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Catholic University, Brookland, Washington, D. C. ARTICLES: Memokt; Occasionalism; Optimism; Panpsy-


Moran, Patrick Francis Cardinal, d.d., m.r.i.a., F.R.A.S., b. at Leighlin Bridge, Co. Carlow, Ireland, 16 September, 1830; d. at Sydney, Australia, 16 August, 1911. Education: Primary, Leighlin Bridge; Irish College, Gregorian University, and Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1853; held the posts of vice-rector of the Irish College, professor of Hebrew at the Propaganda and vice-rector of the Scots College, Rome; secretary to Cardinal CuUen, Archbishop of DubUn, 1866-1872; Coadjutor Bishop of Ossory and titular Bishop of Olba 1872; Bishop of Ossory 1872- 1884; Archbishop of Sydney 188<H911; Cardinal with title of St. Susanna 1885; Primate of Austraha. Founder, and for a time editor, "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; organized Ossory Archaeological Society, and published several papers in its Proceedings; convened and presided at three Plenary Synods of the Bishops of Australia, 1885, 1895, 1905; ordained 15 bishops during his episcopate; convened, presided at, and deMvered discourses at General Catholic Con- gresses of Australia, Sydney, 1900, 1909; participated in and read papers at CathoUc Congress, Melbourne, 1904. Author of: "Memoir of Yen. OKver Plunkett" (1861); "Essays on the Early Irish Church" (1864); "History of the Archbishops of Dublin" (1864); "History of the Persecutions of the Irish Catholics" (1865); "ActaSanctiBrendani" (1872); "Monasticon Hibernicum" (1873); "Spioilegium Ossoriense" (1874); "Irish Saints in Great Britain" (1879); "Pastoral Letters of Cardinal Cullen" (1882); "Occasional Papers" (1890); "Letters on the AngHcan Reformation" (1890); "History of the Catholic Church in Australasia" (1894); "Reunion of Christendom and Its Critics" (1896); "Mission Field in the Nineteenth Century" (1900); "Three Patrons of Erin" (1905); "Priests and People of Ireland" (1905).

ARTICLES: Cullen, Paul; Palladius, Saint; Patrick, Saint; Plunkett, Oliver, Venerable; Talbot, Peter.

Moreno-Lacalle, Julian, a.b., b. at Manila, Phihppine Islands, 18 October, 1881. Education: College of St. John Lateran and St. Thomas Univer- sity, Manila, Phihppine Islands; Royal College of Superior Studies, Escorial, Madrid, Spain; Concordia Institute, Zurich, Switzerland. Translator and editor, Pan-American Union, Washington, D. C, 1906- 1913; special agent of the Bureau of American Repubhcs, Jamestown Exposition, 1907. Officer of the Order of the Bust of the Liberator (Venezuela); secretary general, Spanish-American Atheneum of Washington, 1912-1914; instructor of Spanish, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Ind., 1914-

ARTICLES: Paraguay; Peru; Piauhy, Diocese op; Porto Alegre, Diocese of; Portovibjo, Diocese of; Puno, Diocese of; Ribeirao Preto, Diocese of; Saint Mark, University of; San Jos^ de Costa Rica, Diocese of; Santa Catharina, Diocese of; Santarem, Prelature Nullius of; Sao Carlos DO Pinhal, Diocese of; Sao Paulo, Archdiocese of; Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro, Archdiocese of; Socorro, Dio- cese of; Spirito Santo, Diocese of; Taubat^, Diocese of; TuNJA, Diocese of; Uberaba, Diocese of.

Morice, Reverend Adrian Gabriel, m.a., o.m.i., b. at Saint Mars-sur-Colmont, Mayenne, France, 27 August, 1859. Education: Oisseau, Sion and Autun, France. Entered the Order of Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1877; sent to British Columbia 1880; ordained 1882; missionary among the Chilcotin Indians at William's Lake (1882-1885) and at Stuart's Lake (1885-1906), British Columbia; stationed at St. Louis's Church, Kamloops, British Columbia, 1906- 1908; at Holy Family Juniorate, St. Boniface (1908- 1909), and St. Mary's Church, Winnipeg (1909- 1910), Manitoba; at Duck Lake, Saskatchewan, 1910- 1911; at Sacred Heart Church, Winnipeg, 1911-1914;

lecturer'in anthropology. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1911- ; again at Holy Family Juniorate, St. Boniface, 1914^ . Has mastered a number of Indian languages and dialects, compiling vocabularies and grammatical treatises of Chilcotin, Sekanais, and Nahanais languages; in- vented the D(5n6 Syllabary; estabUshed at Stuart's Lake a printing press for books in D6n6 language; employed 13 years in compiling dictionary of Carrier (Indian) language, manuscript of which was destroyed by fire; compiled various maps of his travels in British Columbia, for one of which he was awarded a silver medal by the Geographical Society of Paris; one of his maps published by British Columbian government; editor (and founder) of "Le Patriote de I'Ouest' (Duck Lake), 1910-1911; published for two years a monthly paper in syllables. Hon. member Philo- logical Society of Paris, of the Natural History Society of British Columbia, of the Art, Historical, and Scientific Association of Vancouver; member Ameri- can Anthropological Association, Historical Society of St. Boniface, Ethnological Committee of British Association for the Advancement of Science; cor- responding member Canadian Institute, Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, Geographical Society of Neufch^tel (Switzerland), Geographical Society of Quebec. Author of: "Au pays de Fours noir" (Paris, 1897); /'History of the Northern Interior of British Columbia" (Toronto, 1904; 3 eds.); "Aux sources de I'histoire manitobaine" (Quebec, 1907); " Dictionnaire historique des Canadiens et des M6tis frangais de I'Ouest" (Quebec, 1908); "History of the Cathohc Church in Western Canada", 2 vols. (Toronto, 1910); pamphlets; "Notes on the Western D^nfe"; "Minor Essays"; etc.; collaborator in "Encyclopsedia of Rehgion and Ethics "-

ARTICLES: British Columbia; Chinooks; Demers, Mo- DESTE;DiN^s; Fabhe, Joseph; Faraud, Henri; Garin, Andr^; Hare Indians; Lav]£rendrye, Pierre-Gaultier de Varennes, SiBUR de; Laverloch^re, Jean-Nicolas; Louchbux; Mani- toba; Mazenod, Charles Joseph Eugene de; Micmacs; Mis- sions, Catholic Indian (Canada) ; Montagnais Indians (Chippewayans) ; Nahanes; Prince Albert, Diocese of; Re- gina, Diocese of; Saint Boniface, Archdiocese of; Sas- katchewan AND Alberta; Seghers, Charles John; Sekanais; Slaves; Tach^, Alexandre-Antonin; Takkali; Yellow- Knives.

Moris, Very Reverend James, c.ss.r., b. at Linde (Peer), Limburg, Belgium, 10 March, 1876. Education: St. Lambert's College, Peer, St. Joseph's College, Hasselt, and Redemptorist scholasticate, Beauplateau, Belgium. Entered the Redemptorist Order 1894; ordained 1900; former lector of Classics in one of the houses of his order (one year) ; missionary in Dominica; at present, superior of the Redemptorist Convent, censor Mbrorum, vicar-general, and member of the Vigilance Committee, Roseau, Dominica. Contributor to the "Diocesan Review" (Roseau).

ARTICLE: Roseau, Diocese of.

Morrison, Robert Stewart, lawyer, b. at Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, 7 October, 1843, son of John and Hannah Davis Morrison. Education: Easthampton and Amherst, Massachusetts. Admitted to the Bar 1866; practised law at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 1866-1870, and at Denver, Colorado, 1870- ; married Edelmira Manuela De Sota, of Denver, 1873 ; member of the law firm of Morrison & De Sota, Denver, 1882- ; member Colorado Legislature 1887. Former member of Territorial Council, Colorado; Democratic candidate for Con- gress, but defeated, 1880. Author of: "Mining Rights" (1874; 15th ed. 1917); "Mining Digest" (1878); "Mining Reports", 22 vols. (1883-1906). ARTICLE: Colorado.

Morrisroe, Right Reverend Patrick, d.d.. Bishop of Aohonry, Ireland, b. at Charlestown, Co. Mayo, Ireland, 1869. Education: national schools; Diocesan College, Ballaghadereen, and Maynooth