Piette, Right Reverend Monsignor Pran5ois
Xavtbr, b. at Ste. Elisabeth de Joliette, Canada, 28
June, 1877. Education: Preparatory Seminary,
Joliette; Grand Seminary, Montreal, Canada; Prop-
aganda, Rome. Ordained 1900; professor of phil-
osophy and theology. Seminary, Joliette, 1902-1905:
chancellor (1904r-1910) and rector of the cathedral
(1910- ), diocese of Joliette; domestic prelate,
1914. Assistant Secretary, First Plenary Coxmcil of
ARTICLE: Joliette, Diocese of.
Filcz, Alexander, m.d, b. at Gratz, Austria, 2 August, 1871. Education: University of Vienna. Clinical assistant (1899-1902), jynvat docent (1902- 1907), special professor of psychiatry and neurology (1907- ), University of Vienna; married Sophia Pendo 1907; specialist in nervous and mental dis- eases. Austrian delegate to many international con- gresses; general secretary, International Congress for the Aid of the Insane, Vienna, 1908. Correspond- ing member of the Medical and Psychological Asso- ciation of Great Britain and Ireland; of "Neurology" (Tokio) ; of the Society of Psychiatry (Paris) ; of the Medical and Psychological Society (Paris); of the Association of German Neurologists; of the Imperial Royal Medical Association (Vienna) ; Offioier d'Aoad- 6mie. Author of: "Die periodischen Gustesstorun- gen" (Jena, 1901); "Lehrbuch der speziellen Psy- chiatrie" (Vienna, 1904; 3rd ed. 1912); "Lehrbuch der speziellen gerichtUchen Psychiatrie" (Vienna, 1908); collaborator in: "Traits international de Psychiatrie" (Paris, 1910); contributor to scientific periodicals. ABTICLE: Pathologt, Mental.
Piolet, Reverend Jean-Bapttste, s.j., writer, b. at Courteix, Corr^ze, France, 24 June, 1855. Educa- tion: College of UsseL Preparatory Seminary of Services, and Grand Seminary of TuUe, Corrfeze, France; various Jesuit scholasticates; University of Angers. Entered the Society of Jesus 1876; ordained 1888; missionary in Madagascar 1890-1891; deliv- ered a course of lectures on Madagascar at the Sor- bonne 1898; has labored in Wales, at Paray-le- Monial, etc. ; at present, stationed in Paris. Awarded three prizes by the French Academy and the Acad- emy of Moral Sciences; received medals from the Geographical Society, the Society of Commercial Geography, and the Colonial Union; has attended various colonial congresses and the sessions of the International .Colonial Institute. Member of: In- ternational Colonial Institute, Geographical Society of Paris, Society of Commercial Geography, French Colonial Union and Society of Social Economy. Au- thor of: "Le CathoUcisme en Indo-Chine"; "La Religion Catholique en Chine"; "L'EgUse Catho- lique aux Indes"; "Madagascar, sa description, ses habitants" (1895); "Madagascar et les Hova" (1895) ; "Empire colonial de la France: Madagascar"; "Douze legons sur Madagascar" (1898); "De Notre Emigration"; etc.; "L'Eghse Catholique dans le Continent Noir" (in collaboration with Charles Vadot) ; " Nos missions et nos missionnaires" ; "Questions d'Angleterre" (1906); organizer and director of "Les Missions Cathohques Francaises au XIX« Sifecle", 6 vols.; "Rapport sur les Missions Catholiques FranQaises" (1900); "CEuvre des Jardins ouvriers" (1899); contributor to: "Etudes"; "Le Correspondant"; "La Revue Hebdomadaire". ARTICLE: Abyssinia.
Plancarte y Navarrete, Most Reverend Fran- cisco, D.D., Ph.D., J.C.D., Archbishop of Linares, Mexico, b. at Zamora, Mexico, 21 October, 1856, son of Jesds Plancarte and Angela Navarrete. Educa- tion: South American College and Gregorian Uni- versity, Rome. Ordained 1881; vice-rector and pro-
fessor of Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, College of St.
Louis, Jacona, Mexico, 1883-1887, and College of St.
Joachim, Mexico City, 1887-1892^ professor of
Hebrew and hturgy. Seminary, Mexico City, pastor
at Taoubaya, and fiscal procurator of the archdiocese
of Mexico, 1892-1895; Bishop of Campeche, Mexico,
1896-1898; Bishop of Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1898-
1911; Archbishop of Linares 1911- . Awarded
prizes in Rome for Hebrew, Greek, and Armenian;
member of the Mexican Archaeological Commission,
Columbian Exposition, Madrid, Spain, 1892; made
important archaeological explorations and excava-
tions at Jacona, Mexico, described by W. H. Holmes
in "American Anthropologist", January, 1893; ap-
pointed representative of the Mexican Government
at the Congress of Orientalists at Lisbon (1892),
which failed to take place; sent on a mission to Rome
by the Archbishop of Mexico, 1893; former member
of the Assembly of the University of Mexico; secre-
tary. Plenary Council of Latin America, Rome, 1899;
fotmder of "Boletln eclesidstico de Cuernavaca".
Member of the Academy of History of Madrid; mem-
ber of the Academy of Geography and Statistics of
Mexico, etc.; Knight Commander of the Order of
Isabella the CathoUc. Author of: "Geografia del
Estado de Morelos"; "Tamoanchan"; contributor
to: "Boletln eclesi£stico de Cuernavaca"; etc.
ARTICLE: Cuernavaca, Diocese of.
Plassmann, Reverend Thomas Bernard, o.p.m., M.A., Ph.D., D.D., b. at Avenwedde, WestphaUa, Ger- many, 19 March, 1879. Education: St. Francis Solanus College, Quincy, Illinois; St. Bona venture's scholasticate, Paterson, New Jersey; CathoUc Uni- versity, Washington, under Dr. Hyvemat; Lou vain University, Belgium; University of Bonn; Oriental studies in Rome under Professor I. Guidi. Came to the United States 1894; entered the Franciscan Order 1898; ordained 1906; professor of Sacred Scripture and dogmatic theology, St. Bonaventure's Seminary, Allegany, N. Y., 1910- . Author of: "The Sig- nification of B%AKA: a Semasiological Study of the Semitic Stem B-R-K" (New York, 1913).
ARTICLES: Barnabas of Terni; Elbel, Benjamin; Francis OF Fabriano, Blessed; Galatino, Pibtro Colonna; Hove, Peter van; Imeonati, Carlo Giuseppe; James Primadicci; La Hate, Jean de; Musso, Cornelius; Nicholas of Lyra; Pian6 Carpine; Schatzqeter, Caspar; Sem; Smits, William.
Plater, Reverend Charles Dominic, s.j., m.a., b. at London, 1875. Education: Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England, Oxford University. Entered the Society of Jesus 1894; ordained 1910; professor of psychology, St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst, 1912-1914; Master of the Jesuit HaU, Oxford, since January, 1916. Author of "Cathohc Social Work in Ger- many"; "The Apostolate of the Press"; "Retreats for the People"; "The Priest and Social Action"; "A Primer of Peace and War"; editor of "The Catholic Social Year Book" since 1910; one of the founders of the Catholic Social Guild. ARTICLE: Porter, George.
Plomer, Reverend John Clifton, c.s.b., b. at Falmouth, England, 8 Feb., 1875. Education: gram- mar school, Falmouth, and Beaconfield College, Plymouth, England; Basihan scholasticate, Toronto, Canada. Entered the Congregation of St. Basil 1892; ordained 1899; has held the post of teacher in various Basihan colleges in Canada and the United States; at present, president of St. Thomas' College, Hous- ton, Texas.
ARTICLE: Babilians (Priests of the Community of St. Basil).
Pohle, Reverend Joseph, s.t.d., Ph.D., j.c.l., b. at Niederspay, Rhein, Germany, 19 March, 1852. Education: Gymnasia at Boppard and Trier, Ger- many; German College, Rome, under Steinhuber, Secchi, Provenzali, Franzelin, Palmieri, A. Ballerini;