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Convent (1911- ), Kadi-Keui, Constantinople, Turkey. Participated in the Second Congress of Velehrad, 1909; read paper on " L'Eucharistie et les ^glises d'Orient", Eucharistic Congress, Cologne, 1909. Member of the Russian Archajological Insti- tute of Constantinople. Collaborator in: Vaoant- Mangenot, " Dictionnaire de thdologie catholique"; Cabrol-Leclercq, "Dictionnaire d'arch(5ologie chr6ti- enne et de liturgie"; Baudrillart, "Dictionnaire d'histoire et de g6ographie eccl&iastiques"; d'AlJs, "Dictionnaire apolog<;tique de la foi catholique"; "Etudes de thSologie orientale" (Paris); contributor to: "Revue augustinienne"; "Slavorum litteree theologicse " ; editor of "Echos d'Orient".

ARTICLES: Hamatha; Hebron; Hesebon; Hippos; Ionian Islands; Memphis; Methymna; Miletus; Mittlene; Mtlasa, Mtka.

Saldanha, Joseph Louis, b.a., b. at Dharwar, Bombay Presidency, India, 1870. Education: St. Aloysius College, Mangalore; University of Madras, India. Has held the posts of teacher in various schools and colleges; at present, professor of English, St. Aloysius College, Mangalore. Contributor to various periodicals; editor of "The Christian Pur^nna".

ABTICLE: Stephens, Thomas.

Salembier, Very Reverend Canon Louis, S.T.D., b. at Leers, France, 7 March, 1849. Educa- tion: College of Notre Dame de la TTombe at Kain, Seminary at Cambria and University of Lille, France. Ordained 1873; professor, College of Notre Dame, Valenciennes, France, 1869-1872; vicar, St. James's Church, Douai, France, 1873-1877; chaplain. Monas- tery of Esquermes, Lille, 1877-1893; charged with the applications of students (1893-1901), professor of Church history (1893- ), and secretary general (1898- ), Catholic University of Lille; censor of books, diocese of Cambrai, 1907; canon of the Cathedral of Cambrai. Former President of the Alumni, University of Lille. Member of the Histori- cal Society of Compifegne, and the Geographical Society of LiDe. Author of: "Cinquante thfeses latines pour licence en th^ologie" (1882); "Les examens de jeunes fiUes dans le nord de la France" (1883); "Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly, 6v6que de Cambrai, 1350-1420", Latin thesis for doctorate (1886); "Petrus de Alliaco" (1886); " L'universit6 de Douai" (1887); "Philippe de Maizieres et le songe du Vergier" (1887); "Le Bienheureux Edmond Campion et ses compagnons mart3rrs" (1888); "Notions de psycholo- gie k I'usage des jeunes filles" (1890); "Biographic des PrStres du diocfese de Cambrai", 2 vols. (1890); "Mgr. Bridoux et la mission du Tanganika" (1891); "Vie de Jeanne d'Arc S, I'usage des 6ooles" (1892; 3rd ed. 1899); "Un 6veque de Cambrai et la d^cou- verte de I'Am&ique" (1892); "Du tombeau de Saint Remi au berceau de Jeanne d'Arc" (1896); "La faculty de th^ologie de Paris et ses docteurs les plus c4I6bres" (1898); "Le grand Schisme d'Occident" (1900; 4th ed. 1906; Spanish tr. 1902; Italian tr. 1903; English tr. 1907); "Deux conciles inconnus de Cambrai et de LiUe" (1901); "Une nouvelle histoire du concile de Trente" (1902) ; "De Bossuet k Davin" (1904); "Michelet, sa vie, ses id6es, sa m6thode, son style" (1906; 2 eds.); "Les oeuvres francaises du Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly" (1907); "Le grand Schisme d'Occident au point de vue apolog^tique " (1907); "Martin d'Alpartil et Pierre d'Ailly" (1908); "L'his- toire eccMsiastique et M. I'AbbS Loisy" (1908); " Bibliographie des oeuvres du Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly" (1909); "Hommes et choses de Flandre" (1912); "Pierre d'Ailly et la d^couve-te de I'Am^rique", pamphlet (1912); "Les CEUvres de po^sie frangaise du Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly" (1913); Preface of "Notre vieille Flandre depuis ses origines' (1905); contributor to: "Mfimoires de la Soci6t6

d'Emulation de Cambrai"; "Revue des sciences ecclesiastiques"; "Revue de Lille"; "Revue d'histoire de L'Eglise de France"; editor of: "Revue des Faculties Catholiques de Lille"; "Revue des sciences ecclesiastiques"; " Questions eccMsiastiques"; "Revue pratique d'apolog^tique"; "Revue de Lille".

ARTICLES: Gehson, Jean le Charlieh de; Mabsilius of Padua; Pisa, Council of; Schism, Western.

Salmon, Vert Reverend Ernest M., s.s.e., b. at TreiTendel, France, 7 January, 1873. Educa- tion: Sorbonne, France. Entered the Society ot St. Edmmd; professor (1901-1907) and president (1907- 1913), St. Michael's Institute, Winooski, Vermont; Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Swanton, Vermont, 1913-

ARTICLE: Edmund, Congregation of Saint.

Salsmans, Reverend Joseph, s.j., b. at Antwerp, Belgium, 2 September, 1873. Education: Jesuit College, Antwerp. Entered the Society of Jesus 1891; ordained 1905; has held the posts of professor of Classical philology, Jesuit scholasticate, Louvain; professor of moral theology and canon law, Jesuit College, Louvain, 1907- . Author of books and articles on Flemish literature; edited, revised, and annotated GInicot, "Theologise Moralis Institutiones" (6th ed. 1909; 7th ed. 1911).

ARTICLES: G^nicot, Edward; Gobat, George; Gonzalez DE Santalla, Thyrsus; Gury, Jean-Pierre.

Saltet, Very Reverend Canon Louis, s.t.d., Litt.L., b. at MiUan, Aveyron, France, 1 October, 1870. Education: St. Sulpice and Catholic Insti- tute, Paris. Professor of Church history, Catholic Institute, Toulouse, 1898- . Member of the Archaeological Society of the South of France. Author of: "Les Rdordinations" (Paris, 1907); "Histoire de I'Eglise" (Paris, 1913); contributor to: "Bulletin de litt6rature eccMsiastique" (Toulouse); "Revue d'histoire eccliSsiastique" (Louvain); "An- nales du Midi" (Toulouse).

ARTICLES: False Decretals; Jerome, Saint; Paula, Saint; Reordinations; Salamis, Epiphanius of.

Salzer, Reverend Anselm, o.s.b., Ph.D., b. at Waidhofen-an-der-Ybbs, Lower Austria, 8 October, 1856. Education: public school, Waidhofen; Bene- dictine Gymnasium, Seitenstettin, Benedictine scho- lasticate, Sankt Polten, and University of Innsbruck, Austria. Entered the Benedictine Order 1875; ordained 1880; professor ot Classical languages and German literature (1883- ), hbrarian (1900- ), Benedictine Gymnasium, and librarian (1904- ), Benedictine Monastery, Seitenstettin, Austria. Author of: "Die christlich-romische Hymnenpoesie und Otfried von Weissenburg" (1883); "Koglhubers Otfried Ubersetzung" (1884); "Die Sinnbilder und Beiworte Mariens in der Mittelhochdeutschen Litera- tur" (1893); "Geschiohte der deutschen Literatur", illustrated, 3 vols. (1911); edited Lindemann, "Geschichte der deutschen Literatur" (1898); con- tributor to: "Studien und Mitteilungen aus dem Benediktinerorden " ; ' ' Allgemeines Literaturblatt ' ' ; various scientific periodicals.

ARTICLE: Passion Plays.

Sampayo, Thomas Edward de, k.c, ll.b., barrister, b. at Colombo, Ceylon, 10 September, 1855. Education: St. Benedict's Institute and Royal College, Colombo; Clare College, Cambridge. Bar- rister, Middle Temple, London, 1881; advocate of the Supreme Court, Ceylon, 1881- ; Judge of the Supreme Court, Ceylon, 1903-1904. Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court, 191.5- . Bearer of an address from Ceylon to Pius X on the occasion of his jubilee, 1908; delegate from Ceylon to the Eucharistic Congress, Westminster, 1908. Member of the Board of Legal Education, Ceylon; president of the Catholic