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International Bureau of American Republics; former counsel of claimants in the Mora, Sanguily and Delgado cases; at the time of his death, chief transla- tor and librarian of the Columbus Memorial Library, International Bureau of American Republics; prac- tised international, Spanish, and Spanish-American law. Commissioned to present respects of Havana University to Isabella II, Madrid, 1860; former secretary of Economical Society of Friends of the Country, Havana and Santiago, Cuba; served in various capacities for Mexico in the United States and Mexican Claim Commission. Author of: "Vida de Don Josd de la Luz y Caballero" (1874); "Vida del Presbitero Don Fehx Varela" (1878);."Estudio hist6rico sobre el origen, desenvolvimiento y mani- festacidnes prd,cticas de la idea la anexi6n de Cuba d, los Estados Unidos de America" (1901); contributor to: "American CathoUc Quarterly Review"; "The Forum"; Cuban periodicals. ARTICLE: Argentine Republic.

Rodriguez Moure, Reverend Josi, j.u.d., b. at Laguna, 29 January, 1855. Education: Institute for Secondary Education in the Canary Islands, Laguna; University of Seville, Spain; Seminary, Laguna. Admitted to the Bar; substitute professor of history. Institute of Laguna, 1874^1875; ordained 1879; former assistant. Church of the Immaculate Concep- tion, Laguna; professor at the Normal School (1885) and at the Seminary (1896), Laguna; at present, beneficiary master of ceremonies, cathedral, Laguna. Corresponding member of the Royal Academy of History (Madrid). Author of: "Guia histfirica de Laguna"; "Histdria de Parroquia de Concepoidn de Laguna"; "Hist6ria de Santuario Candelaria"; "Biografia de Sor Maria de Jesiis de Le6n"; Intro- duction to the 2nd ed. of Antonio de Viana's poem "Antiquedades de las Islas Canarias", with biographi- cal data; "Apologia de los cuatro primeros Adelanta- dos de Canarias"; "Juioio critico de D. Josd de Viera y Clavijo historiador de Canarias"; "Datos hist6ricos del templo catedral de La Laguna (Di6cesis de Tenerife)"; "El Visconde de Buenpaso (novela de costumbres canarias siglo XVIII)". ARTICLE: Teneripfe, Diocese op.

Rodriguez y Fernandez, Reverend Tegdoro, O.S.A., sc.L., S.T.M., b. at Santiago MiUas, Le6u, Spain, 8 Nov., 1864. Education: Seminary at Astorga, Augustinian scholastioate at VaUadoUd, College of La Vid, Burgos, University of the Escorial, Institute of Cardinal Ximenes, Madrid, and Central University, Madrid, Spain. Entered the Augustinian Order 1879; ordained 1887; has filled the posts of vice-rector (2 years), professor (13 years) and rector (11 years). University of the Escorial, Spain; president of the Catholic Social Bureau of the Escorial; at present (1917) provincial of the Augustinian province of the Sacred Heart, and moral instructor of His Serene Highness Infante D. Alfonso de Borbon. Took an active part in the Assembly which presented resolutions on the laws of education to the minister of Public Instruction, 1911; founder of the Charitable Social Bureau of the Escorial which maintains a night school for workmen, catechetical classes, savings banks, and loan oflSces, a department of domestic economy and fund for providing of dowries. Member of the College of Doctors and Licentiates of Science and Letters; foimded and edits "El Independiente", a weekly periodical. Author of: "Elementos de Ffsica y Quimica" (4 eds.); "Elementos de Quimica" (5 eds.): "La Ensenanza en Espana"; "Estudios sociales", 2 vols.; "Lecturas sociales", Vol. I; "Pr^ctica social", pamphlet; "Problemas cientlfico religiosos"; "La Pazd el Ahna"; "Ricos y Pobres: Misi6n social de las classes cultas y acomodadas"; "El Deber social"; "Sindicalismo y Cristianismo"; "La CiviUzacidn Moderna"; contributor to and

associate editor of "La Ciudad de Dios"; pen name: Juan del Pueblo.

ARTICLES: Camara y Castro, TomAs; Santiago, Univer- sity of; Saraqossa, University of; Seville, University of; SiGtJENZA, University of; Valencia, University of; Valla- DOLiD, University of.

Rompel, Reverend Josep Heinrich, s.j., Ph.D., b. at Lindenholzhausen, Hesse Nassau, Germany, 13 April, 1867. Education: Gymnasium, Montabaur, Wiesbaden, Germany; Universities of Munster, Innsbruck, and Prague; Gregorian University, Rome; St. Ignatius College, VaUcenburg, Holland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1888; ordained 1899; professor (at present, of natural history) (1900- ), and curator of the Botanical and Zoological Museum, Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria. Member of the Gorres Society; member of the German Botanical Society. Author of pamphlets on scientific subjects; contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLES: Cesalpino, Andrea; Endlicher, Stephen Lad- ISLAUS; Heude, Pierre; Hladnik, Franz von Paula; Jesuits' Bark; Jussieu; Kaiser, Kajetan Georg von; Konrad of Megenberg; Lacordaire, Jean-Theodore; Lamarck, Jean- Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet; Latrbille, Pierre- AndbE; Lossen, Karl August; Mallard, Ernest-Franpois; Molina, Juan Ignacio; Mutis, JoaE Celestino; Palatore, FiLlppo; Plumier, Charles; Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de; TuLASNE, Louis- Ren^; Villanovanus, Arnaldus; Waagen, WiLHBLM Heinrich; Wulpen, Franz Xaver Freiherr von.

Rooney, John Jerome, a.m., ll.d., judge, b. at Binghamton, New York, 19 March, 1866. Educa- tion: Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Mary- land. Journalist 1884—1890; married Marie CoUins, of Minnesota; admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States; presiding judge, Court of Claims, State of New York, 1913- . Member of: National Geographical Society; New York Bar Association; New York County Lawyers' Association; American Bar Association; New York State Bar Association; Reform Club; National Democratic Club; Catholic Club; St. Vincent de Paul Society. Author of poems in Stedman, "American Anthology"; Bliss Carmen, "World's Best Poetry"; "One Hundred Years of American Poetry". ARTICLE: Catholic Club of New York, The.

Rosier, Reverend Atjgustin, c.ss.r., s.t.d., b. at Guhrau, Silesia, Germany, 6 March, 1851. Educa- tion : Gymnasium, Glogau, and Universities of Breslau and Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany; further studies in Rome. Ordained 1875; editor of "Schlesisches Kirchenblatt", Breslau, 1876-1877; entered the Redemptorist Order 1877; professor of dogmatic theology and Church history (1880-1882) and of Scripture and Hebrew (1882- ), Redemptorist scholasticate, Mautern, Styria. Member of the Gorres Society, and the Austrian Leo Society. Author of: "Der katholische Diohter Aurelius Prudentius Clemens" (1886); "Der Fahneneid des christUohen Mannes" (1888); "Der Stall von Bethlehem" (1890); "Der Katholizismus, seine Aufgabe und seine Aus- sichten nach Prof. Dr. Albert Ehrhard" (1892); "Cardinal Johannes Dominici, O.P." (1893); "Die Frauenfrage vom Standpunkte der Natur, der Geschichte und der Offenbarung" (1893; 2nd ed. 1907); "Cardinal Johannes Dominiois Erziehimgs- lehre und die tibrigen padagogischen Leistungen ItaUens im 15. Jahrhundert. Der Kartauser Nicolaus Kempf und seine Schrift: 'Ueber das rechte Ziel und die rechte Ordnung des Unterrichts' ", Vol. VII of "BibUothek der katholischen Padagogik" (1894); "Der Reichtum der katholischen Kirche" {l896); "Gewissenserforschung uber die Anklagen des Pro- fessors Dr. Ehrhard" (1902); "Die Uebung der Caritas durch die Frauen und an den Frauen" (1901 2nd ed. 1903); "Furs Priesterherz" (1907; 2nd ed. 1908); "Liebfrauenschule" (1910; 4th ed. 1912) collaborator in: Herder's "Kirchenlexikon" (2nd ed.); "Lexikon der Padagogik"; Buchberger, "Kirch-