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ARTICLES: Bbuko of Qderfubt, Saint; Christine of Stommeln, Blessed; Cosmas and Damian, Saints; Crispin AND Chispinian, Saints; Chispina, Saint; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Toulon; Cyprian, Saint, and Justina, Saint; Dor- othea, Saint; Engelbeht of Cologne, Saint; Erhard of Ratisbon, Saint; Eucharius, Saint; EtjQENDtrs, Saint; Fa- bian, Saint, Pope; Fructoosus of Braga, Saint; FRucTtrosns of Tarragona, Saint; Tibcbtius and Susanna, Saints; Timo-


Nympha; Vitalis AMD Aqeioola, Saints.

Meister, Franz, Freiburg, Germany. ARTICLE : Herdeb.

Melstermann, Reverend Barnabas Francis Joseph, o.f.m., b. at Pfaffenheim, Alsace, Germany, 27 March, 1850. Education: Seminary, Strassburg, Germany. Ordained 1873; engaged in parish work in the diocese of Strassburg 1873-1875; entered the Franciscan Order 1875; stationed for a time succes- sively in France and England; former Apostolic Penitentiary, Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels, Assisi, Italy; missionary in China 1887-1893; engaged in teaching, writing, and missionary and research work, Jerusalem, 1893- ; at present, lector in archaeology and BibUcal geography. Convent of St. Salvator, Jerusalem. Author of: "La Portioncule" (Fohgno, 1884); "Le Mont Thabor" (Paris, 1900); "La montagne de la GaUlee oil le Seigneur apparut aux Apdtres" (Jerusalem, 1901); "Deux questions d'archlologie palestinienne" (Jerusalem, 1902); "Le Pr6toire de Pilate et la forteresse Antonia" (Paris, 1902); "Questions de topographie palestinienne" (Jerusalem, 1903); "Le tombeau de la Sainte Vierge k Jerusalem" (Jerusalem, 1903); "La Ville de David" (Paris, 1903); "La patrie de Saint Jean-Baptiste" (Paris, 1904); "New Guide to the Holy Land", translated from the French edition (London, 1907); "Guide du Nil au Jourdain par le Sinaif et P^tra" (Paris, 1909).

ARTICLES: Gethsemani; Haceldama; Jebusalem (I. Be- fore a.d. 71); Naim; Nazareth; Pretorium ; Temple of Jeru- salem; Thabob, Mount; Tomb of the Blessed Vibgin Mary; Teansfigueation.

Melancon, Reverend Louis GfiofiON Arthur, S.J., b. at Montreal, 30 October, 1863. Education: Jacques Cartier School, Preparatory Seminary and St. Mary's CoUege, Montreal. Entered the Society of Jesus 1883; ordained 1896; engaged at different times in missionary and parish work and in teaching in various Jesuit colleges; missionary among the Iroquois, Caughnawaga, Canada, 1903-1906; succes- sively teacher and assistant archivist, St. Mary's College, Montreal, 1906-

ARTICLES: Sault Sainte Marie, Diocese of; Vaillant DE GuESLis, Francois; Viel, Nicolas.

Melody, Reverend John Webster, a.m^ s.t.d., associate professor of moral theology, CathoUc University of America, Washington, D. C.

ARTICLES: Acts, Indifferent; Adultery; Blasphemy; Chastity; Chicago, Archdiocese of; Commandments op the Church; Continence; Covarruvias, Diego; Cresconius.

Menard, Sister Marie, b. at Nantes, France, 11 October, 1843; d. at Kentucky, March, 1914. Education: Belief ontaine Institute, Nantes. Entered the Order of Sisters of Charity of Nazareth 1863; teacher (1865-1914), superintendent of the Normal School for Sisters (1879-1914), and librarian, Convent of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Nazareth, Kentucky; fourth assistant general and secretary general of her order, Nazareth, Kentucky, 1911-1914. Author of pamphlets; collaborator in: "Encyclopaedia Americana" and "Catholic Church in the United States" (by Sister Marie: "Nazareth"). ARTICLE: Nazareth, Sistees of Chabity of.

Merk, Reverend Karl Joseph August, s.j., b. at Achern, Baden, Germany, 11 September, 1869. Education: Freiburg, Germany; Rome; Munich;

Jesuit scholasticates, Valkenburg and Exaten, Hol- land; St. Joseph's University, Beirut, Syria. Entered the Society of Jesus 1888; ordained 1899; former professor of apologetics and professor of Sacred Scripture (1910- ), St. Ignatius College, Valken- burg. Has travelled extensively, making a study of Oriental Biblical Manuscripts. Contributor to: "Byzantinische Zeitsohrift"; "Zeitsohrift filr katho- lisohe Theologie".

ARTICLES: Lebanon; Machpelah; Magdala; Romans, Epistle to the; Testament, The Old.

Merrigan, Thomas Davis, m.d., physician and surgeon. Education: pubUc schools, St. Francis Xavier's College, and New York University, New York. Interne, Charity Hospital (1887-1889) and Gouverneur Hospital (1889-1890), New York; dem- onstrator of anatomy, New York University, 1888- 1889; instructor in Practitioners' Anatomy, New York Post Graduate Medical School, 1890-1894; professor of anatomy, Fordham University, New York, 1905-

visiting surgeon, St. Laurence Hospital, New

York; practising physician and surgeon. Member of the New York County Medical Society, and the New York State Medical Society.

ARTICLE: Anatomy.

Mershman, Reverend Francis, o.s.b., d.d., b. on board ship on Mississippi River, 15 November, 1852, of German parents. Education: St. Joseph's School, St. Louis, Missouri; private Latin course at Washington, Missouri; St. Louis University, St. Louis; St. John's Seminary, CoUegeviUe, Minnesota. Entered the Benedictine Order 1870; professor of Classics and mathematics, St. John's Seminary, CoUegeviUe, 1871-1875; ordained 1875; engaged occasionaUy in missionary work. State of Minnesota, 1876-1890; professor of Church history (1877-1891), prefect of studies (1878-1882), professor of dogmatic theology (1879-1896), of hturgy (1884-1889, 1897- ), of moral theology (1886-1890, 1895- ), of canon law (1890-1899, 1905- ), of homiletics (1893-1900) and of pastoral theology (1899-1904), and chaplain (1909- ), St. John's University, CoUegeviUe, Minnesota. Author of : " Handy Manual of Pontifical Ceremonies" (St. Louis, 1904); "Corrup- tions of Christian and Scriptural Names", pamphlet.

ARTICLES: Advent; All Saints; All Souls' Day; Bab- LAAM and Josaphat; Boniface, Saint, Apostle jf Gebmany; Chbodegang, Saint; Cobbinian, Saint; Cobpus Chbisti, Feast of; Deer, Abbey of; Diario Romano; D5ring, Mat- thias; Elizabeth of Reute, Blessed; Elizabeth of Schonau, Saint; Ember-Days; Eusebius, Saint (Presbyter at Rome); EusTACHius AND COMPANIONS, Saints; Faldstool; Felix and Adauctus, Saints; Feria; Flabellum; Funeral Pall; Galla, Saint; Gallicanus, Saints; Garnier, Jean; Genesius (5); Gervasius and Protasius, Saints; Gottschalk, Saint; Greg- ory OF Utrecht, Saint; Gugler, Joseph Heinrich Aloysius; Helen of SkOfde, Saint; Hermann Joseph, Blessed; Hilde- gaed. Saint; Himeeius; Hitpoep, Melchiob; Holzhausee, Bartholomew; Hugh of Fleury; Hyacinth, Saint; Hyacintha Maeiscotti, Saint; Innocent II, Pope; Jeeome Emiliani, Saint; John Baptist de Rossi, Saint; John Cornelius and Companions, Veneeables; John of Sahagun, Saint; John Sabkandeb; John the Silent, Saint; Joseph Calasanctius, Saint; Joseph of Cupertino, Saint; Juliana of Li^ge, Saint; Larue, Charles de; Lectebn; Lennig, Adam Franz; Le Noua- EY, Denis-Nicolas; Litany; Litany of the Holy Name; Litany of the Saints; Ludgee, Saint; Lumpee, Gottfried; Maffei, Bebnardino; Martin I, Saint, Pope; Martin, Abbot op Schottenkloster; Martyrs, The Ten Thousand; Mabuthas, Saint; Massuet, Ren^; Maurice, Saint; Maueds, Saint; Meinweek, Blessed; Menaed, Nicolas-Hugues; Menas, Saint; Nausea, Frederic; Othlo; Otto of Passau; Palm Sunday; Passion Offices; Passion Sunday; Passion-tide; Patronage op Our Lady, Feast of the; Petee Gonzales, Saint; Pflug, Julius von; Piscina; Plenarium; Quadbages- ima; Quinquagesima; Raymond Nonnatus, Saint; Renty, Gaston-Jean-Baptibte de; Rita of Cascia, Saint; Rogation Days; Rosalia, Saint; Salt; Schloe, Aloysius; Septuagesima, Sexagesima; Solemnity; Stanislaus of Cbacow, Saint; Ste- phen op Autun; Subiaco; Supper, The Last; Tanner, Con- ead; Thais, Saint; Theodoee of Amasea, Saint; Theodotub OP Ancyea, Saint; Theophanes, Saint; Teasilla and Emil- lANA, Saints; Trinity Sunday; Teudo, Saint; Ttchicus, Saint; Ulhich op Zbll, Saint; Ubsus, Saint; Vicelinus, Saint; Vigilius, Saint; Vincent, Saint; Vincent Kadlubek, Blessed; Wenceslaus, Saint; Wigand, Saints; Willbhad,