Pace, Very Reverend Edward Aloysius, D.D., read odes at Centenary (1889), Celebration of the Ph.D., b. at Starke, Florida, 3 July, 1861. Education : Fiftieth Anniversary of the Declaration of the Dogma St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Maryland; Ameri- of the Immaculate Conception (1904), and Celebra- can College and Propaganda, Rome; Universities of tionof Founder's Day (1908), Georgetown University, Louvain and Leipzig; further studies in Paris. Washington; revised articles on Cathohc subjects. Ordained 1885; rector of the cathedral, St. Augustine, "New International Encyclopaedia" and "Encyclo- Florida, 1886-1888; professor of philosophy (1891- p«dia Americana"; President, Laymen's League for ) and dean of the School of Philosophy (l895- Retreats and Social Studies, 1912-1913; as lecturer ), Catholic University, Washington. "Took active and writer and ardent opponent of Socialism; part in establishing Trinity College, Washington; has decoration Pro ecclesia et pontifioe. Member of: lectured at Catholic Summer School, Cliff Haven, American Federation of Catholic Societies; Knights New York, and at the Western Catholic Summer of Columbus; American Catholic Historical Society; School; decoration Pro ecclesia et Pontifice. Member United States Cathohc Historical Society; Cathohc of: the American Psychological Association; the Club; Georgetown University Alumni Society; St. American Philosophical Society. Author of: "Das Louis University Alumni Society. Author of: "The Relativitatsprincip in Herbert Spencers psycholog- Philosophy of Literature" (St. Louis, 1897); "Epochs ischerEntwicklungslehre", thesis for doctorate (1891); of Literature" (St. Louis, 1898); "What is Liberal- contributor to: "Catholic University Bulletin"; ism?" (St. Louis, 1899); "New Rubaiyat", poem "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "Catholic (St. Louis, 1899); "The Feast of Thalarchus", World": "Psychological Review"; " Philosophische poem (Boston, 1901); "The Death of Sir Launcelot Studien ; "New York Review"; associate editor of: "^-^ ,^+1,0.. t3„o,v,=," ^u^c+^r, 1Qno^■ "tv,<» TT<>oT>;„n- nt "The Cathohc Encyclopedia"; "The Cathohc Educational Review "- ARTICLES: Abbeloos, Jean-Baptiste; Absolute; Achter- FELDT, JoHANN Heinhich; Aldrovandi, Ulissi; Antoniano, Silvio; Antonio of Vicenza, Maria; Aristides; Aureoli, Pet- Rus; AviLA, Diocese of; Barcelona. University of; Bautain, Louis-EuGfeNE-MARiE; BEATIFIC Vision; Bologna, University of; Bonn, University of; Caius, John; Calvinus, Justus; Catholic University of America; Cologne, University of; Copenhagen, University of; Cornaro, Elena Lucrezia Piscopia; Doctor; Dulia; Education; Ex Cathedra; Hypo- static Union; Pantheism; Quietism; Robinson, William Callyhan; Satolli, Francesco; Spiritism; Universities. Pacifique, Reverend Father, o.M.cap., b. at Vahgny, France, 7 September, 1863. Education: Poitiers, France; Orihuela, Spain. Entered the Capuchin Order 1879; ordained 1886; professor at Igualada, Spain, 1886-1890, and at Ottawa, Canada, 1890-1894; missionary among the Micmacs, Sainte Anne de Ristigouche, P. Q., 1894- . Author of: l¥=i^^^nQnfi^?'^"M;±l'n &Ja Hi^j.^'^" n on^ • an Augustinian of the -Assumption, 1892; sent to chism _(1906); _ Micmac Sacred History (1909), r^„,t„^t:„^r.lo ihqa- nrrl»ir,»i isofl- =„A.»==;,.»Ur and other Poems" (Boston, 1902); "The Meaning of the Idylls of the King" (New York, 1904); "CoDected Poems" (New York, 1915); "Education of Boys" (New York, 1916) ; editor of: "A Memorial of Andrew J. Shipman" (New York, 1916); "The Story of Literature" (New York, 1917); contributor to: "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "America"; "Journal of Speculative Philosophy"; "The Rosary"; "Catholic World"; "The Messenger"; "Donahoe's Magazine"; "The Month"; "Cathohc Reading Circle Review"; "Educational Review" ARTICLES: Donoso Cobt^s, Juan Francisco Maria de la Saludad; Testem Benevolently. Palmieri, Reverend Aurelio (Giacinto Palmibri), A.A., S.T.D., Writer, b. at Savona, Italy, 4 May, 1870, son of Antonio Palmieri and Maria Gerace. Education: Seminary of Maria and Augus- tinian Convent, Naples, Italy. Entered the Augusti- nian Order 1885; desiring to be a missionary, became "Une Tribe PriviMgiee" (1910); "Pocket Prayer- Book" (1911); editor of "Micmac Messenger". ARTICLE: Membertou. Pallen, Cond£ Benoist, ph.D., lI.d., president. The Encyclopedia Press, Inc., New York, b. at St. Louis, Missouri, 5 December, 1858, son of Dr. Mont- Constantinople 1894; ordained 1895; successively professor of theology and canon law and assistant pastor and missionary, Kadi-Keui, Constantinople; reentered Augustinian Order on account of failing health 1903; student of Oriental questions, resident in Rome, 1905-1907, 1910- ; stationed at St. Catherme's Convent, Cracow, Austria, 1907-1910. rose A. Pallen and Anne E., daughter of Louis A. Takes an active part in the biennial Congress at Benoist, banker, of St. Louis. Education: George- Velehrad, Moravia, for the union of Christendom; town University, Washington, D. C; St. Louis has travelled in Russia, making a collection of University, St. Louis. Married Georgiana McDougal, Russian pubUcations for the Vatican Library; daughter of General John Adams of Tennessee, 1886; founder of "Bessarione" (Rome). Member of: editor of "Church Progress", St. Louis, 1887-1897; the Russian Archseological Institute of Constanti- lecturer on hterary subjects 1885- ; managing nople; the Christian Archaeological Society of editor. The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1905-1913; Athens; the Academy of the Cathohc Rehgion, president. The Encyclopedia Press, Inc., New York, Rome; the Arcadia, Rome. Author of: "Die - . Has lectured at the Catholic Summer Polemik des Islam" (Salzburg, 1902); "La Chiesa School, Chff Haven, New York, at the Western Russa" (Florence, 1908); "Vita di Dositeo, Cathohc Summer School, and at the Cathohc Win- Patriarca di Gerusalemme" (Florence, 1909); "II ter School, New Orleans, Louisiana; his interpreta- Progresso Dommatico" (Florence, 1910); "Nomen- tion of the "Idylls of the King" drew from Tenny- clator theologiae graeco-russicae", Vols. I and II son a personal letter of appreciation; read paper on (Prague, 1910, 1911); "Theologia dogmatica ortho- " Catholic Literature", Cathohc Congress, Baltimore, doxa," Vol. I (Florence, 1911); collaborator in: Maryland, 1889; read paper on "Catholic Education" "Dictionnaire de thSologie catholique"; "Diction- at meeting of American Education Association, naire de biographie et d'histoire eccl&iastique"; Charleston, South Carolina, 1896; composed and contributor to: "Revue de I'Orient chr^tien";
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