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NtTTEKS, WiLHELMUs; OsTiENSis; Otto OF Freisinq; Otto of St. Blaise; PAtiL^a Diaoonos; Reisach, Carl von; Reumont, Alfred von; Rubruck, William; Rudolf of Fulda; Salim- BENE DEGLi Adami; Sander, Anton; Schlosser, John Fred- erick Henry; Sonnius, Franoiscus; Thanqmar; Theqan of Treves; Thurmayr, Johannes; Ulrich of Bamberg; Urs- perger Chronicle; Vezzosi, Antonio Francesco; Vicari, Hermann von; Vitalini, Bonifazio; Vitelleschi, Muzio; Weislinger, Johann Nikolaxjs; Weiss, Johann Baptist; Widckind of Cohvey; William of Nangis; Wipo.

Schlitz, Reverend Carl, s.j., Ph.D., s.t.d., b. at Homburg, Germany, 9 December, 1850. Education: schools at Homburg, Gymnasium at Mainz, and further studies at Miinster, Germany; Jesuit scho- lasticates, Maria Laach, Germany, and Ditton Hall and Portico, England. Entered the Society of Jesus 1867; former prefect and teacher, Jesuit colleges, Verviers and Mons, Belgium; ordained 1881; succes- sively professor and prefect of studies, Jesuit College, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil, 1883-1902; rector, Gonzaga College, Pelotas, Brazil, 1902-1905; returned to Europe 1905; stationed at Bellevue, Luxemburg City, Luxemburg, 1905-1908, at Bonn, Germany, 1908- 1910, and at St. Franziska's Hospital, Ehrenfeld, Cologne, Germany, 1910- . Has contributed to German and Portuguese periodicals and newspapers.

ARTICLE: Melania, Saint (the Younger).

Schmid, Ulbich, Ph.D., b. at Niederrieden, Suabia, Germany, 4 July, 1876. Education: Latin School, Memmingen, and Gymnasium, Wurzburg, Germany; Universities of WUrzburg, . Freiburg-im- Breisgau, Munich, and Vienna. Has devoted much of his time to the study of the history of culture; editor of "Walhalla", Munich, 1904^ ; librarian, Florence, 1909; proprietor of "Glaube und Kimst" (Berlin). Author of: "St. Ulrich, Bischof von Augsburg" (1901); "Traditionen an die Kirche St. Veit am Golsen" (1904); "Kirchen- und profan- historisehe Mitteilungen aus itaUenischen Archiven und BibUotheken" (1905); "Das deutsche VolksUed" (1905); "Johann Geyler a Kaisersberg" (1906); "Das Chorgestuhl in der St. Martinskirche zu Memmingen" (1906); "Agnes die Bernauerin und Herzog Albrecht III der Gtitige" (1906); "Die Schlacht bei Hoflach-AUing und ihr Denkmal" (1906); "Tagebuch des Pfarrers Michael Gotzmann" (1907); "Otto von Lonsdorf, seine Herkunft und Reformen im Passauer Hoohstift" (1909); "Karl Haider, ein deutscher Maler" (1910); "Albin Egger- Lienz" (1910); "Reisebilder Bamberg- Wurzburg" (1910); "ItaUenische ReisebUder" (1911); "Das katholische Kirchenjahr in Wort und Bild" (1912); edited "Das kathoUsche Kirchenjahr in Bildern" (1910); contributor to: "Studien und Mitteilungen aus dem Benediktiner- und Cisteroienserorden"; etc.; editor of "Glaube und Kunst", religious art series, 1912-

ARTZCLES; Reichenau; Rupert, Saint; Tegernsee; Ul- rich, Saint; Wolfgang, Saint.

Schmidlin, Reverend August Joseph, Ph.D., S.T.D., b. at Klein-Landau, Alsace, Germany, 29 March, 1876. Education: Gymnasia at ZiUisheim and Strassburg, Alsace; Seminary, Strassburg; University of Freibiffg-im-Breisgau, Germany. Or- dained 1899; former vice-rector, Anima College, Rome; curate, Church of Our Lady, Gebweiler, Alsace, 1905-1908; lecturer in medieval and modern Church history. University of Strassburg, 1906-1908; lecturer (1908-1911) and special professor (1911- ) of Church history. University of Miinster. Order of the Eagle (4th class). Author of: "Ein Apostel des Sundgaus, P. Bernhardin Juif" (1897); "Die Augrafschaft, die letzte elsassische Markgenos- senschaft" (1901); "Ursprung und Entfaltung der habsburgischen Recht im Oberelsass" (1902); "Ein Kampf um das Deutschtum im Klosterleben Italiens, Subiaco xmd Farfa im 16. Jahrhunderte" (1903);

"Papst Pius X." (1903) ; "Entstehung und Geschichte unserer lieben Frau zur Eich bei Blotzheim" (1903); " Die Geschichtsphilosophisohe Weltanschauung Ottos von Freising" (1906); "Geschichte der deutsohen Nationalkirche in Rom, Santa Maria dell' Anima" (1906); "DieLiebfrauenkirche zu Gebweiler" (1906); "Geschichte des Sundgaus von Standort einer Land- gemeinde aus" (1906); "Die Restaurationstatigkeit der Breslauer Furstbischofe" (1907) ; "Die kirchlichen Zustande in Deutschland vor dem dreisigjahrigen Krieg", 3 vols. (1908-1910); "UberdieHerausgebung missionsgeschichtUcher Quellen" (1911); editor of "Zeitschrift fUr Missionswissensohaft" (since 1911). ARTICLE: Anima, College and Church of the.

Schniirer, Gustav, Ph.D., b. at Jaetzdorf, Silesia, Germany, 30 June, 1860. Education: Gymnasium, Ohlau, Germany; Universities of Berhn, Breslau and Miinster. Professor (at present of Medieval and Modern History), University of Fribourg, Switzer- land, 1889- . Member of the Gorres Society. Author of: "PiHgrim von K6hi"( 1883); "Entstehung des Kirchenstaates " (1894; Itahan tr. 1899); "Die Verfasser der sogenannten Fredegar-Chronik" (1900) ; "Uber Periodisierung der Weltgeschichte" (1900); "Die Ursprungb'che Templerregel" (1903); "Franz von Assisi" (1905; Itahan tr. 1906); "Das Fragmen- tum Fantuzzianum" (1908); "Das Mittelalter" (1908); "Das Necrologium von Miinchenwiler" (1906);"Bonifatius" (1908); collaborator ia: Herder's " Konversationslexikon " ; " KirchUches Handlexikon" ; etc.; associate editor of "Historisches Jahrbuch der Gorres-Gesellsohaf t " .

ARTICLE: States of the Church.

Schrantz, Reverend Charles Bernard, s.s.. A.m., b. at Diekirch, Luxemburg, 20 May, 1845. Education: Gymnasium, Diekirch; further studies at Reims and Paris, France. Entered the Sulpician Order; ordained 1870; professor (1871-1896) and president (1896-1906), St. Charles College, EUicott City, Maryland; procurator. Catholic University, Washington, D. C, 1906-1911; president emeritus, St. Charles College, CatonsviUe, Maryland, 1911-

ARTIGLES: Beckedorff, Geohg Philipp Ludolf von; Belloy, Jean-Baptiste de; Bernard, Claude; Boulogne, Etienne-Antoine; Bubs, Franz Joseph, Ritter von; Char- RON, Pierre; Choiseul du Plebsis-Praslin, Gilbert; Gboote, Gerard.

Schrelner, Vert Reverend Chhysostom, o.s.b., Ph.D., b. in Minnesota. Education: St. John's College and Seminary, CoUegeville, Minn. Entered Benedictine Order; professor of rhetoric and philoso- phy (1884-1889), vice-president (1885-1891), St. John's University, CoUegeville, Minn. ; superintendent and organizer St. John's Industrial School for Indian Boys, CoUegeville, 1885-1887; in charge of the Bahama Islands Mission 1891- ; rector of St. Francis Xavier's Church, Nassau, Bahama Islands; vicar forane of the Bahama Islands. Former member of the Board of Education, Bahama Islands. Hono- rary member of the Society of St. Paul for the Propagation of Catholic Periodicals (Rome) ; member of the Government Commission for the preservation of historic buildings and places in the Bahamas.

ARTICLES: Bahama Islands, The; Jackson, Henry Moore; Shea, Sir Ambrose.

Schroeder, Reverend Henry Joseph, o.p., b. at Detroit, Michigan, 5 May, 1875. Education: public and parochial schools, Detroit; Assumption CoUege, Sandwich, Canada; St. Rose's Convent, Springfield, Kentucky; St. Joseph's Scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio; Dominican College and CathoUc University, Washington, D. C. Entered the Dominican Order 1902; ordained 1907; professor and lecturer, St. Dominic's Priory, Benicia, California, 1910-1911; on the Northwestern Missions, stationed at Holy Rosary