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Saint; William, Saint; Willibald and Winneblad, Saints; WiLLiBRORD, Saint; WiLLiGis, Saint; WuLFBAM, Saint Zádori, Janos; Zeno, Saint.

(1913) "Selected Essays" (1914); contributor to numerous English-speaking reviews. ARTICLE: Patmore, Coventry.

Messmer, Right Reverend Sebastian Gebhard, D.D., D.C.L., Archbishop of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, b. at Goldach, St. Gall, Switzerland, 29 August, 1847, son of Sebastian Gebhard and Rosa (Baum- gartner) Messmer. Education: public school at Goldach, high school at Rorschach, and St. George's College, St. Gall, Switzerland; University of Inns- bruck, Austria; Roman Seminary, Rome. Ordained 1871; professor of dogmatic and moral theology, exegesis, canon law, and liturgy, Seton Hall College (1871-1889) and chaplain of St. Mary's Orphan Asylum (1881-1889), South Orange, New Jersey; professor of canon law, CathoUc University, Washing- ton, D. C, 1890-1892; Bishop of Green Bay, Wiscon- sin, 1892-1903; Archbishop of Milwaukee 1903- ; assistant at the Pontifical Throne 1906. Secretary at the Provincial Council, New York, 1883, and at the Plenary Council, Baltimore, 1884; has always taken prominent part in conventions of American Federation of Catholic Societies and Deutsch Romisch Kathohsohe Centralverein. Member of: American CathoUc Historical Association of Philadelphia, Wisconsin Historical Association, American Historical Association, American Geographical Association, Catholic Historical Association of New York. Author of: "Praxis Synodalis" (1883); "Canonical Procedure" (1886); "Spirago's Method" (1901); "Outhnes of Bible Knowledge" (1910); edited: Devivier, "Christian Apologetics" (1903); Bishop England's Works, 7 vols. (1908). AjlTICLES: Abministrator; Archbishop; Archdiocese.

Metz, Reverend William J., ll.b., diocesan director. Priest's Eucharistic League, Spokane, Washington.

ARTICLES: Seattle, Diocese of; Washington, State of.

Meyer, Vert Reverend George, s.m. of Paris, b. at Galfingen, Alsace, Germany, 23 January, 1850. Education : University of Besangon, France. Entered the Society of Mary of Paris 1867; ordained 1876; sub-director, Petit College Stanislas, Paris, 1876- 1877; sent to Dayton, Ohio, 1877; has held the posts of sub-director and director of St. Mary's Institute, Dayton; at present, provincial of the Cincinnati Province, Society of Mary of Paris, resident at Dayton. ARTICLE: Mart, Society of, of Paris.

Meyer, Wilhelm Joseph, Ph.D., b. 23 October, 1884. Education: Gymnasium, Zug, and Universities of Fribourg and Zurich, Switzerland. Formerly assistant at the Canton and University Library, Fribourg; associate hbrarian. Public Library, Bern, 1913- . Delivered a course of lectures on Hbrary science at the Summer School of the University of Fribourg, 1912. Member of the Swiss Society for Historical Research, and the Association of Swiss Librarians. Author of: "Der Chronist Werner Steiner, 1492-1542" (1910); "Zuger-Geschichtschrei- bung in neuerer Zeit" (1913); compiled "Catalogue des Inounables de la Bibliothfeque Universitaire k Fribourg". ARTICLE: Zwingli, Ulhich.

Meynell, Alice (Mrs. Wilfrid Metnell), poet and essayist, b. near London. Education: private, in England, France, and Italy, mainly under direction of her father, T. J. Thompson. Married Wilfrid Meynell 1877; has devoted her hfe to literature; friend of Francis Thompson, Coventry Patmore, and George Meredith; resident in London. Mentioned by the "Times" and other papers as a possible poet laureate of England, 1913. Author of: "CoUected Poems"

Middleton, Reverend Thomas Cooke, o.s.a., D.D., b. at Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, 30 March, 1842. Education : private school; St. Thomas College, Villanova, Pennsylvania; Sant' Agostino, Rome. Entered the Augustinian Order 1858; ordained 1864; teacher (for some time lecturer in philosophy) (1866- 1910) and president (1874-1878), St. Thomas College, Villanova; associate provincial and secretary for the United States, Augustinian Order, resident at Villa- nova, 1878- . First president (several times reelected) of the American Catholic Historical Society, 1884; for a number of years editor and consulting editor of "Records of the American Cathohc Historical Society of Philadelphia". Member of Committee of Historical Research (former chairman), American Catholic Historical Society. Author of: "Historical Sketch of Villanova, Pennsyl- vania, 1842-1892" (Philadelphia, 1893) ; Introduction to Donnelly, "Liguori Leaflets" (Philadelphia, 1887); "Life of Ven. Anna Maria Taigi", translated from the Italian of Balzofiore (Philadelphia, 1872) ; various pamphlets; edited, with Introduction, Maimbourg, "Life of St. Thomas of Villanova" (Philadelphia, 1874); collaborator in Ashmead, "History of Dela- ware County, Pennsylvania"; contributor to: "Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "American Catholic Historical Researches"; "Catho- lic Record" (Philadelphia); "Bulletins of the Free Library of Philadelphia"; "Catholic Annual" (New York); "Cathohc Review" (Brooklyn); "Freeman's Journal" (New York); "Villanova Monthly"; "Cathohc Standard" (Philadelphia); "Our Lady of Good Counsel" (Philadelphia); "PubMc Ledger" (Philadelphia); "Press" (Philadelphia). ARTICLE: Our Lady op Good Counsel, Feast of.

Ming, Reverend John J., s.j., b. at Gyswyl, Unterwalden, Switzerland, 20 September, 1838; d. at Brooklyn, Ohio, 17 June, 1910. Education: Bene- dictine College, Engelburg, Switzerland; Jesuit scholasticates, Aachen and Maria-Laach, Germany. Entered the Society of Jesus 1856; ordained 1868; preacher at Kreuzberg, Germany, 1870; theological lecturer at the seminary of the Prince Bishop of Gorz, Austria, 1871; came to the United States, 1872; engaged in pastoral duties (two years); professor of philosophy at Spring Hill, Alabama; Buffalo, New York; Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin; and St. Louis, Missouri (21 years). Author of: "The Temporal Sovereignty of the Holy See" (New York, 1892); "The Data of Modern Ethics Examined" (New York, 1894, 1897, 1904); "The Characteristics and the Rehgion of Modern SociaUsm " (New York, 1909) ; "The Morality of Modern Socialism" (New York, 1909); contributor to: "The Messenger"; "American Catholic Quarterly Review".

ARTICLES: Acts, Human; Categorical Imperative; Con- cupiscence.

Minges, Reverend Parthenitts, o.p.m., pL.d., S.T.D., b. at FlemUngen, Bavaria, 15 January, 1861. Education: Gymnasium, Speyer, and Franciscan scholastioate, Munich, Germany; University of Munich. Entered the Franciscan Order 1881; ordained 1886; former lector of theology, Franciscan scholastioate, Munich; at present, prefect of studies, St. Bonaventure's College, Quaracchi, Italy. Author of: "Geschichte der Franziskaner in Bayern" (Munich, 1896); "Compendium Theologise Dog- maticae generahs et specialis" (Munich, 1901-1902); "1st Duns Scotus Indeterminist" (Miinster, 1905); "Die Gnadenlehre des Duns Scotus auf ihren angebhchen Pelagianismus und Semipalagianismus