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Member of the Russian Archaeological Institute of Constantinople; member of the Provengal "Félibrige". Collaborated in: " Dictionnaire de Théologie oatholique"; "Dictionnaire d'arch^ologie chrétienne et de liturgie"; "Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques"; contributor to: "Eohos d'Orient"; "Bessarione"; "Revue de I'Orient chrétien"; "Byzantinisohe Zeitscrift"; "Vizantiskii Vremennik"; "Bulletin de I'lnstitut archéologique russe à Constantinople".

ARTICLES; Adrianople; Aleppo, Archdiocese of; Amadia AND Akba; Amida, Diocese of; Bagdad; Bageis; Cabasa; C^SAROPOLis; Calama; Callipolis; Caloe; Caltnda; Candia, Diocese of; Canea; Cardica; Carpasia; Carystus; Casium; Castabala; Castoria; Caunus; Celendebib; Ceramus; Ces- tra; Chalcedon; Charadrus; Chariopolis; Chersonesus; Chios; Chytri; Cibyra; Circesium; Cisamus; Citharizdm; Cius; Claudiopolis (2); Clazomen^; Cocussua; Colonia; Colophon; Colossi; Comana; Coracesitjm; Corfu; Corinth; CoHYDALLtrs; Cotenna; Coti^eum; Croia; Curium; Cus^; Cybistra; Cyclades; Cydonia; Cyme; Cyprus; Cyrene; Danaba; Dansara; Dardanus; Darnis; Daulia; Derbe; Dibon; Dioclea; Diocletianopolis; Dionysias; Docimium; Doliche; Domitiopolis; Drusipara; Echinus; El^ea; Eucar- pia; Eudoxias; Eumenia; Eur<ea; Hadrumetum; Halicarnas- sus; Harpasa; Helenopolis; Hephaestus; Heraclea; Her- MOPOLis Magna; Hehmopolis Parva; Hierapolis; Hieho- c^sarea; Hippo Diarrhytus; Hippo Regius; Hirena; Hy- p^pa; Lagania; Lampa; Lampsacus; Lamus; Laodicea; Lar- andus; Lebedus; Lete; Leuce; Limyra; Linoe; Loryma; Lyrbe; Lysias; Maori; Mactaris; Magydus; Mallus; Mar- CIANUS; Metellopolis; Miletopolis; Mocissus; Modra; Mubti; Myndus; Nacolia; Narzianzus; Nyssa; Obba; Olba; Olympus; Orcistus; Pacandus; Paleopolis; Panemotichus; Par^tonium; Parlais; Parnassus; Parcecopolis; Patara; Peduelissus; Perge; Pessinus; Petinessus; Phasiels; Phil- adelphia; Pityus; Pogla; Polemonium; Polybotub; Poly- stylum; Pomaria; Priene; Proconnesus; Ptolemais; Ptole- mais (St. -Jean d'Acre); Remesiana; Rhaphan^ena; RnEs^ffiNA; Rhinocolura; Rhithymna; Rhizus; Rhodiopolis; Rhosus; Rosea; Rusaddir; Rusicade; Ruspe; Sabrata; Sagalassus; Salamis; Sabima; Satala; Sauatra; Scillium; Sebabte; Se- bastopolis; Selge; Selinub; Selymbbia; Serr^; Sicca Vene- bia; Sidon; Sidy^^ba; Silandus; Sinis; Sion; Sitifib; Soli; Sora; SozoPOLis; Stratonicea; Sufetula; Sura; Syene; Synaus; Synnada; Tab.*:: Tabbora; Tacap^e; .Tadama; T^enarum; Tamabsus; Tanagra; T avium; Telmebsus; Temnus; Teuchira; Thabbaca; Thacia Montana; Th^en^; Thagaste; Thagora; Thapsus; Thaumaci; Themibonium; Therms Basilica; Thi- barib; Thignica; Thmuis; Thubuebo Minus; Tiberiopolis; TiMBBlAS; TiNGis; Tlos; Torone; Thajanopolis; Trapezo- POLis; Trocmades; Tubun^; Usilla; Uthina; Vaga; Zarai; Zephybium.

Pezzoni, Reverend Ugo Makia, s. p. m. of Milan, b. at Alexandria, Piedmont, Italy, 1 Feb., 1875. Education: Government schools and Episco- pal Seminary, Pavia; Seminary for Foreign Missions, Milan, Italy. Entered the Society for Foreign Mis- sions of Milan 1894; ordained 1897; sent as mis- sionary to diocese of Hyderabad, India, 1898; former pastor at Raichur, Hyderabad; pastor at Bezwada, Madras Presidency, 1910- . Has contributed to "Missioni Cattoliche" (Milan).

ABTICLE: Hyderabad-Deccan, Diocese of.

Pfeil, Reverend Nicholas, b.a., b. at Cleveland, 4 November, 1859. Education: St. Mary's and St. Stephen's parochial schools, Cleveland; Canisius Col- lege, Buffalo, New York. Ordained 1883; pastor, St. Patrick's Church, Hubbard, Ohio, 1883-1884; pastor. Holy Trinity Church, Avon, including missions of North Ridgeville and Sheffield, Ohio, 1884-1897; irre- movable rector, St. Peter's Church, Cleveland, 1897- . Active in educational work; improved the various parishes in his charge by the building of nu- merous additions to churches and schools. Author of "Christian Education", translated from the Ger- man (St. Louis, 1899); contributor to: "Stimme der Wahrheit"; "Cathohc Universe". ARTICLE: Notre Dame, Sisters op (Cleveland).

Phelan, Right Reverend Patrick, d.d.. Bishop of Sale, Austraha, b. at Johnstown, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, 1860. Education: Mt. Melleray Seminary; St. Patrick's College, Carlow, Ireland. Ordained 1888; successively curate and rector in the archdio- cese of Melbourne, Austraha, 1888-1900; dean and administrator of the cathedral parish, Melbourne,

1900-1913; administrator of the archdiocese of Mel- bourne for one year; vicar-general, archdiocese of Melbourne, 1908-1913; prothonotary Apostohc ad instar participantium 1912; Bishop of Sale, Austra- lia, 1913- . Treasurer of the Cathohc Truth So- ciety. Author of: "Holy Sacrifice of the Mass"; "Mission of St. Ignatius Loyola"; "Christian Mar- riage" (all pamphlets for Cathohc Truth Society); editor of "Austral Light". ARTICLE: Melboubne, Abchdiocebe of.

Philbin, Eugene Ambrose, ll.d., m.a., b. in New York, 24 July, 1857. Education: CoUege of St. Francis Xavier, New York; Seton Hall College, South Orange, New Jersey; Columbia University Law School, New York. Married Jessie HoUaday, 1887. Admitted to the Bar 1886; practising lawyer 1886- ; commissioner, New York State Board of Charities, Jan. to Dec, 1900; district attorney of New York County December, 1900- January, 1902; regent of the University of the State of New York 1904^1913; Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, New York State, 1913- ; member of the firm of Philbin, Beekman, Menken, and Griscom, New York. Vice-president of : Charity Organization Hoc; Prison Association; director of: State Charities Aid As- sociation; Parks and Playgrounds Association; mem- ber of the Board of Directors of The Catholic Encyclopedia. Member of: New York State Bar Association; Bar Association of the City of New York; St. Vincent de Paul Society; Irish Industrial Society of America; Friendly Sons of St. Patrick; Charity Or- ganization Society of New York; Legal Aid Society; created Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great by Pius X, 1908. ARTICLE: Libel.

Fbilemon, Brother, b. at Antwerp, Belgium, 20 September, 1863. Entered the Order of Brothers of Charity 1880; has held the posts of professor of the Normal Schools, MoU and Ghent, Belgium; inspector of schools of the Brothers of Charity for Holland and Belgium; assistant general of his order; provincial of the Brothers of Charity for Canada and the United States; at present, first assistant to the Superior Gen- eral, Brothers of Charity, Ghent, 1912- . Founder of several institutions of his order.

ARTICLE: Charity, Congregation of th£ Brothers of.

Philliniore, John Swinnerton, m.a., b. at Bocon- noc, Cornwall, 1873, son of Admiral Sir Augustus Philhmore. Education: Westminster School, Lon- don ; Christ Church, Oxford. Married Cecily Spencer- Smith, 1900. Lectiu-er, Christ Church, Oxford, 1895- 1899; professor of Greek (1899-1906) and of humani- ties (1906- ), University of Glasgow; becaine a Cathohc 1905. Author of: "Poems" (1902); "Apol- lonius of Tyana" (1912); "A Hero of Nowadays", translated from Lermontor; editor of: "Propertius and Statins", Oxford University Press; "The Oxford Book of Latin Hymns"; "Blessed John Fisher on the Penitential Psalms" (Cathohc Library. 2 vols.); collaborator in "Essays in Liberahsm by Six Oxford Men" (1897) ; has translated three plays of Sophocles; contributor to: "Dublm Review"; "Everyman"; "The New Witness".

ARTICLES: Glasgow, Univbesity of; Hestchius of Al- exandria; Paley, Frederick Apthorp I PBOcopiusoFCiESAEEAj Saint Andrews, Univebsity of.

Phillips, Reverend Edward C, s.j., a.b., Ph.D., b. at Germantown, Pennsylvania, 4 November, 1877. Education: parochial schools, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, and Brooklyn, New York; St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; Woodstock College, Maryland; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1898; has held the posts of teacher, St. Francis Xavier's High School, New York, and professor of physics and mathematics. Bos-