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Rahilly, Alfred J., m.a., b.sc, b. in 1884 at Listowel, Ireland. Education: University College, Dublin, Ireland. Professor of Mathematical Physics, Uni- versity College, Cork. Contributor to: "New- Ireland Review"; "Studies"; "Month"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record " ; " DubUn Review" ; etc.

ARTICLE: Reason.

Ragonesi, Very Reverend Fbanoesco di Paola, O.T., b. at Terranova, Sicily, 3 December, 1833. Edu- cation: Theatine schools. Entered the Theatine Order 1855; ordained 1857; at present, superior gen- eral of the Theatine Order and rector of the Church of Sant' Andrea della Valle, Rome. Member of the "Arcadia", Rome. Author of "Vita di Sant' An- drea Avelhno" (Rome, 1908).

ARTICLE: Theatines.

Rainer, Right Reverend Monsignor Joseph, vicar-general, archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, b. at Kaltern, Tyrol, Austria, 10 February, 1845. Education: Gymnasium, Bozen, Tyrol, and Uni- versity of Innsbruck, Austria. Ordained 1867; pro- fessor of Sacred Scripture and Hebrew (1867- ) and rector (1887- ), St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin; vicar-general, archdiocese of Milwaukee; prothonotarj' Apostolic. Member of the Leo Society, Vienna; member of the New York His- torical Society. Author of: "Josef Salzmanns Le- ben" (1876; 2nd ed. 1903); "Jubelklange aus Amerika" (1884); "Short Conferences on the Office of the Immaculate Conception" (1889; 2nd ed. 1903); translated into German "Life of Michael Costello".

ARTICLES: Milwaukee, Archdiocese of; Salzmann, Jo-

Ramirez Colom, Vert Reverend Jos£ MarIa, ph.B., LL.iic, vicar-general, archdiocese of Santiago de Guatemala, b. at Guatemala City, Guatemala, 25 January, 1851. Education: School of San Casiano and Jesuit college and seminary, Guatemala. Ad- mitted to the Bar of Guatemala 1877; ordained 1877; professor and prefect of studies, College of St. Augus- tine, Guatemala, 1877-1880; private secretary to Archbishop Casanova of Guatemala and secretary of the Metropolitan Government 1886-1908; rector, St. Rose of Lima's Church, Guatemala, 1888- ; vicar-general, archdiocese of Guatemala, 1908 to 14 April, 1913, when Archbishop Ricardo Casanova y Estrada died. Since then he has retired to private Ufe, devoting himseK to teaching in the Seminary of Santiago de Guatemala where he is professor of Moral Theology, Rhetoric, and Latin, being at the same time rector of the Church of Santa Rosa. ARTICLE: Guatemala, Santiago de, Archdiocese of.

Randolph, Reverend Bartholomew John Alo- TSius, CM., M.A., b. at Baltimore, Maryland, 21 Janu- ary, 1867. Education: private school, School of the Christian Brothers, Loyola College an'd St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore; St. Vincent's Seminary, Ger- mantown, Pennsylvania. Entered the Congregation of the Mission 1893; ordained 1896; professor, St. Vincent's Seminary, Germantown, 1896-1897; pro- fessor of philosophy and Church history, St. John's S^tniaary, Brooklyn, 1897- . Secretary of the

Seminary Department, Meeting of the Catholic Edu- cational Association, 1911.

ARTICLES: BoR^, Euq^nb; Charity, Sisters of; Francis Regis Clet, Blessed; Holy Agony, Archconfraternity of the; Mission, Congregation of Priests of the; Odin, John Mary; Seton, Elizabeth Ann; Seton, William; Tamisier, Marie- Mahthe-Baptistine; Vrau, Philibeht.

Reagan, Reverend Nicholas Joseph, o.f.m., B.T.L., b. at Reagan, Texas, 15 August, 1881. Educa- tion: public and high schools; Georgetown Univer- sity, Mt. St. Sepulchre Franciscan Monastery, and CathoUc University, Washington, D. C; St. Bona- venture's Monastery, Paterson, New .lersey; St Antony's College, Rome. Became a CathoUc 1898 entered the Franciscan Order 1903; ordained 1910 stationed at St. Antony's College, Rome, 1910-1913, at St. Stephen's Monastery, Croghan, New York, 1913-1915; at St. Bouaventure's College and Semi- nary, AUegany, New York, 1915-

ARTICLES: Peter of Alcantara, Saint; Siloe; Sinai; Sodom and Gomorrah.

Redon, Reverend Jean M., s.s., ph.L., litt.L., b. at St. Brieuc, France, 5 April, 1873. Education: schools at St. Brieuc; College, St. M6en; Seminary, Rennes; University of France, Rennes; Cathoho University, Washington, D. C. Ordained 1897; pro- fessor at the College, St. M6en, France, 1895-1903; entered the Sulpician Order 1903; came to the United States 1905; associate professor of philosophy, St. Mary's University and Seminary, Baltimore, 1907- 1914; professor of Philosophy and Liturgy, St. Pat- rick's Seminary, Menlo Park, Cahfornia, 1914-

ARTICLE: Hylozoism.

Reid, Reverend George Joseph, b.a., s.t.l., b. at Clarion, Pennsylvania, 8 July, 1863. Education: parochial schools. Clarion, Titusville and Erie, Penn- sylvania; Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massa- chusetts; Seton Hall College, South Orange, New Jersey; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland; Cathoho University, Washington, D. C. Admitted to the Bar 1888; ordained 1893; assistant rector. New Castle, Pennsylvania, 1895-1898; chaplain, Mt. Aloysius Academy, Cresson, Pennsylvania, 1898- 1901; professor of Sacred Scripture and Hebrew, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1901-1906; assistant rector, St. Joseph's Church, Pensacola, Florida, 1908-1909; rector. Holy Angels Church, Childress, Texas, 1909-1911; rector, St. Joseph's Church, ClarksviUe, Texas, 1911- . Author of "Journal of Samuel Maclay"; collaborator in "His- tory of Clarion County, Pennsylvania"; contributor to: "Cathohc World"; "Ave Maria"; "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; "Catholic University Bulletin".

ARTICLES: Acta Pilati; Adam, The Books of; Apocry- pha; Canon of the Holy Scriptures; Captivities of the Israelites; Criticism, Biblical.

Reilly, Louis W., m.a., b. in New York, 5 Decem- ber, 1853. Education: Christian Brothers Academy and St. Francis Xavier's College, New York. Suc- cessively teacher of Commercial course, St. Francis Xavier's College, New York (two years), editor of "Catholic Mu-ror", Baltimore, Maryland (1876- 1883), editor of "Cathohc Columbian", Columbus,