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Convent, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1911-1914. Sub- prior, St. Rose's Priory, Springfield, Ky., 1914-1917; at St. Joseph's Priory, Somerset, Ohio, 1917- Author of "Socialism and What It Stands for", pamphlet; contributor to "American Ecclesiastical Review".

ARTICLES: Albert of Castile; Annius of Viterbo; Con- ciNA, Daniello; Erbermann, Veit; Ernst of Hesse-Rhein- FELS; Faber, Johann; Francis of Vittoria; France;, Kaspar; Galura, Bernhard; Gazzaniga, Pietro Maria; Gonet, Jean Baptiste; Gratz, Peter Aloys; Gropper, John; Heynlin of Stein, Johann; Hoogstraten, Jacob von; Hugh of Stras- burg; John of Falkenberg; Lemos, Thomas de; Loaisa, GarcIa; Marini (de Makinis); Mensing, John; Missions, Catholic Parochial; Moneta; Monsabr^, Jacques-Marie- Louis; Montesino, Antonio; Montesino, Luis de; Morales, Juan Bautibta; Navarete, Domingo Fernandez; Nazarius, John Paul; Nicolai, Jean; Niger, Peter George; Richard, Charles-Louis; Rocaberti, Juan TomAs de; Wirt, Wigand; Witzel, Georq.

Schiihlein, Franz Xaver, Ph.D., b. at Baunach, near Bamberg, Germany, 26 Feb., 1852. Education: Gymnasium, Bamberg, and University of Munich, Germany. At present, professor of Hebrew, Royal Gymnasium, Freising, Bavaria. Author of: "Studien zu Posidonius Rhodius" (1886); "Zu Posidonius Rhodius" (1891); "Untersuchungen iiber des Posi- donius Schrift nepl iiKeavov", 2 vols. (1900, 1901); "Die Namen unserer Steinfriichtler" (1904); "tjber einige der gebrauchliohsten deutschen Ausdriicke in der Pflanzenkunde" (1906); collaborator in: Buchberger, "Kirchliches Handlexikon"; contributor to "Natur und Glaube".

ABTICLES: Samaritan Language and Literature; Seleu- ciDs; Semites; Talmud; Tabqum; Torah; Tosephta.

Schulte, Reverend Augustin Joseph, b. at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 5 May, 1856. Educa- tion: St. Peter's School, Philadelphia; St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook; American College, Rome. Ordained 1882; vice-rector (1883-1884) and pro- reotor (1884-1885), American College, Rome; profes- sor (at present of liturgy, Latin, and French) at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, 1885-1917; at West Chester, Pennsylvania, 1917- . Author of: "Consecranda" (New York, 1907); "Benedicenda" (New York, 1907); contributor under pseudonyms "S.L.E." and "S.L.T." to "American Ecclesiastical

Review". ^

ARTICLES: Altar (in Liturgy); C^remoniale Episcopo- bum; Ceremonial; Ceremony; Churching of Women; Col- iectarium; Consecration; High Ai/tar; Host (Canonico- IiIturgical) : Viaticum.

Schulte, Right Reverend Kabl Joseph, s.t.d.. Bishop of Paderborn, Germany, b. at Haus Valbert, Westphalia, Germany, 14 September, 1871. Educa- tion: pubMc school and Gymnasium, Essen-Ruhr, and Seminary, Paderborn, Germany; Universities of Bonn and Mtlnster. Ordained 1895; chaplain and teacher of religion 1895-1901; instructor, Leomne College, Paderborn, 1901-1903; instructor at the Seminary and lecturer in apologetics at the University, Paderborn, 1903-1905; professor of apologetics and canon law. University of Paderborn, 1905-1908; epis- copal counsellor, diocese of Paderborn, 1908-1910; Bishop of Paderborn 1910- . One of the founders (1909) and former editor (1909-1910) of "Theologie und Glaube". Author of "Theodoret von Cyrus als Apologet" ("Vienna, 1904); collaborator m: Buch- berger "Kirchliches Handlexikon"; " Staatslexikon der Gorresgesellsohaft", 3rd ed.; contributor to various theological reviews.

ARTICLE: Hermes, George.

Schumacher, Reverend Matthew, c.s.c, b.a., ph D s T.D., b. at Chicago, Illinois, 8 March, 1879. Education: St. Mary's School, South Bend, Indiana; Notre Dame University; CathoUc University and Holy Cross College, Washington D. C.. Entered Congregation of the Holy Cross 1899; ordamed 1903;

professor (1904-1907) and director of studies (1907- ), Notre Dame University. Author of: "The Knowableness of God, Its Relation to the Theory of Knowledge in St. Thomas" (Notre Dame); "Law and Life", pamphlet (Notre Dame); contributor to "Homiletic Monthly". ARTICLES: Fabeb, Johann (of Leutkikch); Ficino, Mar-


Schuyler, Reverend Henet Clement, s.t.l., b. at Pottstown, Pennsylvania, 29 April, 1876. Education: HiU School, Pottstown; St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania; Catholic Uni- versity of America, Washington, D. C. Ordained 1903; assistant, St. Patrick's Church, Morristown, New Jersey, 1904^1908; assistant. Church of the Ascension, Philadelphia, 1908-1910; vice-rector, in- structor in Church history and Christian Doctrine, CathoUc High School, Philadelphia, 1910- Member of the Board of Directors, American Catholic Historical Society. Author of: "The Courage of Christ"; "The Charity of Christ"; "The Obedience of Christ".

ARTICLES: Rale, Sebastian; Steinmeyer, Ferdinand.

Schweitzer, Reverend Joseph, c.r.

ARTICLE: Resurrection, Congregation of the.

Schweitzer, Reverend Peter Joseph, s.j., b. at Coblenz, Germany. Education: Jesuit college, Turn- hout, Belgium; Jesuit scholasticates, Exaten and VaUcenburg, Holland. Entered the Society of Jesus; professor of Classics, St. Xavier's College, Bombay, India, 1895-1899; professor of Classics (1899-1905) and of ethics, history, and evidences (1906-1912), Canisius College, Buffalo, New York; professor of the history of philosophy, history and German 1912- , Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts. ARTICLE: Cobnely, Karl Josef Rudolf.

Schwertner, Reverend Thomas M., o.p., s.t. Lect., b. at Canton, Ohio, 14 March, 1883. Educa- tion: Canisius College, Buffalo, New York; St. Joseph's scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio; Immaculate Conception College and CathoUc University, Wash- ington; Minerva, Rome; Dominican CoUege, Hawkes- yard, England; Fribourg University, Fribourg, Switzerland. Entered the Dominican Order 1901; ordained 1908; has preached and lectured in England and Ireland; interested in research work concerning the history of the Dominican Order; professor of apologetics and Church history. Immaculate Concep- tion College, Washington, 1913-1914; Church of St. Catherine of Sienna, New York, 1914- . Edited, with Preface, Antony, "In St. Dominic's Country" (London, 1912); joint editor and collaborator in "CathoUc History Series"; coUaborator in "History of the Saints" (London); contributor to American and European reviews.

ARTICLES: Alberti, Leandro; Alfonso of Burgos; An- drew OF LoNJUMEAu; Annibaldi, Annibale d*; Ansaldi, Casto Innocenzio; Ansaloni, Giordano; Antoniano, Giovanni; Ascelin; Aymeric of Piacbnza; Badia, Tommaso; Barletta, Gabriel; Bartholomew of Lucca; Bebnold of Constance; Birkowski, Fabian; Bromyard, John; Burkard, Franz; DoMiNici, Giovanni, Blessed; Dob^, Pierre; Dubandus of Saint-Pourcain; Ebner; Echard, Jacques; Emser, Hierony-

Schwickerath, Reverend Robert, s.j., b. in Kyllburg, Rhine-Province, Germany, 15 January, 1869. Education: Prussian elementary schools. Gym- nasium at Treves; entered the Society of Jesus in Holland 1890; studied philosophy at Exaten and Valkenburg, 1892-1895; came to America 1895; taught history and Classics, Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., 1895-1900; student of theology, Woodstock, Maryland, 1900-1904; ordained 1903; professor of history and pedagogy, 1907- , and Ubrarian, 1913- . Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. Author of: "Jesuit Education, Its History and Principles in