contributor to various theological periodicals; editor
of "Waterford Archaeological Journal".
ARTICLE: Watebfokd and Lismobe, Diocese of.
Powers, Rbvbkend James J., b. at Trenton, 15 October, 1876. Education: Cathedral School, Tren- ton; St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, and St. Vin- cent's College and Seminary, Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Ordained 1903; former private secretary to Bishop McFaul, of Trenton; at present, rector. Church of St. Mary of the Lake, Lakewood, New Jersey (1911- ), diocesan consultor (1912- ), sec- retary (1913- ) and chancellor, diocese of Trenton. Author of "What Do Our Universities Teach?" pamphlet; editor of "St. Michael's Messenger"
ARTICLE: Tbenton, Diocese of.
Poyet, Vert Reverend Canon CiiAUDio, b. at Parand, Argentina, 16 May, 1875. Ordained 1897; has fiUed the posts successively of chaplain to the Hos- pital (ten years), canon theologian (twelve years) and (at present) canon penitentiary and secretary to the Bishop, ParanA, Argentina. Contributor to vari- ous periodicals.
ARTICLE: PabauA, Diocese of.
Prat, Reverend Ferdinand, s.j., writer, b. 10 February, 1857. Education: University of St. Joseph, Beirut, Syria; theological studies in Rome; courses of Scripture under Father Cornely in Rome and Fathers Zenner and Knabenbauer in England; College of France and School of Higher Studies, Paris. Entered the Society of Jesus 1873; ordained 1887; has fiUed the posts of professor of exegesis and Orien- tal languages, Jesuit scholasticates at Ucles, Spain, Vals, France, and Enghien, Belgium; professor of Oriental languages, German College, Rome, 1903- 1907; at present, associate editor of "Etudes" and "Recherches de Sciences Religieuses"; member of the Pontifical Bibhcal Commission; resident at Brus- sels. Author of: "Th6ologie de St. Paul", 2 vols.; "La Bible et I'Histoire" (translated into four lan- guages); "Origfene, le th^ologien et I'ex^gete"; col- laborator in Vigouroux, " Dictionnaire de la Bible"; contributor: "Etudes"; " Revue bibhque"; "Revue des questions scientifiques"; "Recrutement sacer- dotal"; "CiviltEl Cattohca".
ARTICLES : Criticism, Biblical (Textual) ; Obigen and Obigenism; Paul, Saint.
Prestage, Edgar, b.a., b. at Manchester, 20 July, 1869. Education: Radley School, Abingdon, Eng- land; BalUol College, Oxford. Married Maria Chris- tina Crespo, 1907. Law student and sohcitor 1892- 1908; has filled the posts of special lecturer in Por- tuguese hterature. University of Manchester, Ex- aminer in Portuguese, Universities of London, Liver- pool, Manchester, Leeds, and Sheffield, and for the Civil Service Commission, and chairman of the Man-
chester Warehouse Property Company, Ltd. ; at pres-
ent resident in Lisbon. Corresponding member of:
Lisbon Academy of Sciences, Lisbon Geographical
Society, Institute of Coimbra, etc.; Commendador
of the Portuguese Order of Sao Thiago. Author of:
"Cincoenta documentos ineditos relatives a D. Fran-
cisco Manuel de Mello"; "Cartas de D. Francisco
Manuel de Mello escriptas a Antonio I;uiz de Aze-
vedo"; "Portuguese Literature to the End of the
XVIII Century ; "Registo da Frequesia de Santa
Cruz do CasteUo de Lisboa" (in collaboration with
P. de Azevedo), (translations from the Portuguese)
"Letters of a Portuguese Nun"; "Sixty-four Son-
nets" (of Quental); "Brother Luiz de Sousa" (of
Almeida Garrett); "Short Stories" (of Querioz);
joint author of "Chronicle of Guinea", 2 vols, (trans-
lated from the Portuguese of Azurara) ; collaborator
in "Encyclopedia Britannica", 11th ed. (by Prof.
Prestage; articles on Portuguese litterateurs); con-
tributor: "Archivo Historico Portiguez"; "Oxford
and Cambridge Review".
ARTICLES: Henby the Naviqatob; Macedo, Job^ Aqos- TiNHO; Opobto, Diocese of; Periodical Literature, Cath- olic: Portugal; Pombal, Sebastiao Jos6 de Carvalho e Mello, Marquis de; Portalegee, Diocese of; Poetugal; PoETUGUESE East Afeica; Poetuguese Litebatube; Portu- guese West Afbica; Vizeu, Diocese of.
Prior, Right Reverend Monsignor John, d.d., b. at Darlington, England, 21 February, 1861. Edu- cation: English Benedictine College, Douai, France; EngUsh College and Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 1884; parish work in the diocese of Hex- ham and Newcastle, England, starting the mission of Chester-le-Street, County of Durham, 1884^1888; theologian of Diocesan Conferences, Hexham and Newcastle, 1885-1888; vice-rector, Enghsh College, Rome, 1888-1898; private chamberlain to Leo XIII 1898; domestic prelate 1904; superior and vice- rector, Bede College, Rome, by Papal appointment, 1898-1908; auditor of the Sacred Roman Rota, repre- senting English-speaking countries, 1908- ; con- sultor of the Sacred Congregation of the Index, 1913- . Vice-President of the International Catholic Scientific Congress, Munich, 1900. Member of the "Arcadia", Rome. Contributor to: "The Tablet"; "Civdta, Cattolica"; "Rome".
ARTICLE: In Ccena Domini.
Pustet, Fhiedrich, publisher, b. at Ratisbon, Ger- many, 21 April, 1867, grandson of Friedrich Pustet, founder of the pubhshing house. All his life engaged in the publishing business; his firm, printer of all model liturgical editions for the world; printer for thirty years of Medicaean Plain Chant editions; cham- berlain of the Cape and Sword to Pius X; resident at Ratisbon, Germany. His firm, winner of highest awards at all exhibitions where represented. ARTICLE: Pustet Family.