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Nadal, Revbebnd Antonio, s.j., professor of Cosmplogy and the History of Philosophy, Colegio de Jesiis, Tortosa, Spain.

ARTICLE: UrrAburu, Juan Jos^.

Nainfa, Reverend John Abel Felix Prosper, S.S., S.T.L., iitt.B., Bachelor of Scholastic Philosophy, b. at Penne, Lot-et-Garonne, France, 21 Oct., 1878. Education: private; Preparatory Seminary, Bergerae; Seminary, P^rigueux, France; Seminary of St. Sulpice, Paris; Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C. Entered the Society of St. Sulpice and ordained 1903; sent to America 1904; at various times lecturer on Christian art, professor of hturgy and (1905-1910) professor of patrology and Church history, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Md.; professor of Church history and liturgy, St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park, California, 1910-1912; at the Cathohc University, Washington, 1912-1913. Stationed at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Md., 1913- . Member of L'AUiance Francaise (groupe de Baltimore), 1907-1910. Member of the Historical and Archaeological Society of P&igord. Author of: "Costume of Prelates of the Catholic Church accord- ing to Roman Etiquette" (Baltimore, 1909); "A Synthetical Manual of Liturgy" (translation of Vigourel, "Cours Synth^tique de Liturgie") (Balti- more, 1907).

ARTICLE: Henbion, Mathieu-Richabd-Auguste.

Nammack, Charles Edward, ph.B., m.d. ll.d., b. in New York, 24 June, 1856. Education: New York pubhc schools; College of St. Francis Xavier; New York University Medical CoUege. Teacher, 1876-1881; attending physician to Out Patients, New York Hospital, 1881-1904; surgeon of poUce, City of New York, 1887- ; visiting and consulting physician to Gouverneur Hospital, 1893-1898; visiting physician to Bellevue Hospital, 1896- ; professor of clinical medicine, Cornell University, 1898^ ; visiting physician, St. Vincent's Hospital, 1909- ; consulting physician, St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, Yonkers, N. Y., 1912- . Delegate to Inter- national Medical Congress, Paris, 1900; Madrid, 1903; Budapest, 1909. Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine; member of: American Clina- tological Association, American Therapeutic Society, New York Neurological Society, Alumni Society of Bellevue Hospital, New York County and State Medical Societies, and International Catholic Truth Society; president of the American Guild of St. Luke. Has contributed to medical and other periodicals.

ARTICLE: Aix^oholibm, Physical Effects op.

Navarro, Right Rbvekend Monsignor NicolXs EuGENio, sc.Bcol.D., b. at Margarita, Venezuela, 14 November, 1867. Education: Carupano, Venezuela; Episcopal School and Central University, Caracas. Ordained 1890; engaged in parish work, archdiocese of Caracas, 1890-1899; former chaplain of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes; for a time secretary of the Archbishop of Caracas; has held the posts of director (1902-1905) and professor of dogmatic theology and Scripture, and, at present, rector (1905- ) and professor of philosophy, ecclesiastical sciences, and humanities, Faculty of Ecclesiastical Sciences, Central Confession.

University (Metropolitan Seminary), Caracas; proto- notary Apostohc 1912; noted preacher. Former member of the Council, Central University, Caracas; sent by the governnlent to obtain a foundation of Capuchins for Venezuela; successfully defended the rights of the Capuchins and other reUgious orders against irrehgious element in Venezuela, 1896; secretary to Monsignor Duran, Plenary Council of Latin America, Rome, 1899, secretary. Diocesan Conference, Caracas, 1905, and to Archbishop Castro of Caracas, Eucharistic Congress, Vienna, 1912; deputy to the Congress of Municipalities on occasion of first Centenary of Venezuelan independence, Caracas, 1911. Author of: "Tres Refutaciones con motivo de otras tantas conferencias patrocinadas por la Masoneria de Caracas"; "El Incidente del Asilo de la Providencia"; "Los conventos y las garantias constitucionales de los Venezolanos " ; "Editoriales de 'La Rehgion' "; contributor to: "Anales de la Universidad Central"; "Co jo Ilustrado"; various newspapers; director of "La Religion". ARTICLE: Venezuela. Nevils, Reverend William Coleman, s.j., b. at Philadelphia, Pa., 1878. Education: St. Joseph's CoUege, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Woodstock CoUege, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1896; former instructor in Classics and history, Boston CoUege, Boston, Massachusetts, and Loyola School New York; ordained 1911; associate professor of Latin, Greek, and EngUsh, Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1912-1915; lecturer. Seventh Annual Teacher's Institute, Boston, Mass., 1916; lecturer in logic and general meta- physics. Holy Cross CoUege, 1916-

ARTICLE: Ficonio, Bebnabdine a. Nolan, Reverend Patrick (William Francis Nolan), o.s.b., b.a., m.a., b. at KiUeen House, Co. DubUn, Ireland, 1865, son of Edward R. Nolan, J.P. Education: private; St. Wilfrid's CoUege, Stafford- shire, England; St. Stanislaus CoUege, TuUamore, Ireland; four times gold medalUst at Irish Inter- mediate Examinations; matriculated at Royal Uni- versity of Ireland, qualified for Irish Bar, King's Inn, DubUn, but did not practise; entered Benedictine Order 1894; professor of English, Abbey School of Maredsous, Belgium, 1894-1895; assisted in the foundation of Erdtngton Abbey, Birmingham, 1895; stationed at Erdington Abbey 1895- ; ordained 1899; assistant chaplain, Workhouse, Aston, 1900- 1905. Visited Ypres, Flanders, in interest of Uterary research work. Author of: "The Irish Dames of Ypres" (New York, 1908); coUaborator in: "Irish Catholic Truth Society Annual" (by Dom Nolan: "Protestantism and Prosperity in Ireland"), 1904.

ARTICLE: Butleb, Maby Joseph.

Nolan, Richard S., b.a., lawyer, b. at KiUeen House, Co. DubUn, Ireland, 9 Nov., 1872, son of Edward R. Nolan, J.P. Education: Trinity College, Dublin; University of Bonn; New CoUege, Oxford. CaUed to the EngUsh Bar at the Inner Temple, London, 1898.

ARTICLES: Masses, Bequests for (England); Seal o Confession.