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Heinado Eucaristico " ; contributor to: "El Heraldo de la Euoaristia"; "Boletln Literaria"; "Los Prin- cipios Cat61ioos". ABTICLE: Cuenca, Diocese of.

Alvarez, Reverend Josfi MaeIa, o.p., b. in the Province of Burgos, Spain, 16 March, 1871. Educa- tion: Burgos; St. Thomas College, Avila, Spain. Entered the Dominican Order 1886; ordained 1895; missionary in the Philippines, 1895, and in Formosa 1895-1904; prefect Apostohc of Shikoku, Japan, 1904- . Contributor to : " Correo Sino-Anamita ' ' ; "Misiones Cat61icas de Barcelona"; "Anales de la Propagaci6n de la F6"; Boletln de la Real Sociedad Geogrifica de Espana".

AKTICLE: Shi-kokit.

Alvarez Crespo, Reverend JtjaNj cm., b. in Orense, Spain, 5 March, 1871. Education: Seminary of Orense; Lazarist House of Studies, Madrid. En- tered the Congregation of the Mission 1888; ordained and transferred to Cuba 1895; studied English in the United States, at the same time teaching philosophy in St. Vincent's Seminary, Philadelphia, 1900; re- turned to Matanzas, Cuba, 1901 ; at different periods of his life has taught philosophy, history, the natural sciences, and Uterature, particularly that of Spain; ecclesiastical censor of the diocese of Havana; rector of the College of the Sacred Heart, Matanzas; at present Visitor of the Congregation in the Province of Antilles. Contributor to: "Diario de la Marina" (Havana); "Juventud" (Matanzas), a literary re- view of which he is the founder; "Pro Patria"-

AKTICLE: Havana, Diocese of.

Alves Martins, Right Reverend Jos£, d.d.. Bishop of Cape Verde. Education: Portuguese Sem- inary for Foreign Missions. Missionary in the Congo 1898-1908; chancellor of the diocese of Angola and Congo, resident at Loanda, 1909-1910; Bishop of Cape Verde 1910- . Twice commended by ec- clesiastical authorities and once by the government for his services as a missionary in the Congo. Trans- lated into Kikongo: "Catechismo de doutrina chris- ta"; "Mez de Maria"; "Resumo da Historia Bib- Hca*'.

ARTICLE: Sao Thiago de Cabo Vehde.

Amado de Contreras, Reverend Ram6n Rtjiz, S.J., B.A., iJtt.L., ph.L., J.U.D., writer, b. at CasteUo d'Ampurias, Catalonia, Spain, January 14, 1861. Education: University of Barcelona; Jesuit Scholasti- cates of Veruela and Tortosa. Practised law 1881- 1884; entered the Society of Jesus 1884; ordained and appointed teacher of humanities, Latin, and Greek at the Veruela Scholasticate 1896; spent sev- eral years in hterary work in the interests of education and in travelling in Germany (Berlin), England (London), Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile, making a special study of the educational systems of these countries ; associate editor of ' 'Raz6n y Fe" 1906-19 10 ; transferred to St. Ignatius College, Sarrid, Barcelona, for the founding of the review "La Educaci6n His- pano Americana", 1910. One of the founders of the "Academia Universitaria Cat61ica" at Madrid, and for a time its professor of higher pedagogy. Author of: "La Educaoi6n moral"; "La Educaci6n intelec- tual"; " La Educaci6n religiosa " ; " La Educaci6n de la Castidad"; "Historia de la educacidn y la Peda- gogia " ; " Educaoi6n Femenina ' ' ; " Educaci6n ci vica' ' ;

Didactica 6 el Artede ensenar"; "La Maestraoris- tiana"; "Conferencias Apolog^ticas (Los Peligros de laFe. HeperdidolaFe! El Modernismo religiose)"; "LaPiedad ilustrada"; "Epitome de Apologetica"; "Compendio de Historia Universal"; "Compendio de Historia de Espana"; "El Secreto del Exito"; "El Secreto de la Felicidad"; "La Iglesia y la libertad de ensenanza"; "Asc6tica Ignaciana"; several of which

have been translated into Italian, French, and other languages; "La Historia de los Papas" (tr. from the German of Ludwig Pastor); "El Compen- dio de Historia eclesidstica" (tr. from the German of J. Marx); "Catecismo popular explanado" (tr. from the German of Franz Spirago); "HomoMtica" (tr. from the German of Albert Meyenberg) ; contribu- tor of numerous articles to "Raz6n y Fe" regarding the educational systems of England, Germany, Ar- gentina, Uruguay, and Chile.

ARTICLES: AlcalA, Univeksitt op; BtrLL-FioHT, The Spanish; Castile and Ahagon; Catalonia; Guadix; Huelgas DE BuHGOs; Isabella I, the Catholic; Leon; Minorca; Mon- DONEDo; Orense; Ohihuela; Osma; Oviedo; Palencia; Pam- plona; Plasencia; Salamanca; Salamanca, University of; Santander; Saragossa; Segorbe; Segovia; Seville; Siguenza; SiGUENZA, Univehsity; Spain; Tarazona; Tarragona; Teruel; Todela; Tuy; Urgel; Valencia; Valladolid; Valladolid, University of; Vich; Vitoeia; Viva, Domenico; Zamoha.

Anger, Henry, Litt.B.,B.sc.

ARTICLE: Delacroix, Febdinand-Victob-EitgJine.

Anglin, Hon. Francis Alexander, b.a., eldest son of the late T. W. AngUn, sometime Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons, b. at St. John, New Brunswick, 1865. Education: St. Mary's College, Montreal; University of Ottawa. Called to the Bar of Ontario 1888; married Harriet I., daughter of the late Archibald Eraser, of Fraserfield, Glengarry, Ontario, 1892; King's Counsel 1902; Puisne Judge Exchequer Division of the High Court of Justice of Ontario 1904; Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, 1909- ; resident in Ottawa. Author of: "Trustees' Limitations and other Relief" (Toronto, 1910).

ARTICLE: Ontario.

Antoine, Sister Mart, Holy Cross Academy, Washington, D. C.

ARTICLE: Holy Cross, Sisters of the.

Antoinette, Mother, Nazareth Convent, Vic- toria, Texas.

ARTICLE: Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, Or- der of the.

Antonia, Sister (Goeb), Sister of the Poor of St. Francis, b. at Montjoie, near Aachen, Germany, 24 June, 1837. Entered the Congregation of the Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis 1856; stationed in various houses of her order in the United States 1860-1875; assistant superior St. Clara's Convent, Hartwell, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1875-1917.

ARTICLE: Poor of St. Francis, Sisters of the.

Appleton, Robert, b. in New York, 30 Sep- tember, 1864, son of Daniel Appleton, founder of the publishing house of D. Appleton and Company, and direct descendant of Samuel Appleton who emigrated from England in 1624 and settled in Ipswich, Mass. Education: St. Paul's School, Con- cord, New Hampshire; Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Entered the employ of Daniel Apple- ton and Company, pubhshers, becoming head of the subscription department; conceived the plan of Appleton's Scientific Library; one of the organizers and president of the Robert Appleton Company, publishers of the Catholic Encyclopedia, 1903-1914; resident in New York. Member of the University Club and New York Athletic Club; trustee of the American Defense Society.

Arbez, Reverend Edward Philip, s.s., m.a., b. in Paris, 16 May, 1881. Education: Preparatory Seminary of L'Argentifere and Seminary of Alix, France; St. Sulpice, Paris; special course in Sacred Scripture and Semitic languages, St. Austin's College and the Cathohc University, Washington, D. C. Ordained 1904; professor of apologetics (1904-1905), of Church history (1905-1912), and of Scripture