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College, Dublin, Ireland. Ordained 1894; engaged in parish work 1894—1895; professor of Classics and English, Diocesan College, BaUaghadereen, 1895- 1896; dean and professor of hturgy, Maynooth College, Dublin, 189&-1911; former member of Cathedral Chapter, Achonry; Bishop of Achonry 1911- . Liturgical correspondent, "Irish Eccle- siastical Record"; contributor to various other periodicals.

ARTICLES: Blessing; Canopy; Catafalque; Censer; Chrism; Chrismal, Chrismatory; Ciboritjm; Colours, Litur- gical; Commemoration (in Liturgy); Communion Bench; Communion of Children; Communion of the Sick; Credence; Crosier (or Pastoral Staff); Crossbearer; Cruet; Dese- cration; DoMiNus Vobiscum; Holy Communion; Imposition OF Hands; Improperia; Incense.

Mougel, Reverend Ambrose, o.cart., St. Hugh's Charterhouse, Parkminster. Photo facing page 190.

ARTICLES: Bruno, Saint, Dominic of Prussia; Heney (Egher) of Kalkar; Ludolf of Saxony.

Moyes, Right Reverend Monsignob Canon James, d.d., writer, b. at Edinburgh, Scotland, 1851. Education: Ireland; France; English College, Rome. Ordained 1875; professor, St. Bede's College, Man- chester, England, 1876-1892; canon theologian of the Chapter of Salford, England, 1891; former member of the School Board, Manchester; editor, "Dublin Review", 1892-1903; attached to Westminster Cathedral, London, 1892- ; canon theologian of the Metropolitan Chapter 1894; domestic prelate 1897. Served on Papal Commission on Anglican Orders, Rome, 1896. Author of: "Aspects of AngUcanism" (London, 1906) ; pamphlets: "The Existence of God"; "St. Ansehn " ; etc. ; contributor to : " Dubhn Review " " "Tablet".

ARTICLES: Anglicanism; Clovesho, Councils of.

Muckermann, Reverend Herman, s.j., b. at Bueckburg, Schaumburg Lippe, Germany, 30 August, 1877. Education: various Jesuit scholastioates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1896; professor of mathematics and natural science. Sacred Heart College, Prairie-du-Chien, Wisconsin, 1904-1908; professor of biology, St. Ignatius College, Valkenburg, Holland, 1908-1911; ordained 1909; engaged in oytologieal research, Carnoy Institute, Louvain University, Belgium, 1911- . Author of: "The Essential Differences between the Human and Animal Soul", treatise (1906); "AUgemeine Biologie", Part I of "Grundriss der Biologie" (1909; Italian tr. by Bongioanni, 1912) ; various essays in English and German on biological subjects.

ARTICLES: Assimilation, Physiological; Biogenesis and Abiogenesis; Biology; Evolution.

Mueller, Reverend Uleich F., c.pp.s., b. at Abensberg, Bavaria, Germany, 10 March, 1872. Education: Gymnasium, DiUingen, Germany; St. Charles Seminary, Carthagena, Ohio. Former Lieu- tenant, 1st Bavarian Artillery, Germany; entered the Congregation of the Precious Blood 1894; ordained 1899; professor of sciences, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Indiana, 1899-1904; professor (at present of philosophy), St. Charles Seminary, Carthagena, Ohio, 1904- . Former president of CathoMc Total Abstinence Union of Ohio (two years) ; founder of Ohio League of the Cross; International Delegate of the CathoUc Total Abstinence Union of America to 13th International Anti-Alcohol Congress, The Hague, 1911; secretary for America, International CathoUc Anti-Alcohol Movement. Author of various pamphlets; contributor to: "Cathohc Tribune"; "Catholic Total Abstinence Union Advocate"; "Scientific Temperance Journal"; various periodicals of Germany.

ARTICLES: Brunner, Francis de Sales; Gaspare del Bufalo, Blessed; Precious Blood, Feast of the Most; Pre- cious Blood, Archconfraternity of the Most; Precious Blood, Congregation of the Most; Precious Blood, Daugh- ters of the; Precious Blood, Sisters of the.

Mulcahy, Reverend Cornelius, professor of Rhetoric, Maynooth College, Dublin.

ARTICLES: Fergus, Saint; Fiacc, Saint; Fiacbe, Saint; FuRSEY, Saint; Germaine Cousin, Saint.

Mulder, Reverend William John Mary, s.j., litt.D., Hist.D., b. at Amsterdam, Holland, 1875. Education: day school, Amsterdam; St. Dominic's College, Nimwegen, Holland; Oudenbosch, Holland; Jesuit scholasticate, Maastricht, Holland; University of Leyden. Entered the Society of Jesus 1894; professor, Jesuit College, Katwijk, Holland, 1904r- 1906, 1910-1912; ordained 1909; stationed at St. Stanislaus College, TuUamore, Ireland, 1912- ; at the Jesuit College, Katwijk, 1913-1914; at St. Dominic's College, Nimwegen, 1914^ . Member of the Historical Society (Utrecht) ; Literary Associa- tion of the Netherlands; Historical and Archseologioal Association of Westphalia; Association of Apologetics. Author of "Dietrich von Nieheim" (Amsterdam, 1907); collaborator in "Biografisoh Woordenboek"; contributor to: "Geschiedskundige Bladen"; "Studien"; " Mitteilungen des Instituts fur Oester- reichische Geschichtsforsohung"; "De KathoHek"; "De Tijd" ARTICLE: Urban VI, Pope.

Mulhane, Reverend Lawrence W., b. at Berlin, Massachusetts, 21 February, 1856, of Irish parents. Education: public schools. Marietta Academy and Marietta College, Marietta, Ohio; St. Aloysius Seminary, Columbus, Ohio. Ordained 1879; assistant, cathedral, Columbus, Ohio, 1879-1880; secretary to Bishop Watterson of Columbus 1880- 1885; rector, St. Vincent de Paul's Church, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, 1885- ; member of the School Board, Treasurer of the Infirm Priests' Fund, and Procurator FiscaUs, diocese of Columbus. Member of the Arctic Club of New York. Author of "Leprosy and the Charity of the Church" (Chicago, 1896); contributor to: "CathoMo Columbian" (under pen name R. C. Gleaner) ; various other Cathohc periodi- cals.

ARTICLE: Columbus, Diocese of.

Mullaly, Reverend Charles J., S.J., b. in Washington, 19 September, 1877. Education: Im- maculate Conception School, Gonzaga High School and Gonzaga College, Washington; Jesuit scholasti- cates, Frederick and Woodstock, Maryland, and Tortosa, Spain. Entered the Society of Jesus 1895; instructor of Latin and Greek, Preparatory School (1903-1906), and headmaster, St. John's HaU (1906- 1908), Fordham University, New York; ordained 1911; professor, Gonzaga College, Washington, 1912. Stationed at Novitiate of St. Andrew-on-Hudson, 1913; Prefect of DiscipUne, Fordham University, New York, 1914^1916; pastor Reading, Jamaica, B. W. I., 1916; assistant editor "Messenger of the Sacred Heart", 1917- . Several of his articles on Spanish subjects reprinted by the "Literary Digest" (New York) and "Der Sendbote des gott- lichen Herzens Jesu" (Innsbruck). President of the Washington Truth Society. Contributor to: "America"; "Messenger of the Sacred Heart".

ARTICLES: Oriol, Joseph, Saint; Tortosa, Diocese of.

Mullany, John I., lawyer, b. in Cahir, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, 1847. Education: parochial schools, Dubuque, Iowa; Classics under Bishop Smyth of Dubuque; College of Our Lady of the Angels, Niagara, New York. Admitted to the Bar 1873; former deputy clerk. District Court, Dubuque, at present practising lawyer, member of: firm of Mullany & Stuart, Dubuque; Dubuque Board of Education (12 years) ; State Bar Association of Iowa. Iowa Historical Society; regent of Dubuque College; Author of "Life of Julien Dubuque" (tr. from the