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1873. Education: schools and seminary, St. Hya- cinthe; St. Manx's College and Grand Seminary, Montreal, Canada; law studies with Judge De- Courcy, Lawrence, Mass.; Gregorian University and Roman Seminary, Rome; professor of rhetoric, Ste. Marie de Monnoir, Marieville, Canada, 1897; or- dained 1897; professor of philosophy, Ste. Marie de Monnoir, Marieville, 1901-1904; curate, Cathedral of St. Hyacinthe, 1904^1907; vice-chancellor, dio- cese of St. Hyacinthe, 1907-1910; pastor at Marie- ville 1910-1911; secretary to Bishop Bernard, and chancellor of the diocese, St. Hyacinthe, 1911-1915. Parish Priest of Ange-Gardien, Rouville, P. Q., 1915- . Represented Bishop Bernard at three ecclesias- tical congregations in Rome 1907, 1908, 1909; has lectured on socialism and other subjects. Has con- tributed to newspapers in Canada and the United States.

ARTICLE: Bernard, Alexis-Xyste.

Robins, Jdlia Gobham, b. at Boston, Massachu- setts, 25 July, 1846. Education: private schools, Boston. Became a Cathbhc 1899; occasional lec- turer on Greek archaeology and sculpture. Contribu- tor to: "Sacred Heart Review"; "America"; other Catholic and secular periodicals.

ARTICLE: Henderson, Isaac Austin.

Robinson, Doani; (Jon-ah ' Lerot Robinson), M.A., b. at Sparta, Wisconsin, 19 October, 1856, son of George McCook and Rhozina (Grow) Robinson. Education: University of Wisconsin. Admitted to the Bar 1882; married Jennie Austin (d. 1902) 1884; editor of "The Courier", Watertown, South Dakota, 1884; secretary of the Territorial Railroad Com- mission of Dakota 1889, and of the First Railroad Commission of South Dakota 1890-1891; editor of "The Interstate", Gary, South Dakota, 1894, and of "The Daily and Weekly Gazette", Yankton, South Dakota, 1896; organizer and editor of the "South Dakotan Monthly", Sioux Falls, 1898; at present. State librarian, secretary, and superintend- ent, State Historical Society, Pierre, South Dakota. Author of: "Coteaus of Dakota" (1899); "History of South Dakota" (1900); "History of Leaven- worth's Expedition and Conquest of Ree Indians" (1902); "History of Dakota", 2 vols. (1903); "His- tory of Sioux Indians" (1904); "Brief History of South Dakota" (1906); contributor to "Century Magazine". ARTICLE: South Dakota.

Robinson, Reverend Paschal, o.p.m., b. at Dublin, Ireland, 26 April, 1870, son of Nugent Robinson. Former foreign correspondent and (1892- 1895) associate editor, "North American Review"; entered the Franciscan Order 1896; ordained 1901; lector general of theology 1902; on the editorial staff of the "Archivum Franciscanum Historioum", St. Bonaventure's College, Quaraochi, Italy, 1904; has filled the post of professor of theology at Mt. St. Sepulchre, Washington, D. C, St. Bonaventure's Monastery, Paterson, New Jersey, and St. Joseph's College, CaUicoon, New York; has spent much of his time in research work on Franciscan subjects; formerly stationed at Monastery of St. Francis of Assisi, New York City; professor of medieval history. Catholic University, Washington, 1913- . Author of: "The Real St. Francis", criticism of Sabatier, "Vie deS. Frangois" (1903; 3 eds.; translated iuto Spanish and Italian); "Some Pages of Franciscan History" (1905); "Writings of St. Francis of Assisi" a906); "Short Introduction to Franciscan Literature" (1907); "Golden Sayings of Blessed Giles" (1907); "Life of St. Clare" (1910) ; contributor to: "Archivum Franciscanum Historicum"; "Messenger"; "North American Review"; "American Ecclesiastical Re- view"; "American History Review"; "Century";

"Cosmopolitan"; "Lippincott's"; associate editor of "Archivum Franciscanum Historicum".

ARTICLES: jEgidius of Assisi, Blessed; Agnes, Saint, op Assisi; Alvarus Pelagius; Angela of Foligno, Blessed; Bartholi, Francesco della Rossa; Bartholomew of Pisa; Bernard of Besse; Bernardine of Siena, Saint; Bonavbn- TURE, Saint; Brunforte, Ugolino; Celestines; Christopher NuMAR of FoRLi; Clare of Assisi, Saint; Conventuals, Or- der OF Friars Minor; Eccleston, Thomas of; Elias of Cor- tona; Fioretti di S. Francesco d'Assisi; Franciscan Order; Francis of Assisi, Saint; John of Fermo, Blessed; Leo, Brother; Spina, Alfonso de; Verna, La; William of Ware.

Rocca, Reverend Francis, b. at Valmadrera, Italy, 1869. Education: School of Technology and Institute of Technology, Lecco, Villoresi Institute, Monza, and Seminary of Foreign Missions, Milan, Italy. Ordained 1891; apostolic missionary, Saidpur, Eastern Bengal, India, 1892- ; at present also consultor and fiscal advocate, stationed at the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bineeduar, diocese of Krishnagar. ARTICLE: Krishnagar, Diocese of.

Rock, Reverend P. M. J., rector of the Cathedral of the Assumption; Procurator FiscaHs, Synodal examiner and member of the School Board, Diocese of Louisville, Kentucky.

ARTICLES: Abbreviations; Abduction; Ad Universalis ECCLESI.E; Age, Canonical; Auxiliary Bishop; Bigamy (in Canon Law); Decorations, Pontifical; Disparity of Wor- ship; Elder, George; Golden Rose; Louisville, Diocese of.

Rodeles, Reverend Cecilio G6mez, s.j. Educa- tion: Olite, Loyola, Le6n, Salamanca, Spain; Laval, France. Entered the Society of Jesus 18.58; professor of humanities, CoUege of Carri6n de los Condes, Palencia, Spain, 1866-1868; student of the archives of Spain, France, Italy, Germany, and Belgium, 1874r-1883, 1886-1907; managing editor of "Mensa- jero del (Joraz6n de Jesiis" 1883-1885; managing editor (1897-1913) and editor (1913- ), "Monu- menta Historica Societatis Jesu", Madrid. Corre- sponding member of the Spanish Royal Academy of History. Author of: "Vida del c^lebre misionero. Padre Pedro Calataynd" (Madrid, 1882); "Manual escogido de lectura piadosas" (Madrid, 1882); "Vida de Santa CeciUa" (Madrid, 1882; 2 other eds.); "Resena hist6rica de los mdrtLres Ingleses" (Bilbao, 1888); "La Companla de Jesfls catequista" (Madrid, 1913), winner of gold medal. National Congress of Catechetics, VaUadoUd, 1913; contributor to: "Men- sajero del Coraz6n de Jesiis"; "Raz6n y Fe". ARTICLE: Aparisi y Guijarro.

Rodriguez, Josfi Ignacio, a.b., Ph.D., litt.D., J.U.D., lawyer, b. at Havana, Cuba, 11 November, 1831; d. at Washington, D. C, 1 February, 1907, son of Jos6 Ignacio and Catahna Hernandez Rodriguez. Education: University of Havana; studied American law under Caleb Gushing. Admitted to the Bar of Havana 1855 ; supernumerary professor of philosophy, University of Havana, 1855; professor of natural philosophy and chemistry. Preparatory Technical School, Havana, 1856; associate editor (and one of the founders), "Revista de Jurisprudencia", 1856-1860; professor of natural philosophy and chemistry, Havana Institute, Havana, 1863; judge, district of Colon, Cuba, 1864; judge, district of Belen, Cuba, 1865; inspector general and member of the Superior Board of PubUc Instruction, Cuba, 1866; came to the United States 1869; married Mary A. Joyce, of Washington, 1884; secretary, International American Conference, 1890; secretary, International American Monetary Commission, 1891; private adviser in matters of Spanish law, American Peace Commission, Paris, 1898; secretary to the United States Delega- tion, Pan-American Conference, Mexico City, 1902- 1903; admitted to the Bar of the District of Columbia and United States Supreme Court; former chief translator and head of the Spanish Department.