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Ohio (1885-1890), associate editor with P. V. Hickey, "Catholic Review", New York (two years); first editor of "The Observer", Pittsburg (two years); at present, clerk in the United States Land Office, Wash- ington, and Washington correspondent of the Asso- ciated CathoUc Press. Author of : "What the Fight Was About" (St. Louis); "Short Stories", 2 vols. (New York); "A Catechism of the Vows" (trans- lated from the French of Cotel) (Baltimore); "The Principles of the Religious Life" (translated from the French of Cotel) (Baltimore); collaborator in "The Catholic Dictionary" (American ed.); contributor to: "Ave Maria"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "CathoUc World"; "Messenger of the Sacred Heart"; "Catholic Family Annual"; "Catholic Union and Times"; "Catholic Columbian"; and other publications, secular and religious.

AKTICIiE: Blanchet, Feancois Noebebt aud AuauSTiu Maololre.

Reilly, Reverend Thomas a Kempis, o.p., s.T.Lect., s.s.ii., b. at Pawtucket, Rhode Island, 25 January, 1879. Education: parochial high school, Pawtucket; Dominican scholastioate, Springfield, Kentucky; St. Joseph's College, Somerset, Ohio; St. Stephen's BibUcal School, Jerusalem; further studies in Berlin. Entered the Dominican Order 1896; pro- fessor of Sacred Scripture and Hebrew, Immaculate Conception College, Washington, 1908-1915; sta- tioned at Church of St. Raymond, Providence, Rhode Island, 1915- . Former member and director, St. John Chrysostom Society, Catholic University, Washington; gave course on Scriptural subjects to Dominican Sisters Summer School, Sacred Heart Academy, Madison, Wisconsin, 1913. Author of: " Messages of Truth in Rhyme and Story"; "Domini- can Sisters Breviary" (in collaboration with C. J. CaUan, O. P.); "Dominican Sisters Hymnal and Rubric Book" (in collaboration with C. J. Callan, O.P.); contributor to: "American Ecclesiastical Re- view"; "Catholic University Bulletin".

ARTICLES: Calvary, Mount; Maeiales, Xantes; Medices (de Medicis), Hieeonymtjs; Mosaic Legislation; Mobes; Nicholas of Strasbueg; Pagnino, Santes; Tongues, Gift of.

Reilly, Reverend Wendell Stephen, s.s., s.t.d., 8.S.D., b. at North Hatley, P. Q., Canada, 25 March, 1875. Education: schools and college, Sherbrooke; Grand Seminary, Montreal; Catholic Institute, Paris; CathoUc University, Washington, D. C; St. Stephen's Biblical School, Jerusalem; Rome. En- tered the Sulpician Order; ordained 1898; professor of Sacred Scripture, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland, 1900-1901, St. John's Seminary, Brigh- ton, Massachusetts, 1903-1907, 1909-1911; and of Sacred Scripture and Biblical languages at St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, 1911- , and at the Boston Seminary. Presented thesis "Exegesis of St. Ire- naeus" before the Biblical Commission, Rome, 1908. Author of "Quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus", thesis (Tours); contributed to "New York Review".

ARTICLES: Achaia; Achiachaeus; Achimaas (2); Achime- LECH (4); Achitopel; Achoe Valley; Adah; Bandello, Mat- TEO; BoNFEERE, Jacques; Cain; Caiphas, Joseph; Cham, Chamites; Chusai; Claudia; Cush; Dalila; Debbora; Dives; Drusilla; Polyglot Bibles.

Reinhart, Reverend Albert, o.p., m.a., ll.b., b. at Cincinnati, Ohio, 15 August, 1860, d. at Battle Creek, Michigan, 28 May, 1913. Education: Col- lege of the Brothers of Mary, St. Xavier's College, and University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati; Univer- sity of St. Thomas, Rome. Admitted to the Bar 1883; entered the Dominican Order 1893; ordained 1897; editor of "The Rosary", Somerset, Ohio, 1898-1904; at the time of his death, professor of sacred eloquence, Immaculate Conception College, Washington, D. C. Author of: "Sackcloth and Ashes" (Somerset); "Luther and Lutheranism"

(tr. from the German of Denifle); contributor to "The Rosary".

ARTICLES: Houghton, William; John of Ragcsa; Vin- cent Ferrer, Saint.

Reinhold, Gbbgor, editor, b. at Beuren, Eichs- feld, Germany, 4 August, 1876. Editor of the 3rd edition of Herder's Konversations-Lexikon, 1902- 1907; on the staff of Krose's Kirchhche Handbuch 1908; the Konversationslexikon (Keiter's Katho- lische Litteratur-Kalender) 1908; editor and man- ager of the "Christliche Schule" in Eichstatt, 1910- 1912; manager of the publishing firm of Hugo Biitt- ner, Berhn, and editor of "Deutsche Fabrikanten Zeitung", and "Geplanten Neugriindungen in Han- del, Gewerbe u. Industrie", 1913- . Collabora- tor in Buohbergers, Kirchliche Handlexikon.

ARTICLES: Berne; DiakovAr; Elba; Elizabeth Associa- tions; Ermland; Goez, Archdiocese of; Guayaquil, Diocese of; Haiti; Huajuapam de Le6n, Diocese or; Huai^uco, Dio- cese or; Ibarra, Diocese of; Jaca, Diocese of; Ja^n, Dio- cese of; Karnkowski, Stanislaw; Lamego, Diocese of; La Paz, Diocese of; La ]?lata, Archdiocese of (Bolivia); La Plata, Diocese of (Argentina) ; Lausanne AifD Geneva, Dio- cese of; Liebee, Mobiz.

Remy, Arthur Frank Joseph, m.a., Ph.D., b. at Elberfeld, Germany, 26 June, 1871. Education: Johanneum, Hamburg, and Gymnasium, Coesfeld, Germany; public schools, New York; College of the City of New York; Columbia University. Came to the United States 1882; tutor of Latin and Greek, College of the City of New York, 1891-1894; Fel- low in comparative philology (1898-1899), instruc- tor in Germanic philology (1899-1907) and adjunct professor of Germanic philology (1907- ), Co- lumbia University. Has lectured in German and English before various organizations and societies; has lectured at the Champlain Assembly, CathoUe Summer School, Cliff Haven, New York, and at Columbia Institute of Arts and Sciences. Member of: Modern Language Association; New York State Advisory Council, Simplified Spelling Board; Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity. Author of "The Influence of India and Persia on the Poetry of Germany" (New York, 1901); contributor to: "Progress"; "Journal of the American Oriental Society"; "Jour- nal of English and Germanic Philology"; publica- tions of the Modern Language Association.

ARTICLES: Adam of Bremen; Ava; Avesta, The; Bren- TANO, Clemens Maria; Beant, Sebastian; Ch^zt, Antoine- L^ONARD de; Daumer, Geoeg Feiedeich; Denis, Johann Nepomuk Cosmas Michael; Edda; Etb, Albeecht von; Ezzo; Feuchteesleben, Eenst von; Flodoaed; Feiedeich von Hausbn; German Liteeature; Gottfeied von Strasbueg; Grail, The Holy; Geillpaezee, Franz; Grimmelshausen, Johann Jacob Cheistoffel von; Geun, Anastasius; Hammee-


GLtcHZAEE; Heinrich von Laufenburg; Heineich von Meis- sen; Heineich von Melk; Heineich von Veldeke; Her- mann I; HeevAs y Panddeo, Lorenzo; Holtei, Kael von; Icelandic Liteeature; Konead dee Pfaffe; Konead of Lich- TENAu; Konrad of Wurzbueg; Lampeecht; Lassberg, Baeon Joseph Mahia Cheistoph von; Legends, Liteeaey and Peo- fane; Maeelant, Jacob van; Mieacle Plays and Mysteeies;


Otfhied OF Weissenbuhg; Peutingeb, Conrad; Reinmae op Hagbnau; Rudolf von Ems; Saxo Geammaticus; Vedas; VOluspA; Walafeid; Wolfeam von Eschenbach; Zeuss, Jo- hann Kaspae.

Reville, Reverend John Clement, s.j., b. at Brooklyn, New York, 4 February, 1867. Education: Jesuit College, Poitiers, France; St. Charles College, Grand Coteau, Louisiana; Jesuit College, Montreal, Canada. Entered the Society of Jesus 1884; pro- fessor of humanities. Spring HiU College, Mobile, Alabama, 1896; ordained 1899; professor of rhetoric and sacred eloquence (1899-1915) and prefect of studies (1900-1915), St. Stanislaus College, Macon, Georgia; on the editorial staff of "America", New York, 1915- ; lecturer; preacher. Contributor to: "America"; "The Ave Maria".

ARTICLES: Ravignan, Gustave-Xavier-Laceoix de; Scheeee, Geoeg; Segneei, Paolo; Talon, Nicolas; Toenielli,