ARTICLES: BEAirREGAnD, Jean-Nicolas; Celestine I,
Saint, Pope; Clerks Regular; Clerks Regular of Our
Saviour; Daniel, Gabriel; Faith, Hope and Charity, Saints;
Faustinus and Jovita, Saints; Filliucci, Vincenzo; Fonseca,
Pedro da; Franzelin, Johann Baptist; Frowin, Blessed;
Gelasius I, Saint, Pope; Giles, Saint; Gordianus and Epi-
MACHUS, Saints; Gorgonius, Saint; Guthlac, Saint.
Murphy, Very Reverend John I., c.s.sp., Cornwells, Maud P.O., Pennsylvania.
ARTICLES; Holt Ghost, Congregations of the; Liber- MANN, Francis Mary Paul, Venerable.
Murray, Right Reverend Monsignor John Baptist, b. at Martinsburg, West Virginia, 15 March, 1841. Education: St. Thomas Seminary, Bardstown, Kentucky; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati. Ordained 1863; assistant, St. Patrick's Church, Columbus, Ohio, 1863-1865; rector, St. Mary's Church, ChiUicothe, Ohio, 1865-1883; rector, St. Mary's Church, Urbana, Ohio, 1883-1889; rector, St. Edward's Church, Cincinnati, 1889-1894, 1904-
- president, Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati,
1894-1904; vicar-general, archdiocese of Cincinnati, 1910-
ARTICLE: Pubcell, John Baptist.
Mutel, Right Reverend Gustavb Charles Marie, titular Bishop of Milo and vicar Apostohc of Corea, b. at Blumerey, Haute-Marne, France, 8 March, 1854. Education: College at Joinville, and Preparatory and Grand Seminaries at Langres, France; Seminary for Foreign Missions, Paris. Entered the Society for Foreign Missions 1873; ordained 1877; missionary in Corea 1877-1885; director. Secretary of the Council and professor of liturgy. Seminary for Foreign Missions, Paris, 1885- 1890; titular Bishop of Milo and vicar Apostolic of Corea 1890- . As missionary, charged with the cause of the Corean martyrs; baptized the mother of the last Emperor of Corea, 1896. Contributor to:
"Annales de la Propagation de la Foi"; "Missions
ARTICLE: Corea, Vicariate Apostolic of.
Mutz, Vert Reverend Canon Franz Xaver, S.T.D., b. at Herbolzheim, Baden, Germany, 2 Decem- ber, 1854. Ordained 1878; rector (1896- ) and professor of pastoral theology, Seminary, St. Peter, near Freiburg; canon of the cathedral and member of the Diocesan Court, archdiocese of Freiburg-im- Breisgau; cross of the Order of the Lion of Zahringen (1st class), Author of: "Paulus und Johannes als Pastorallehrer" (Paderborn, 1909); "Christliche Aszetik" (Paderborn; 3rd ed. 1913); "Pastoral" (Freiburg-im-Breisgau; 3rd ed. 1913); collaborator in "Moralprobleme" (by Dr. Mutz: "Keuschheit") (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1911); contributor to: "Der katholische Seelsorger"; "Oberrheinisches Pastoral- blatt".
ARTICLE: Theology, Ascetical.
Myers, Reverend Edward, m.a., b. at York, England, 8 September, 1875. Education: CoUege of St. Louis, Menin, Belgium; St. Edmund's College, Ware, and St. Marie's CoUege, Oscott, England; Cambridge. Ordained 1902; professor of ecclesiasti- cal history (1903-1905), of patrology (1903- ) and of dogmatic theology (1905- ), St. Edmund's College, Ware. Author of: "Moral Instruction in French Schools from a CathoUc Point of View" (1908); "The New Psalter and Its Uses", in collabo- ration with Dr. Edwin Burton (1912); "Method of Theology", translations from the French of Mignot (1901) ; "Historical Criticism and the Old Testament", translation from the French of Lagrange (1907); contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "Cathohc World". ARTICLES: Centuriatorb of Magdeburg; Chapter House; Convocation of the English Clergy; Dominis, Marco Antonio de; Ethelhard; Eunomianism; Gelasius of Cyzicus; Giffard, Godfrey; Giffabd, William; Hosius of Cordova; Hugh of St. Victor; Geobqb of Thebizond.