent of schools, Hartford, Connecticut, 1906-1910; associate professor of education, CathoUc University, Washington, 1910. Collaborator in "Cyclopedia of Education", "Encyclopedia of Sunday Schools"; contributor to: "Cathohc University Bulletin"; "Catholic Educa- tional Review".

ARTICLES: Vegio, Maffeo; Vittoeino da Feltre.

MacDonald, Right Reverend Alexander, d.d., LL.D., Bishop of Victoria, British Columbia, b. at Mabou, Nova Scotia, 18 February, 1858. Education: St. Francis Xavier's College, Antigonish, Nova Scotia; Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1884; profes- sor of Latin, English and philosophy, St. Francis Xavier's College, Antigonish, 1884-1903; vicar- general of the diocese (1900-1908) and rector of St. Andrew's Church (1903-1908J, Antigonish; Bishop of Victoria, British Columbia, 1908- . Author of: "Symbol of the Apostles" (New York, 1903); "Symbol in Sermons" (New York, 1904); "Sacrifice of the Mass" (New York, 1905); "Questions of the Day", Vols. I and II (New York, 1905, 1906); "Mercies of the Sacred Heart" (New York, 1905); "The Sacraments" (New York, 1906); contributor to: "Catholic World"; "Ave Maria"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Homiletic Monthly"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Casket" (Anti- gonish).

ARTICLE: Antigonish.

MacDonald, Anna Spbague, b.a., Boston, Massa- chusetts.

ARTICLE: MacDonald, John.

Macdonald, Reverend Donald R., b.a., b. at Mongenais, P. Q., Canada, 27 May, 1867. Educa- tion: Catholic and high schools, Alexandria, Glen- garry, Canada; Ottawa University and Seminary, Ottawa, Canada. Ordained 1892; assistant at the cathedral, Alexandria, Canada, 1892-1898; succes- sively rector at Crysler and (at present) of St. Margaret's Church, Glennevis, Canada. Introduced Sisters of Charity of Providence into the parish, 1912; active in the cause of total abstinence; built high school both for pupils of parish and for young reMgious preparing themselves for teaching, Glen- nevis, 1913. Member of the Cathohc Order of Foresters, and Board of Trustees for Provincial High School; Knight of Columbus; organizer and director of diocesan branch of Cathohc Church Extension Society, 1916.

ARTICLE: Macdonell, Albxandeh.

McDonald, Very Reverend Canon Michael, b. at Kilglassan, HoUymount, Co. Mayo, 27 March, 1866. Education: St. Jarlath's College, Tuam, and Maynooth College, Dublin, Ireland. Ordained 1893; administrator of the parish of Westport, Ireland, 1900-1910; pastor at Burrishoole, near Newport, vicar forane of the deanery of Westport, and canon of the cathedral, Tuam, Ireland. Active in organizing and establishing the annual pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick, County Mayo. Author of pamphlets, lectures, addresses; contributor to various periodicals. ARTICLE: Cboagh Pateick.

McDonald, Reverend Walter, d.d., prefect, Dunboyne Establishment, Maynooth College, Dublin, Ireland.

ARTICLES: CoNQBniBM; Eteenitt.

MacEchen, A. J. G., ll.d., Professor of political economy and law, St. Francis Xavier's University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

ARTICLE: Universities: Canada-University of St. Francis Xavier's College.

McEnerney, Garret William, b.s., lawyer, b. at Napa, California, 17 February, 1865, son of John and Margaret (Gunoude) McEnerney. Education: pubUc and private schools, Napa; Sacramento Institute, Sacramento, and St. Mary's College, San Francisco, California; studied law at Napa. Practis- ing lawyer, resident at San Francisco, 1886- ; Married EUzabeth (d. 1900), daughter of John S. Hogan, 1896; attorney for Cahfomia and San Fran- cisco Boards of Health, 1896-1899; regent. University of California, 1901- ; married Genevieve, daughter of Will S. Green, 1903. Counsel for United States, representing archbishop and bishops of California, in arbitration between United States and Mexico, relative to the Pious Fimd of the Cahfomias, The Hague, 1902; after San Francisco earthquake and fire (1906), promoted passage by legislature and defended vahdity in the courts of act, locally called "Mc- Enerney Act" to permit owners of real property to restore their record titles. ARTICI^: PiODS Fond of the Califoenias.

MacErlean, Andrew Alphonsub, ll.b., lawyer, b. at Belfast, Ireland, son of Andrew and Ehzabeth (Campbell) jMacErlean; brother of Rev. John C. MacErlean, s.j. Education: St. Malachy's College, Belfast, and Castlenock College, Dubim, Ireland; Royal University of Ireland; further studies in Belgium; Fordham University, New York City. Came to the United States 1909; on the staff of The Catholic Encyclopedia, New York City, 1909- 1914; member of the Bar of the State of New York, 1915; at present, resident in New York City. Author of: "Calendar of Irish Saints"; contributor to: "New Ireland Review"; "Rosary Magazine"; collaborator in Edmund Hogan's "Onomasticon Goedehcum".

ARTICLES: Claret t ClaeA, Antonio MAEfA, Venbeable; Cross, Daughters of the; Cross, Daughters op the, French; Cross, Daughters of the Holy; Diocese; Eenakulam, Vicariate Apostolic of; Finbaee, Saint; Gaezon, Diocese of; Genevieve, Saint; Geoege Pisidbs; Geemain, Saint, Bishop of Auxebee; Germain, Saint, Bishop of Paris; Giffard, Bonaventure; Gilbert, Sir John Thomas; Glabee, Raoul; Goajiea, Vicaeiate Apostolic of; Goodman, Godfrey; HooKE, Luke Joseph; Hospitius, Saint; Ives, Saint; Knight, William, Venerable; Lambert, Louis A.; Lanigan, John; Leodegar, Saint; Loja, Diocese op; Lugo, Diocese of; McCarthy, Justin; MacMahon, Hebee; Maqinn, Edwaed; Magnesia; Maine db Biran, FRANgois-PiBRRE-GoNTHiEH; Mariana, Archdiocese of; Marshall Islands, Vicaeiate Apostolic of; Melito, Saint; Melo, Diocese of; Mbndez


ward; MiSrida, Diocese of; Metoalf, Edward; Ming, John; Montevideo, Archdiocese of; Moeeib, John Beande; Motu Pbopeio; Mozzi, Luigi; Neville, Edmund; Noethern Ter- ritory, Prefecture Apostolic of the; Nyssa, Vicariate Apostolic of; Olinda, Diocese op; Pasto, Diocese op; Pelotas, Diocese op; Perth, Diocese op; Prefectuee Apostolic; Quito, Diocese of; Riobamba, Diocese of; Rio Negro, Prefecture Apostolic 6f; Sacred Heart of Jbsub, Missionary Sisters of the; Saint Thomas, Diocese of; Saint Thomas op Guiana, Diocese of; San Lb6n del Ama- zoNAS, Prefecture Apostolic of; San Salvador, Diocese of; Santa Fe, Diocese of; Santa Maria, Diocese of; Santa Maria de Monsereato, Abbey Nullius of; Santa Marta, Diocese of; Sio Luiz do Maeanhao, Diocese of; Sao Salvador db Bahia db Todos os Santos, Aechdiocese op; Societies, Catholic, Ameeican Federation of; Solsona,