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ton College, Boston, Massachusetts; ordained 1912; lecturer on Apologetics, 1913; professor of fundamental theology, 1914; at present professor of dogmatic the- ology, Woodstock College, Maryland. Author of "Dis- sertation on the Pentacardioid" (Baltimore, 1909).

ARTICLES: Fagnano, Giulio Carlo de' Toschi di; Neri, Antonio; Odington, Walter; Oriani, Barnaba; Pardies, Ion ACE-G ASTON; Pianciani, Giambattista; Provancher, L:6on Abel; Raynaud, Th^ophile; Spagni, Andrea; Stansel, Val- entin; Stephens, Henry Robert; Terrill, Anthony; Tun- sted, Simon.

Phillips, Reverend Gbokgb Edward, b. at Glen- field near Leicester, England, 1 January, 1843, son of George Peregrine PhiUips, Anglican clergyman, and Lucy Agnes Vaughan, sister of Dr. Charles Vaughan of Harrow. Education: St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw, Rome. Ordained 1869; classical master (1865-1882), professor of philosophy (1884r-1898), superior of the Junior House (1886), and professor of Church history (1898- ), St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw. Author of: "The Extinction of the Ancient Hierarchy" , (London, 1905); pamphlets for the CathoHc Truth Society; collaborator in Camm, "Lives of the English Martyrs" (by Father Phillips: "Blessed Thomas Percy"), 2 vols. (London, 1904); contributor to: "DubUn Review"; "Ushaw Maga- zine"; "The Tablet".

ARTICLES: Botorne, Gilbert; Day, George; Dicconbon, Edward; Edmund the Martyr, Saint; Edward the Con- fessor, Saint; Edward the Martyr, Saint; Edwin, Saint; Egbert, Saint; Elined, Saint; Hexham and Newcastle, Dio- cese OF.

Piacenza, Vert Reverend Pieteg, s.t.d., j.c.d., b. at Piaoenza, Italy, 21 January, 1847. Education: Alberoni's College, Piacenza. Ordained 1869; pro- fessor of history and hturgy. Seminary, Piacenza, 1870-1878; arohpriest and pastor, Fiorenzuola, 1878- 1897; synodal examiner (1893-1910) and synodal judge (1899-1910), diocese of Piacenza; prothonotary Apostolic ad instar 1896; arohpriest of the cathedral, Piacenza, 1897- ; professor of hturgy. Seminary, Piacenza, 1897-1903; prothonotary Apostolic de numero participantiima 1903; visitor Apostohc of Rome and its district 1904r- ; censor, liturgical Academy, Rome, 1904r- ; professor of hturgy, Roman Seminary, 1907- . Member of the Depu- tation for Home History, 1884. Member of the Royal Commission for Historical Research for the Province of Parma (since 1892); member of the Commission for the Reform of the Breviary and Psalter (since 1908). Author of : "Storia del B. Gre- gorio X" (Piacenza, 1876); "Che cosa S il Sinodo diocesano" (Piacenza, 1879); "Quaestiones Liturgi- cae" (Modena, 1887); "Dissertatio. In paritate ritus festa primaria Sanctorum praecedentiam obti- nent supra festa Domini et B. Marine secundaria" (Rome, 1888); "De cultu S. Joseph" (Rome, 1889); "SuUe Esposizioni del SS. Sacramento" (Fiorenzu- ola, 1895; 2nded., Rome, 1896); "Exposition novis- sima Rubricarum Brev. Rom.", 2 vols. (Rome, 1898, 1909; 2nd ed. 1910); "II Rito deUa consacrazione di un vescovo" (Piacenza, 1899); "Studio suUe vicende deUa indipendenza della chiesa Piacentina da qual- unque metropoUtano" (Piacenza, 1900); "S. Sabino vescovo di Piacenza revisore degh scritti di S. Am- brogio. Presidio diacono Piacentino arbitro nelle dispute tra S. Agostino e S. Girolamo" (Piacenza, 1900;; "Un curioso documento della giovinezza di Pietro Giordani" (Piacenza, 1901); "Dissertatio canonico-hturgica de jure benedicendi fontem bap- tismalem" (Rome, 1902); "De Rubricarum obhga- tione" (Rome, 1902); "La vacanza della S. Sede. II Conclave. L'elezione del nuovo Papa" (Rome, 1903) ; "De Itinerario Antonini Placentini" (Rome, 1903); "Una pagina rifatta nella storia del cardinale lacopo Pecorara" (Parma, 1905); "Commentarium in con- stitutione Gregorii XIII, 30 Dec, 1573" (Rome, 1907); "Prselectiones Liturgicae in Sem. Rom."

(Rome, 1910); "Commentarium in Constitutionem Divine aflBatu" (2nd ed. Rome, 1912); "Commen- tarium in tres tabellas Occurentiae et Concurrentiae ' (Rome, 1912); "Practical Guide to the New Psal- ter" (2nd ed. Rome, 1912); contributor to: 'Ephe- merides Liturgicae"; "Archivo storico"; editor of "Ephemerides Liturgicae" (since 1902).

ARTICLE: Requiem, Masses or.

Piat, Vert Reverend Canon, Clodius, titt.D., b. at St. Maurice-sur-Loire, France, 24 August, 1854. Education: College of St. Jodard and Seminary of St. Irenaeus, Lyons, France. Ordained 1879; pro- fessor of philosophy. Catholic Institute, Paris, 1892- canon of Lyons. Fellow of the University of France. Author of: "L'Intellect actif"; "Quid divini nostris ideis tribuat divus Thomas"; "His- torique de la liberty au XIX« si^cle" (crowned by the French Academy); "ProblJmedelahbert6" (crowned by the French Academy); "L'id^e, ou critique de Kantisme"; " L'Apologdtique de l'Abb6 de Brog- lie"; "La personne humaine" (Prix Le Dissez, Acad- emy of Moral and PoUtical Sciences); "La destin^e de I'homme" (German translation by Prince zu Oet- tingen Spielberg; Spanish translation by Carreno); "La Monadologie de Leibnitz"; "La morale chre- tienne et la moraht6 en France"; "De la croyance en Dieu" (3 editions); " Insuffisance des philosophies de I'intuition"; "La morale du bonheur"; "So- crate" (translated into German); "Platon" (Prix Bordin, French Academy); "Aristote" (translated into German and Itahan), the last three belonging to the "Collection des Grands Philosophes"; edited: Broglie, "Religion et Critique" (German translation by Prince zu Oettingen Spielberg); Broglie, "Ques- tions bibUques" (2 editions); editor (and founder) of "Collection des Grands Philosophes" (22 vols, have been issued); contributor to : "Archivfiir Geschichte der Philosophic"; " Correspondant " ; "Revue de Louvain". ARTICLES: Broglie, Auquste-Th^odore-Paul de; Des- cartes, Ren^. Pichler, Reverend Alois, c.ss.r., b. at St. Pan- cratz, Austrian Tyrol, 23 August, 1869. Education: public school, Kaltern, Gymnasium, Bozen, and Re- demptorist scholasticate, Mautern, Austria. En- tered the Redemptorist Order 1886; ordained 1892; teacher in various Redemptorist houses 1892- ; professor of philosophy, Redemptorist scholasticate, Mautern, Austria, 1902-1906; professor at the Re- demptorist College, Katzelsdorf, Lower Austria, 1906- . Author of: " Gottesminne, dem heiligen Alphonsus nachgedichtet" (1899; 4th ed. 1906); "Caritas: Weihnachtspiel" (1900; 2nd ed. 1903); "Lucian von Antiochien: Fronleichnamspiel" (1904); "Prinzipienkampfe", 2 vols. (1905); "Religion und Poesie" (1912); collaborator in "Jahrbuch des Vereins fur christliche Erziehungswissenschaft"; has contrib- uted to: "Historisch-politische Blatter"; "Pastor Bonus"; "Gral"; " Christlich-padagogische Blatter".

ARTICLE: Univebsals.

Pierron, Reverend John Baptist, d.d., b. at Dacada, Wisconsin, 1872, d. at Fribourg, Switzerland, IS September, 1912. Education: St. Francis Semi- nary, St. Francis, Wisconsin; Episcopal Lyceum, Eichstatt, Germany; University of Fribourg, Switzer- land. Ordained 1905; at the time of his death, as- sistant secretary to Archbishop Messmer of Milwau- kee. A founder and member of Columbia Reading Circle, University of Fribourg, Switzerland; member of the Alumni Association, St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin. Author of: "Die kathohschen Armen" (Fribourg, 1911); "Ein Beitrag zur Entsteh- ungsgeschichte der Bettelorden mit Beriicksichti- gung der Humiliaten und der Wiedervereinigten Lombarden" (Fribourg, 1911). ARTICLE: Poor Catholics.