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Union of Ceylon; vice-president of the Ceylon Catholic Club. Translated into English the Title on Donations in J. Voet's Pandects; edited a series of law reports.

ARTICLE: Cbtlok.

Sands, William Franklin, b.a., ll.b., diplomatist, b. at Washington, D. C, 29 July, 1874, son of Rear Admiral James Hoban Sands and Mary, daughter of Commodore Richard Meade, and grand- son of Rear Admiral Benjamin Frankhn Sands. Education: St. Michel, Fribourg, Switzerland; Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria; Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. Second Secretary, American Legation, Tokio, Japan, 1896; first secre- tary (1898) and chargg d'affaires ad int.' (1899), American Legation, Seoul, Korea; adviser to Emperor of Korea 1900-1904; secretary and charg6 d'affaires ad int., American Legations, Panama (1905-1907), Guatemala (1907-1908) and Mexico (1908-1909); married Edith Gertrude, daughter of John Keating, of Philadelphia, 1909; American Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Guatemala 1909-1911; resident at Washington 1911- Suppressed a revolution against the Korean govern- ment on the Island of Quelpaert; made chevalier of the Legion of Honor for his protection of French missionaries at Quelpaert during Boxer troubles. Companion (2nd class) of the Loyal Legion; member of the American Society of International Law, of the American Geographical Society, of the Mexican Society of Geography and Statistics. Has contribu- ted to: "Messenger"; "Century".

ARTICLES: Samoa; Tahiti, Vicariate Apostolic of.

San Giovanni, Edgakdo, litt.B., a.m., instructor in the Latin Language and Literature, College of the City of New York. •

ARTICLES: Alfieri, Count Vittorio; Baldi, Bernardino; Berni, Francesco; Bibbiena (Bernardo Dovizi); Boiardo, Matteo Maria; Castiglione, Baldassare.

Santi, Reverend Angelo de, s.j., b. at Trieste, Austria, 12 July, 1847. Education: Germany; France; Austria; University of Innsbruck, Austria. Entered the Society of Jesus 1863; ordained 1877; teacher in various Jesuit colleges, at one time director of the Gymnasium, Zara, Dalmatia, 1877-1887; called by Leo XIII to the editorial staff of the "Civilt^ Cattohca", with the charge of restoring ecclesiastical music to its former conformity to the spirit of the Church, and professor of Hturgical Chant, S. ApoUinare and Vatican Seminary, Rome, 1887; associate editor of "CiviltS, Cattohca" 1887- Founded with Sr. Carlo Respighi the "Rassegna Gregoriana", 1902; attended the National Congress of Sacred Music, Pisa, 1909; founded a Superior School of Sacred Music in Rome for priests of various nationalities, approved by Pontifical Brief, 1911; his articles in "CiviltEl Cattohca" largely instrumental in bringing about reform of Church music in Italy; decorated with the gold cross "Pro ecclesia et pontifice". Member of the Pontifical Commission for the Vatican Edition of the Gregorian Liturgical Books; President of the ItaHan Association of St. Cecilia; member of the Pontifical Academy "Arcadia". Author of: " Adolf o Kolping e le Society cattohche degli artigiani" (1891); "Ricordo materno", a tale (1896; several subsequent editions); "Le Litanie Lauretane" (1897; translated into French and German) ; "Studi biografici su Elena Lucrezia Comaro Piscopia" (1903); "11 Cursus nella liturgia e nella storia litteraria" (1903*); "Le Laudes od aoclamazioni liturgiche" (1904); "A Londra, note ed impressioni" (1904); "Lagrime nuove", a tale (1909); etc., etc.; contributor, particularly of liturgical articles, to "Civilta Cattohca". ARTICLES: Litany of Loreto; Liturgical Chamt.

Sauer, Reverend Joseph, s.t.d., b. at Unzhurst, Baden, Germany, 7 Jime, 1872. Education: private school at Sasbach, Gymnasium at Rastatt, and University of Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Gprmany. Or- dained 1898; chaplain at Sasbaoh 1898-1899; instruc- tor in Church history and archaeology (1902-1904) and special professor of Church history (1905- ), University of Freiburg-im-Breisgau; editor of "Litera^ rische Rundschau" (Freiburg) 1905- ; govern- ment conservator of ecclesiastical monuments of art and archaeology. Grand Duchy of Baden, 1909- Awarded the German "bourse de voyage" for Christian archa;ology. Member of various scientific societies. Author of: "Symbohk des Kirchenge- baudes und seiner Ausstattung" (1902); "Die Anfange des Christentums und der Kirche in Baden" (1911); edited and continued Kraus, "Geschichte der christhohen Kunst", Vol. II, Part 2 (1908): contribu- tor to: "Freiburger Diocesan- Archiv " ; Munster- blatter" (Freiburg); "Theologische Revue"; "Deutsche Literaturzeitung"; "Historisch-pohtische Blatter".

ARTICLES: Bestiaries; Bramante, Donato; Brassicanus, Johann Alexander; Celtes, Conrad; Cochl^us, Johann; Crotus, Johann; Cuspinian, Johannes; Encyclopedia; En- singen; Erasmus, Desiderius; Ferbtel, Heinrich Freiherr von; Fontana, Domenico.

Sauvage, Reverend George Michael Julius Loms, C.S.C., B.A., Ph.D., d.d., Litt.phil.L., b. at St. R6my du Plain, Sarthe, France, 29 September, 1873. Education: parochial schools and college at Mamers, further studies at Prficign^, and Seminary at LeMans, France ; Minerva, Rome ; Cathohc University, Angers, France. Entered the Congregation of the Holy Cross 1896; ordained 1899; professor at the Holy Cross scholasticate and professor of philosophy at the Cathohc University, Angers, 1901-1903; came to the United States 1903; professor of dogmatic theology. Holy Cross College, Washington, 1904^1914; instruc- tor in psychology, Cathohc University of America, Washington, D. C, 1913-1914; chaplain to British Army, France, 1914- . Contributor to: "Revue N6o-scolastique"; "Catholic University Bulletin"; "Cathohc Educational Review".

ARTICLES: Analogy; Angers, University of; Appropria- tion; Aseity; Baston, Guilladme-Andr^-Ren:6 ; Baudeau, Nicolas; B^bian, Roch-Amboise-Auguste; Berengarius of Tours; Bergibr, Nicolas-Sylvestre; Bernier, Etienne- Alexandre; Bernini, Domenico; Bonald, Louis-Gabriel- Ambroise, Vicomte de; Bonet, Juan Pablo; Bordeaux, Uni- versity of; Boregaud, Louis-Victob-Emile; Braille, Louis; Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de; Contract, The Social; Eclecticism; Fideism; Gerdil, Hyacinthe-Sigismond; Gbatry, AuGUSTE- Joseph-Alphonse ; Intuition; Mysticism; Neces- sity; Ontologism; Pelibson-Fontanier, Paul; Perreyve, Henri; Positivism; R^gis, Pierre-Sylvain; Traditionalism.

Saston, Eugene Francis, b.a., editor, b. in Baltimore, Maryland, 11 August, 1884, son of Dr. Alexander H. and Rosa (White) Saxton. Education: St. Martin's parochial school, and Loyola College, receiving his B.A. in 1904. Editor of the "Cathohc Mirror" 1905-1906; on the editorial staff of the "Cathohc Encyclopedia" 1906-1909; editor of "The Catholic World" 1909-1910; married Martha Plaisted; at present with the firm of Doubleday, Page & Co., New York.

ARTICLES: Alexander Briant, Blessed; Anastasiub II, III, IV; Bosco, Giovanni Melchior, Venerable (Don Bosco); Canute; Catherick, Edmund, Venerable.

Scannell, Very Reverend Canon Thomas Bartholomew, d.d., b. in London, 8 July, 1854; d. 10 February, 1917. Education: St. Edmund's College, Ware; Enghsh College, Rome. Ordained 1878; professor of philosophy, St. Edmund's College, Ware, 1878-1885; former rector at Sheerness and Folkestone, England; at present, rector. Church of St. Charles Borromeo, Waybridge, England; canon of the Cathedral of Southwark. Member of the Papal Commission Anglican Orders, 1896. Author of: "The