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PONCELET University of Wurzburg. Ordained 1878; teacher at Baar, Switzerland, 1881; professor successively of moral theology and of dogmatic theology and Scrip- ture, Seminary, Leeds, England, 1883-1886; profes- sor of philosophy, Seminary, Fulda, Germany, 1886- 1889; professor of apologetics, Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 1889-1894; professor of dogmatic theology. Academy, Munster (1894-1897), and Uni- versity of Breslau (1897- ). Germany; pro- synodal examiner, diocese of Breslau. Founder with Dr. Gutberlet of the " Philosophisches Jahrbuch der Gorresgesellschaft", 1888. Hon. member of Natural- ists' Association of Fulda; member of Westphahan Association of Science and Art; member of German Culture Association of Silesia; Order of the Red Eagle (4th class); Order of the Royal Crown (3rd class). Author of: "P. Angelo Secchi" (Cologne, 1883; 2nd ed. 1904); "Die Sternenwelten und ihrer Bewohner", 2 vols. (Cologne, 1884, 1885; 6th ed. 1910); "Lehrbuch der Dogmatik", 3 vols. (Pader- born, 1902-1905; 5th ed. 1911; EngMsh tr., St. Louis, 1911- ); "Der Sternenhimmel, die Be- wegungen und Eigenschaften der Himmelskorper", Vol. I of "Himmel und Erde", in collaboration with Plassmann (Munich, 1909); collaborator in: Herd- er's "Kirchenlexikon"; " Staatslexikon der Gorres- gesellschaft"; Buchberger, "Kirchliches Handlexi- kon"; Hirmeberg, "Die Kultur der Gegenwart"; Esser-Mausbach, "Rehgion, Christentum, Kirche"; contributor to: "Katholik"; "Historisch-politische Blatter"; "Literarischer Handweiser"; "American Ecclesiastical Review". ARTICLES: Euchabist; Grace; Grace, CoNTROVBRSiEa on; Impanation; Jhstification ; Mass, Sacrifice of the; Merit; Molina, Luis de; Molinism; Paschasius Radbertus, Saint; Pelagius and Pelagianism; Predestinarianism; Pre- destination; Priesthood; Regeneration; Ritschlianism ; Sacrifice; Secchi, Angelo; Semipelagianism; Theology, Dogmatic; Toleration, Religious. Points, Maeib Louise, b. at New Orleans, 3 May, 1873, daughter of George Washington Points, of Staunton, Virginia, and Delphine Stuart, of New Orleans, granddaughter of Captain Joseph Points, a hero of the Wars of the Revolution and 1812. Edu- cation: Convent of the Sisters Marianites of the Holy Cross, New Orleans. Editor of the Woman's Department and reporter of religious and educational news, New Orleans "Picajrune", 1892-1907; as.=o- ciate editor (1907-1909) and editor-in-chief (1909), "Morning Star", official journal of the archdiocese of New Orleans. Author of: "The Haunted House"; "Guide Book to New Orleans"; short stories; con- tributor to: "Picayune". ARTICLE: New Orleans, Archdiocese of. Pollard, Revebend William Henrt, i.e., b.a., b. at Ackworth, Yorkshire, England, 3 November, 1862. Education: Monte Calvario, Domodossola, Italy. Entered the Institute of Charity 1897; or- dained 1902; successively professor and vice-rector, Ratcliffe College, Leicester, and professor at St. Mary's, Rugby, England. ARTICLES: Providence, Sisters of, of the Institute of Chaeitt; Rosminians. PoUard-Urquhart, Reverend Jerome, o.s.b., b. at Leamington, England, 1850; d. 3 September, 1916. Educated at St. Columbus College, Rathfamham, Dublin, and Lincoln College, Oxford; received into the Catholic Church in Italy 1868; became an Oratorian 1873, passing three years later to the Redemptorists; ordained 1878; for a number of years teacher in various Redemptorists houses; in 1891 entered the Order of St. Benedict; professed 1892; lectured on Holy Scripture (1892-1906), and engaged in Scriptural studies from 1906 onward. He died at the monastery of his profession, St. Benedict's Abbey, Fort Augustus, Scotland. ARTICLE: Dempster, Thomas. Pollen, Reverend John Hungebford, s.j., b.a., writer, b. in London, 1858. Education: Munster, Germany; Oratory School, Birmingham, England, under Dr. (Cardinal) Newman; London University. Entered the Society of Jesus 1876; ordained 1891; has devoted his life principally to the study of the his- tory of the Society of Jesus and of the lives of Eng- lish, Irish, and Scottish Catholics since the Reforma- tion; vice-postulator for the Beatification of the Eng- hsh martyrs; resident in London. Has travelled m England, France, and Italy for research purposes; one of the founders of the Catholic Record Society. Author of: "Acts of the EngUsh Martyrs" (1891); "Life of Father John Morris" (1896); "The Enghsh Martyrs" (1908); "The Bedingfeld Papers" (1909); all published by the CathoUc Record Society; editor of "Papal Negotiations with Mary Queen of Scots" (1901); "Queen Mary's Letter to Guise" (1904); the last two published by the Scottish History Society; of "Father Parsons' Memoirs" (1906-1907); "Docu- ments Relative to the English Martyrs" (1908), both pubhshed by Catholic Record Society; contributor to: "The Month"; "Dubhn Review" ARTICLES: Abercrombt, John; Almond, John; Almond, Oliver; Armada, Spanish; Asaph, Saint; Ashbt, George; Ashbt, Thomas; Counter-Reformation; Eadmer; English Confessors and Martyrs; Fitzherbert, Thomas; Fitzsimon, Henry; Fortescue, Adrian, Blessed; Freeman, William, Venerable; Fhideswide, Saint; Garlick, Nicholas, Vener- able; Garnet, Henry; Garnet, Thomas, Venerable; Gerard, John; Gerard, Myles; Gerard, Richard; German Gardiner, Blessed; Goodman, John, Venerable; Gordon Riots; Green, Hugh, Venerable; Gunpowder Plot; Hambley, John, Ven- erable; Hanse, Evebard, Blessed; Harrington, William, Venerable; Hartley, William, Venerable; Hay, John; HoLYWOOD, Christopher; Howard, Philip, Venerable; Howard, William, Venerable; Hunt, Thuhstan, Venerable; Ignatius Loyola, Saint; Martinov, John; Mary Queen of Soots; Molyneux, Sir Cabyll; More, Henry; Morris, John; Oaths, English Post-Reformation; Odescalchi, Carlo; Oldcorne, Edward, Venerable; Percy, John; Per- sons, Robert; Pethe Family; Redford, Sebastian; Sabian, Louis de; Sander, Nicholas; Sharpe, James; Society of Jesus; Spenser, John; Stevenson, Joseph; Stone, Marma- duke; Tyhie, James; Veestegan, Richabd; Weld Family; Weston, William; Wright, William. Pollen, Maria Margaret de la Primaudaye (Mrs. John Hungebford Pollen), b. at Leyton, Essex, England, 10 April, 1838, descendant of Pierre de la Primaudaye, first Chancellor of the Order of the Saint Esprit under Henry III of France. Education: Italy. Became a Cathohc 1851; married John Hun- gerford Pollen, m.a. (d. 1902), artist and architect, 1855; has associated with most of the celebrities in art and literature of the past fifty years. Possesses rare collection of old laces, fans, and XVIII century English glass, which have been exhibited at the South Kensington Museum, the Franco-British, and the Japanese Exhibitions. Author of "Seven Centuries of Lace" (London, 1908). ARTICLE: Lace. Foncelet, Reverend Albert, s.j., BoHandist, b. at Li&ge, Belgium, 30 August, 1861, d. at Montpel- her, France, 19 January, 1912. Education: College of St. Servais, Li^ge; Jesuit scholasticates, Tronchi- ennes and Louvain, Belgium. Entered the Society of Jesus 1878; professor of grammar. College of St. Michael, Brussels, Belgium, 1884-1885; assistant editor of "Acta Sanctorum", Brussels, 1886-1888; ordained 1891; BoHandist (associate editor of "Acta Sanctorum"), charged with practical direction of "Analecta BoUandiaina, Brussels, 1892-1912. Com- piled one volume of "Acta Sanctorum Belgii" (1911), publication of which was delayed by his death. Au- thor of: "Anecdota ex codicibus hagiographicis Johannes Gielemans" (Brussels, 1895); "Catalogus Codicum Hagiographicorum I^atinorum Bibliothe- carum Romanorum prseter quam Vaticanae" (Brus- sels, 1909); "Catalogus Codicum Hagiographicorum Latinorum Bibhothecae Vaticanse" (Brussels, 1910); "BibMotheca Hagiographica Latina antiquae et mediae