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Sacher, Hermann, ph.D., b. at Schreiberhau, Silesia, Germany, 21 March, 1873. Education: public schools at Schreiberhau and Hermsdorf- Kynast, Gymnasium at Neisse, and Universities of Greifswald and Breslau, Germany. Connected with Herder's pubUshing house, Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Germany, 1902- ; at present, associate editor of Herder's "Konversationslexikon" and (1907- ) of "Staatslexikon der Gorresgesellsohaft". Collabora- tor in "Lexikon der Padagogie".

ARTICLES: Centre (Centre Party), The; Lippe; Olden- burg; Reuss; Saxe-Altenbtjrg; Saxb-Coburg and Gotha; Saxe-Meiningen; Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach; Saxony; Schaum- btjrg-Lippe; Schw arzbtjrg ; Styria; Thuringia; Waldeck, Principality of; Wurtemberq, Kingdom of.

Sagmuller, Reverend Johannes Baptist, Ph.D., S.T.D., b. at Winterreute, Wiirtemberg, 24 February, 1860. Education: Latin School at Mergentheim, High School at Ehingen, and Seminary at Ttibingen, Germany. Ordained 1884; curate at Alpirsbach, Germany, 1884-1887; tutor at the Seminary, Tubin- gen, 1887-1893; special professor of history (1893- 1896) and professor of canon law and pegagogios (1896- ), University of Tubingen. Author of: "Die Papstwahlen und die Staaten von 1447-1555" (1890); "Die PapstwahlbuUen und das staatliche Recht der Exklusive" (1892); "Zur Geschichte des Kardinalats" (1893); "Die Tatigkeit und Stellung der Kardinale bis Papst Bonifaz VIII" (1896); "Die Entwicklung des Archipresbyterats und Dekanats bis zum Ende des Karolingerreichs" (1898); "Lelrcbuch des katholischen Kirchenrechts" (1904; 2nd ed. 1909) ; "Die kirchliche Aufklarung am Hofe des Herzogs Karl Eugen von Wiirttemberg" (1906); "Die Trennung von Kirche und Staat" (1907); "Wis- senschaft und Glaube in der kirchUchen Aufklarung" (1910); "UnwissenschaftUchkeit und Unglaube in der kirchlichen Aufklarung" (1910); "Der Rechtsan- spruch der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland auf finanzieUe Leistungen Seitens des Staates" (1913); collaborator in: Herder's "Kirchenlexikon"; Herder's "Konversationslexikon"; "Staatslexikon", 3rd ed.; contributor to: "Theologische Quartalsohrift"; "Katholik" ; "Archiv fur katholisches Kirchenrecht" ; "Historisches Jahrbuch"; "Historisch-politische Blatter"; "Magazin fiir Padagogik"; "Literarische Rundschau"; "Theologische Revue"; "AUgemeines Literaturblatt"; "Deutsche Literaturzeitung"; asso- ciate editor of "Theologische Quartalschrift".

ARTICLES: Cardinal; Drey, Johann Sebastian von; Emancipation, Ecclesiastical; Exclusion, Right of; Ex- emption; Hefele, Karl Joseph von; Judge, Ecclesiastical; Jurisdiction, Ecclesiastical; Kober, Franz Quirin von; Lay Tithes; Letters, Ecclesiastical; Ligamen; Patron and Patronage; Privileges, Ecclesiastical; Tubingen, Univer- sity of.

St. David, Mother Mart, b. at Millan, France, 9 July, 1842. Entered the Order of the Presentation 1861; transferred to Canada 1876 ; provincial superior, Canadian Province, Order of the Presentation, resident at St. Hyacinth, P. Q., 1897- . Has founded twenty-five houses of her order in Canada and the United States; erected a normal school, St. Hyacinth, 1912.

ARTICLE: Presentation of Mahy, Congregation of the.

St. Euphemia, Reverend Mother (Catherine Lbtellier de St. Just), b at Riviere Quelle, P. Q.

Canada, 25 December, 1849. Education: College of Jesus-Mary, Quebec. Entered the Order of Jesus- Mary 1872; has been superior of various houses of her order in Canada and the United States; stationed for a time in France and in Rome; at present, superior of the Convent of Jesus-Mary, New York. Founded "Our Lady of Peace" residence for women, New York. ARTICLE: Jesus Mary, Religious of.

Saint Tgnace de Loyola, Sister (Rose Anna Beaudoin), b. at Plessisville, P. Q., Canada, 25 March, 1867. Education: Model School at Ste. H6n6dine, and Normal School, Laval, P. Q., Canada. Teacher successively at St. Pierre de Broughton, Ste. Sophie de Megantic, St. Sylvestre and St. Anselme, Canada; entered the order of Sisters of the Good Shepherd of Charity, Montreal; former teacher, Academy of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Montreal; having left the Good Shepherd Order on account of ill health, entered the Order of Our Lady of Perpetual Help of St. Damien, 1893; has filled the posts of, assistant superior and secretary, and (1898-1910) of directress of classes, Mother House of the Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Damien, Bellechasse County, P. Q. ; at present relieved of charges on account of ill health; stationed at St. Damien. Founded five parochial schools; has been active in the domains of arboriculture and agriculture. Author of various agricultural reports.

ARTICLE: Perpetual Help, Sisters of Our Lady of.

Saint Peter, Mother Mary (Jane Landsdowne), Sister of the Holy Child, b. in England, d. at Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania, 1 December, 1906. Education: Dominican Convents, Clifton and Stone, England; Convent of the Holy Child, St. Leonard's, England. Entered the Order of the Holy Child 1861; fiUed the post of teacher in the parochial schools of London, at the Convent of the Holy Child, Toule, France, at St. Michael's, Boarding School, St. Leonard's, England, and at the Convent of the Holy Child, Blackpool, England; superior. Convent of the Holy Child, Preston, England, 1882-1885; came to the United States 1885; former teacher at Lincoln, Nebraska, and Cheyenne, Wyoming; stationed at the Convent of the Holy Child, Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania, 1894- 1906. Author of: "Legends of Our Blessed Lady and the Saints"; "Five O'Clock Stories"; "More Five O'clock Stories"; "The Leper Queen"; "The Shadow of Eversleigh"; "Mary the Queen"; "Miracles of Our Lord"; "Lessons of the King"; "The Gift of the King"; "Talks with the Little Ones about the Apostles' Creed"; "The Queen's Festivals"; dramatized various pious legends. ARTICLE: Holy Child Jesus, Society of the.

Salaville, Reverend S^v^rien, a.a., b. at Serviferes, Lozfere, France, 29 October, 1881. Educa- tion: Abbey of Livry, Paris; scholasticate of Notre Dame de France, Jerusalem; House of St. Augustine, Louvain, Belgium. Entered the Order of Augustini- ans of the Assumption 1897; ordained 1907; professor of Chiu-ch history, scholasticate of Notre Dame de France, Jerusalem, 1907-1908; professor of compara- tive hturgy, Greek Catholic Seminary of St. Leo (1908-1911), and superior of the Assumptionist