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"Oriens christianus"; "Bessarione"; "Civilti Cat- tolica"; "Studi religiosi"; "Souola cattolica"; "Rivista internazionale de scienze sociali"; "Vizan- tiisky Vremennik"; "Revue d'histoire eccl^sias- tique"; "Rivista di apologia critiana"; "Rivista delle scienze teologiche"; "Rassegna Gregoriana"; "Cosmos oatholicus"; "Revue des revues catho- liques"; " Literarische Rundschau"; "Historisch politische Blatter"; "Slavorum litteris theologicae"; "Chronica byzantina"; "New York Journal"; "La Ciudad de Dios".

ARTICLES: Nihilism; Pehiodical Litebatuke, Catholic; Poland; Russia; Russian Literature; Sandomir, Diocese of; Union op Brest; Vilna, Diocese of; Warsaw, Diocese of; Wladiblaw, Diocese of.

Paoli, Reverend Fbancesco, s.j., Ph.D., b. 6 January, 1862. Education: Jesuit colleges in Naples, Rome, and Spain; Gregorian University, Rome. Entered the Society of Jesus 1878; ordained 1893; has been at different times professor of philosophy and of letters, prefect of studies, preacher, and director of various Jesuit colleges; at present, associate editor of "Civiltlt Cattolica", Rome.

ARTICLES: Frances of Rome, Saint; Francis Cabacciolo, Saint; Giuseppe Maria Tommasi, Blessed.

Papi, Reverend Hector, s.j., ph.D., b.c.l., S.T.D., b. in Rome, 7 August, 1861. Education: Vatican Seminary and Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 1886; vice-rector (1888-1891) and procura- tor (1891-1893), Propaganda, Rome; secretary to the Apostolic Delegation to the United States 1893- 1895; entered the Society of Jesus 1895; professor of canon law, Woodstock College, Maryland, 1897-

ARTICLES: Acts of Roman Congreoations; Appeals; CoNsisTOBT, Papal; Pastor; Prefect Apostolic; Procurator.

Pargoire, Reverend Jules, a.a., b. at Saint-Pons de Mauchiens, France, 8 September, 1872; d. at Saint-Pons de Mauchiens, 17 August, 1907. Educa- tion: various Assumptionist schools; Assumptionist scholasticates, Livry near Paris, Jerusalem, and Fanaraki, Asia Minor. Entered the Order of Augustinians of the Assumption 1889; ordained 1897; professor at Constantinople 1891-1893; associate editor of "Echos d'Orient" 1897-1907. Member of the Russian Archaeological Institute, Constantinople. Author of: "Reeueil des inscriptions chr6tiennes du Mont Athos" (Paris, 1904); "Le Mont Saint- Auxenoe" (Paris, 1904); "L'Eglise byzantine de 527 k 847", in collaboration with Petit and Millet (Paris, 1905); collaborator in " Dictionnaire de th^qlogie catholique"; "Dictionnaire d'archSologie chr^tienne et de liturgie"; contributor to. "Echos d'Orient"; "Revue de I'Orient chr^tien"; "Revue des questions historiques"; "Bulletin de correspondance hell6n- ique"; "Byzantinische Zeitschrift"; "Vizantiskii Vremennik"; "Bulletin de I'lnstitut archfiologique russe de Constantinople".

ARTICLES: Adana; Alexandria; Angora.

Parker, Reverend Anselm (E. Stanislaus Parker), o.s.b., m.a., b. at Birmingham, England, 1880. Education: Ampleforth College, Ampleforth, England; Oxford University. Entered the Benedic- tine Order 1900; assistant master, Ampleforth College, 1903-1908; ordained 1907; master of the Ampleforth Scholasticate (Parker's Hall), Oxford, 1908-

ARTICLES : Norfolk, Catholic Dukes of; Odo of Canter- bury; OsBALD, King of Northumbbia; Osbebn, Hagiogbapheb; Osmund, Saint; Oswald, Saint, Abchbishop of York; Oswald, Saint, Kino; Obwin, Saint; Owen, Nicholas.

Parkinson, Right Reverend Monsignob Canon Henry, d.d., Ph.D., b. at Cheadle, Stafford- shire, England, 1852. Education: Sedgley Park School, Sedgley Park, and Seminary, Olton, England; University of Douai, France; EngUsh College, Rome. Ordained 1877; vice-rector. Seminary, Olton, 1877-

1883; curate at the cathedral, Birmingham, 1887- 1889; vice-rector (1889-1897) and rector and profes- sor of philosophy (1897- ), Oscott CoUege, Birmingham; canon of the Cathedral of Birmingham; domestic prelate. Has been identified with the Social Reform movement in England and Ireland; lecturer on social questions. President of the Birmingham Society of St. Cecily; president of the Catholic Social Guild; assistant general of the Aposto- Uo Union of Secular Priests for England. Author of: "Definitiones Philosophic Universae" (1893); "Re- fectio Spiritualis", 2 vols. (1906); "Primer of Social Science" (1913); pamphlets for Catholic Social Guild series.

ARTICLES: Fitter, Daniel; Oscott College; Patbon Saints; Priests, Confbatebnities of; Pbiests' Euchabistic League; Pugin, Augustus Melby Northmobe.

Paul Joseph, Brother, f.s.c, Lambecq-les-Hal, Belgium.

ARTICLE: Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

Peloquin, Reverend Z^phyrin, m.s.c, b. in Connecticut of French Canadian parents, 17 March, 1869. Education: Christian Brothers School, Sorel, P. Q., Canada; parochial schools, Grosvenor Dale, Connecticut; St. Joseph's ApostoUc School and Scholasticate of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Watertown, New York. Entered the Society of Missionaries of the Sacred Heart 1887; ordained 1893; has held the posts of professor of EngUsh, Latin, and history, St. Joseph's ApostoUc School, Watertown, editor of "Annals of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart", chaplain and reUgious instructor at Rhode Island State Institutiotis, and CounseUor to the provincial of his order; superior of St. Joseph's ApostoUc School, Watertown, 1909- . Birector of the Archconfraternity of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in the United States. ARTICLE : Sacbed Heart of Jesus, Missionaries of the.

Perez de las Moras, Reverend Nazario, s.j., b. at Palencia, Spain, 1877. Education: primary schools, Palencia and Amusco; Jesuit colleges of Carrion de los Condes and ValladoUd; Seminary, Palencia; Jesuit scholasticates of Carrion, Burgos and Ona, 1893-1901. Entered the Society of Jesus 1893; professor, Jesuit scholasticate, Loyola, 1901-1905; ordained 1908; assistant editor of: "Mensajero del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus", Bilbao, 1909- ; "Sal Terrae". Author of: "Lecciones de Arte Poetica" (Ona, 1903); "El Ano de la Inmaculada: Projectos y Esperanzos" (Madrid, 1904); "Novena a la Virgen Sma.del Pilar" (Burgos, 1907) ; "El Secreto de Maria" (translation with Preface of the work of Bl. Grignion de Montfort), (Bilbao, 1910; 3 eds.); "Vida Mariana" (Bilbao, 1911; 2nd ed. 1914); "MaraviUas de las Tres Ave Marias" (Bilbao, 1911; 5th ed. 1916); "La Devoci6n a Nuestra Sefiora y la Eternal Predestina- ci6n" (Bilbao, 1911); "Novena a la Natividad" (Bilbao, 1915); "El Magnificat" (Bilbao, 1916); contributor of articles principally on Our Lady to: "Razon y Fe"; "Anales del Pilar"; "Mensajero del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus"; "Rayos de Sol".

ARTICLE : Andbada, Alonso.

PSrez Goyena, Reverend Antonio, s.j., b.a., b. at Huarte, Navarra, 17 January, 1863. Education: Institute of Pamplona, CoUege of Loyola, and CoUege of Ona, Spain. Entered the Society of Jesus 1879; ordained 1895; successively professor of philosophy. College of VaUadoUd (four years), professor of dogma and Hebrew, College of Ona (two years), and profes- sor of dogma. Seminary of Salamanca (seven years) ; at present, associate editor of "Raz6n y Pe", Madrid. Chairman of the Congress of the "Buena Prensa , Saragossa, 1908; chairman of: the Eucharistic Con- gress, Madrid, 1911; the Catechetical Congress,