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GiBOLAMO Francesco; Ventuba di Raulica, Gioaochino; ViBiBA, Antonio.

Reville, Right Revekend Stephen, o.s.a., Ph.D., D.D., Bishop of Sandhurst, Australia, b. at Wexford, Ireland, 9 May, 1844; d. 19 September, 1916. Edu- cation: St. Peter's College, Wexford; Augustinian International College, Ghent, Belgium. Entered Augustinian Order 1860; ordained 1867; president, Seminary of St. Lawrence O'Toole, Dubhn, 1867- 1874; vicar-general and administrator (1882-1885), Coadjutor Bishop (1885-1901) and Bishop (1901- 1916), diocese of Sandhurst, Australia; Assistant Bishop at the Pontifical Throne; Knight of the Holy Sepulchre. Took an active part in the National Synod of the Austrahan Church, Sydney, 1885; gave evidence before the Royal Commission ap- pointed to inquire into the working of the Education Act in AustraUa, and strenuously advocated denomi- national schools, but without success; as bishop, has built numerous churches, convents, and schools, collecting and spending for this purpose £300,000.

ARTICLE: Sandhurst, Diocese of.

Rezek, Reverend Antoine Ivan, ll.d., b. in the diocese of Laibach, Austria, 9 February, 1867. Edu- cation: Royal Gymnasium, Rudolf swert, and Uni- versity of Graz, Austria; St. Jerome's College, Ber- lin, Canada. Came to America 1887; ordained 1890; has since been engaged in parish work, building churches and schools; at present, rector, St. Ignatius Church, Houghton, Michigan. Author of "History of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie and Marquette", 2 vols. Contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLES: Leopoldine Society, The; Marquette, Dio- cese of; Mrak, Ignatius; Vehtin, John.

Richarz, Rbvebend Herman, s.v.d., b. 20 No- vember, 1867. Education: Steyl, Holland; St. Gabriel's Mission House, Modling, Austria. Entered the Society of the Divine Word; ordained 1900; at present stationed at St. Mary's Mission House, Techny, Illinois.

ARTICLE: Janssen, Arnold.

Rickaby, Reverend John, s.j., b. 1847. Educa- tion: Stonyhmst. Entered the Society of Jesus 1867; ordained 1878; has fiUed the posts of professor of philosophy, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, Eng- land, and professor of theology and (ten years) rec- tor, St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales; at pres- ent, professor of ethics, St. Mary's Hah, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn. Author of: "The First Princi- ples of Knowledge" (London, 1901); "General Metaphysics" (London, 1909); contributor to: "The Month"; "The Tablet"; "American CathoUc Quar- terly Review".

ARTICLES: Cardinal Virtues; Conscience; Fortitude.

Rickaby, Reverend Joseph, s.j., m.a., b.sc, b. at Everingham, York, England, 1845. Education: Stonyhurst College; London University; Oxford. Entered the Society of Jesus 1862; ordained 1877; has filled the posts of professor of Latip, Greek, and moral philosophy, and lecturer to the Cathohc undergraduates, Oxford; at present, assistant master. Pope's Hall, Oxford. Author of: "Moral Philoso- phy"; "Aquinas Ethicus", 2 vols.; "Of God and His Creatures"; "Pohtical and Moral Essays"; "Free WiU and Four EngHsh Philosophers"; "Wa- ters that Go Softly"; "Notes on St. Paul"; "The Lord my Light"; "Ye Are Christ's"; "The Cardinal Virtues"; "Scholasticism"; "Further Notes on St. Paul"; "The Spiritual Exercises, Spanish and EngUsh, with Notes". ARTICLES: Authobitt, Civil; Batma, Joseph.

Riordan, Most Reverend Patrick William, D.D., b. at Chatham, New Brunswick, 27 August, 1841; d. 27 December, 1914. Education: Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana; American College, Rome; Louvain University, Belgium. Or- dained 1865; professor of theology, St. Mary's Sem- inary, Chicago, Illinois, 1865-1868; rector, St. Mary's Church, Joliet, Illinois, 1868-1871; rector, St. James Church, Chicago, 1871-1883; Coadjutor Bishop (1883-1884) and Archbishop (1884-1914) of San Francisco, California. Took an active interest in the cause of education; founded St. Patrick's Sem- inary, Menlo Park, California, 1884;, delegate to the Hague Arbitration Court in behalf of the Pious Fund of the Californias, 1902. ARTICLE: Alemant, Joseph Sadoc.

Ritchie, Right Reverend Canon John, b. at Huntley, Aberdeenshire, Scotknd, 1857. Education: schools at Huntley and Ft. William, and Blairs Col- lege, Aberdeen, Scotland; Scots College and Grego- rian University, Rome. Ordained 1880; professor of philosophy (1881-1884) and of dogmatic theology (1885-1899), St. Peter's College, Glasgow, Scotland; parish priest (1899-1900), diocesan secretary and canon theologian (1900-1914), and vicar-general 1914r- , diocese of Glasgow.

ARTICLE: Glasgow, Archdiocese of.

Ritchie, Reverend Sabtobis Charles Sebas- tian, p.orat., M.A., b. in London, 1882. Education: St. Paul's School, London; Trinity CoUege, Cam- bridge. Became a Catholic 1904; assistant master. Oratory School, Birmingham, 1905- ; entered the Congregation of the Oratory 1906; ordained 1910. Author of "The Alphabet of the Saints" (in collab- oration with Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson and Reginald Balfour) (London). ARTICLE: Philip Romolo Nehi, Saint.

Rivard, Vert Reverend Eugene Louis, c.s.v., M.A., Ph.D., d.d.^ b. at Bourbonnais, Illinois, 1861. Education: parish school and St. Viator's College and Seminary, Bourbonnais; Minerva, Rome. En- tered the Order of Clerics of St. Viator 1882; or- dained 1885; professor of hterature and philosophy (1886-1911) and vice-president (1901-1911), St. Viator's College, Bourbonnais; master of novices, St. Viator's Normal Institute, Chicago, Illinois, 1911- 1912; provincial of the Clerics of St. Viator in the United States, resident at Chicago, 1912- Potent factor in cause of Catholic Education in the Middle West. Member (and first president), Catho- hc Writers' Guild, Chicago; member CathoUc Edu- cational Association. Author of: "Views of Dante", 2 eds.; "Bourbonnais Sketches"; contributor to: "Benziger's Magazine"; "Champlain Educator"; "Magnificat"; "Annals of Ste. Anne de Brighton Park".

ARTICLE: Viator, Clerics of Saint.

Riviere, Reverend Ernest-Mabie, s.j., writer, b. at Saint-Louis, Reunion Island, 9 April, 1854. En- tered the Society of Jesus 1870; ordained 1884; for- mer professor of Church history, Jesuit scholasticate, Ucles, Spain (two years); former associate editor of "Les Etudes", Paris (two years); at present, en- gaged in research work, Toulouse, France. Author of: three volumes of "Moniteur bibhographique de la Compagnie de J&us" (1891, 1892, 1893); "Bibloggraphie du 3e Centenaire de S. Louis de Gonzague" (1893) ; ' ' Corrections et additions k la BibhothSque de la Compagnie de J6sus: Supplement au 'De Backer- Sommervogel' ", Fascs. I, II, III, IV (1911, 1912, 1913, 1917); collaborator in " Dictiormaire d'histoire et de geographic eccl^siastiques"; contributor to: "Etudes"; "Revue des questions historiques", etc.

ARTICLE: Wadding, Michael. Roberge, Reverend Joseph Louis Orig^ne, s.t.m., j.c.d., b. at Cohoes, New York, 20 February,