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ætatis" (Brussels, 1911); edited: "Annales de I'Ab- baye de St. Ghislain par Dom Pierre Baudry et Dom Augustin Durot," Vols. X, XI, XII (Mons, 1897); principal collaborator in "Acta Sanctorum Novem- bris", Vols. Ill, IV; collaborator in " Jahresberiohte der Geschichtswissenschaft" (by Father Poncelet: "M&ovingiens") (1897-1907); contributor to: "Ana- lecta Bollandiana " ; "Precis historiques"; "La Science Catholique " ; "Melanges Mabillon"; "Me- langes Godefroid Kurth"; "Archivio della R. So- ciety, Romana di Storia Patria"; "Recherches de Science Religieuse"; "Revue Charlemagne"; "Deutsche Litteraturzeitung"; "Bulletin du Mus6e Beige".

ARTICLES: Gall, Saint; Ildephonsus, Saint; Ihen.eub, Saint; Leonard op Limousin, Saint; Ursula, Saint, and the Eleven Thousand Virgins.

Poole, Thomas H.

ARTICLES: Acanthus; Adytum; Aisle; Alan of Walsing- ham; Alessi, Galeazzo; Apse Chapel; Apsidiole; Ahch; Ar- NOLDi, Alberto; Arnolfo di Cambio; Atrium; Baptistery; Castello, Giovanni Batpista; Channel; Clerestory; Col- onnade; Column; Cornice; Coucy; Crypt; Cupola; Dome; Entablature; Ernulf; Escorial; Exedra; Facade; Fon- TANA, Carlo; Galilei, Alessandro; Gau, Franz Christian; Gaulli, Giovanni Battista; Jones, Inigo; Juan Bautista de Toledo; Labyrinth; Lantern.

Pope, Reverend Hugh (Henry Vincent Pope), O.P., s.T.Lect., S.S.D., b. at Kenilworth, Warwick- shire, England, 6 August, 1869. Education: Oratory School, Birmingham, Woodchester Priory, Stroud, and Hawkesyard Priory, Rugeley, England; Dominican scholasticate, Louvain, Belgium. Medical student 1889-1891; entered the Dominican Order 1891; or- dained 1896; professor of apologetics and Sacred Scripture, Hawkesyard Priory, Rugeley, 1898-1909; professor of New Testament exegesis and BibUcal archaeology, CoUegio Angehco, Rome, 1909-1914; at present prior at Woodchester, England. Lecturer for Palestine Exploration Society. Member of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Author of: "Inner Life 9f Father Thomas Burke, O.P."; "Manual for Dominican Lay Brothers"; "Date of the Composi- tion of the Book of Deuteronomy"; "Cathohc Stu- dents' 'Aids' to the Bible": Vol.1, "Old Testament"; "Prayer and the Contemplative Life"; "Fifty-Two Psahns" (Catholic Truth Society); "The Friar Preacher: Yesterday and Today"; brought out a new edition of "Dominican Hymn Book"; contribu- tor to: "Dubhn Review"; "New York Review"; "Catholic Quarterly"; "Ecclesiastical Review"; "Ecclesiastical Record"; "Irish Theological Quar- terly"; "Journal of Theological Studies".

ARTICLES: Angel; Angels of the Churches; Faith; Faith, The Rule of; Gabriel, Archangel; Guardian Angel; Holiness; Judith, Book of; Kingdom of God; Malediction (in Schipture); Martha, Saint; Martianay, Jean; Mart, Name of Several Personages in N. T. ; Mary, The Name op, IN Scripture and in Catholic Use; Mart Magdalen, Saint; Monica, Saint; Socianism.

Portalie, Reverend Eugene, s.j., b. at Mende, Loz&re, France, 3 January, 1852, d. at Am61ie-les- Bains, France, 20 April, 1909. Education: Jesuit ' colleges, Mende and Saint Affrique, France; Jesuit scholasticate, Ucl^s, Spain; Gregorian University, Rome. Entered the Society of Jesus 1867; professor of grammar and literature, Jesuit College, Sarlat, France, 1872-1873; professor, Jesuit scholasticates, Toulouse, France (1875-1880), and Uclte, Spain (1880-1881); ordained 1884; professor of theology, Jesuit scholasticate, Uctes, 1887-1897; stationed at Vals, France, 1897-1899; professor of positive theol- ogy, Cathohc Institute, Toulouse, France, 1899-1909; frequent preacher of retreats to the clergy. Au- thority on Augustinism and French Protestantism; ardent opponent of modern errors against theology; instrumental in exposing the Diana Vaughan impos- ture; one of the foremost in unmasking the impostors in the Herzog-Dupin affair. Author of : " La fin d'une mystification" (1897); "La question Herzog-Dupin", pamphlet (1908); collaborator in Vacant, "Diction- naire de th^ologie CathoUque"; contributor to: "Etudes" ; " Bulletin de la Utt&ature eccMsiastique " ; "La Croix"; "Revue du Clerg6 frauQais".

ARTICLE: Augustine of Hippo, Saint.

Potamian, Reverend Brother (Michael Fran- cis O'Reilly), f.s.c, d.sc, b. in Co. Cavan, Ireland, 29 September, 1847; d. in New York, 20 January, 1917. Education: pubhc and Christian Brothers schools. New York City; London University; Chris- tian Brothers scholasticate, Montreal, Canada. En- tered the Order of Christian Brothers 1859; teacher successively at Quebec and St. Louis, Missoim; pro- fessor, St. Joseph's College, London, 1870-1893; pro- fessor of mathematical and experimental physics, De La Salle Normal College, Waterford, Ireland, 1893-1896; professor of physics, Manhattan College, New York City, 1896-1917. Appointed by the British Government member of the Jury of Awards, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Au- thor of : "Gleanings in Electrical History"; "Frank- lin and De Romas, or the Lightning Kite"; "Gilbert of Colchester"; "The Rotation of the Earth"; joint author of the following: "Electric Illumination", 2 vols.; "The Letter of Peregrinus on the Magnet"; "The Makers of Electricity"; "The Makers of As- tronomy"; "Catalogue of the Wheeler Gift, or a brief illustrated account of works on electricity and magnetism from earliest times to the middle of the nineteenth century", 2 vols.; former editor of "Man- hattan College News Letter".

ARTICLES: Beccaria, Giovanni Battista; Gordon, An- drew; ToALDO, Giuseppe; Vincent of Beauvais; Volta, Alesbanobo; Zamboni, Giuseppe; Zantedeschi, Fiuncebco.

Poulain, Reverend Augustin, s.j., writer, b. at Cherbourg, France, 1836. Education: Polytechnic School, Paris. Entered the Society of Jesus 1858; ordained 1870; former professor of higher mathemat- ics; former member of the faculty. University of Angers; at present, devotes most of his time to liter- ary work; resident in Paris. Member of the Perma- nent Council Board for five Cathohc International Scientific Congresses, 1888-1900. Author of: "Les Graces d'Oraison" (9th ed. Paris, 1914; English translation: "The Grace of Interior Prayer", Lon- don); "L'Oraison de simpUcit6" (extract from "Les Graces d'Oraison"); numerous publications on ascet- ical and mathematical subjects.

ARTICLES: Contemplation; Ecstasy; Louib-Mabie Grig- NioN DE MoNTFORT, Blessed; Marriage, Mystical; Moham- medan Confraternities; Revelations, Private; Stigmata, Mystical; Surin, Jean-Joseph; Theology, Mystical.

Power, Mother Alice, R.S.C.J., Superior, Academy of the Sacred Heart, Detroit, Michigan.

Power, Reverend Patrick, m.r.i.a., b. at Cal- laghane, Co. Waterford, Ireland, 1862. Education: Cathohc University School and St. John's College, Waterford. Ordained 1885; assistant, St. Brigid's Church. Liverpool, England, 1885-1888; pastor at Cobar (1888-1894), and at Bourke, and vicar forane, diocese of Wilcannia (1894^-1895), New South Wales, Austraha; inspector of schools, diocese of Water- ford and Lismore, Ireland, 1895-1903; attached to the Training College, Waterford, 1903-1908; assist- ant pastor, Portlaw, Co. Waterford, 1908-1913; lecturer in Celtic Archaeology, Maynooth College, Ireland, 1910-1911; at present professor of Archae- ology, University College, Cork. Author of : "Manual of ReUgious Instruction" (24 editions) ; "PlaceNames of Decies" (London, 1907); "Parochial History of Waterford and Lismore" (Waterford, 1912); "Lives of SS. Declan and Mochuda" (London, 1914);