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Peter's Church, Jefferson City; promotor fiscalis, archdiocese of St. Louis. Has contributed papers to various Eucharistic Congresses. Member of the Academy of St. Thomas, Rome. Author of "New Theology and Old Theology"; contributor to: "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Pastoralblatt", etc., etc.

ARTICLES: Berlage, Anton; Espousals; Mahhiage, Moral and Canonical Aspect of.

Senfelder, Leopold, m.d., b. at Vienna, 25 September, 1864, son of Ignaz Senfelder and grandson of Johann Michael Sennefelder. Education: Prepara- tory Seminary, Mariaachein, and Gymnasium, Mies, Bohemia, Austria; University of Vienna. Interne at the Garnisons-Spitale, No. 1, Vienna, 1888-1889 physician to the reserves and assistant physician Rudolf Hospital, Vienna, 1889-1891; married 1891 practising physician, Sankt Polten, Lower Austria, 1892, and Vienna, 1892-1905; lecturer on the history of medicine. University of Vienna, 1908- Accompanied Cardinal Gruscha to the Jubilee celebration, Rome, 1902; awarded Military Jubilee Medal, 1898. Member of the Imperial Royal Medical Society; librarian and archivist of the College of Physicians, Vienna; corresponding member Imperial Royal Central Monument Commission. Author of: "Anathema esto? " (Kempten, 1892); "Die Katakomben bei St. Stephan" (Vienna, 1902); "Die. kaiserliche konigUche Weiberstrafanstalt in Wiener- Neudorf" (Vienna, 1903); "Dispensatorium pro pharmacopceis Viennensibus in Austria" (Vienna, 1907); "Acta Facultatis medicse universitatis Vin- dobonensis", Vols. IV, V and VI (Vienna, 1908, 1910, 1911); collaborator in: "Berichte und Mit- teilungen des Altertums Vereines zu Wien", Vol. XXXVI-XXXVII (by Dr. Senfelder: "Der kaiser- Hche Gottesacker vor dem Schottentore") (Vienna, 1902); "Geschichte der Stadt Wien" (by Dr. Sen- felder: "Offentliche Gesundheitspflege und Heil- kunde") (Vienna, 1904); contributor to: "Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift"; "Wiener klinische Rundschau" : "Blatter des Vereines fiir Landeskunde von Nieder-Osterreich"; " Das osterreichische Sani- tatswesen"; "Die Kultur"; " Mitteilungen des k. k. Archives fiir Niederosterreich"; "Der Amtsartz"; "Korrespondenzblatt fiir den kathoUschen Klerus in Osterreich"; "Kalender fiir den katholischen Klerus in Osterreich".

ARTICLES: Caldani, Leopoldo Marco Antonio; Ingen- Housz, Jan; Medicine, History of; Paracelsus, Theophras- Tus; Per^, Ambroibe; Schwann, Theodor; Semmelweis, Ignaz Philipp; Skoda, Josef; Sobbait, Paul de; Vesaliub, Andreas; Vienna, University of; Vivisection, Moral Aspect of.

Senna, Nelson Coelho db, ll.d., b. at Serro, Minas Geraes, 11 October, 1876. Education: Normal School at Diamantina, Historical Institutes at Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Nichteroy and Ceara, and Academy of Juridical Sciences, Ouro Preto, Brazil. Has filled the posts of secretary of police and agricul- tural departments, State of Minas Geraes, professor of Brazilian and universal history, Mineiro Gym- nasium, Bello Horizonte, and vice-president of the Council of Public Instruction, State of Minas Geraes, Brazil; married Emilia Gentil; member of the Chamber of Deputies, Minas Geraes; lawyer; political speaker. Member of: the First, Second, and Third Latin American Scientific Congresses, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Santiago, Chile; the Geographical Society of Lisbon; Historical Academy of Bogota, Colombia; Lawyers' Associations of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia, Brazil; Association of The Press, Santiago, Chile; and various other societies in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Portugal, Italy, and France. Correspond- ing member of the National Geographical Society, Washington, D. C. ; and member of the Fourth Pan- Ajnerican Congress, Santiago de Chile. Author of:

"Questoes internacionaes do Brasil"; "A Edade da Pedra do Brasil"; "Elogio literario de Jos6 Eloy Ottoni, poeta sacro brasiliero"; "A Hulha Branca"; "Los Indios del Brasil"; "Contes Sertanejos"; " Paginas de Historia Religiosa do Brasil " ; " Discursos Academicos"; "A Bacia do Rio D6oe"; etc.; editor of "Annuario Historico e Estatistico do Estado de Minas Geraes" (1906- ); contributor to various Brazilian and foreign periodicals.

ARTICLE: Diamantina, Diocese of.

Seroczynski, Reverend Felix Thomas, b.a., b. at Warsaw. Indiana, 5 March, 1879, son of Thomas and Justina (Swaszkiewicz) Seroczynski, grandson of Karol Seroczynski, Pohsh patriot. Education: public schools at Warsaw and St. Joseph's CoUege at Rensselaer, Indiana; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ordained 1904; has held the posts of assistant at St. Stanislaus's Church, East Chicago, and St. Mary's Church, Lafayette, Indiana, and rector of the Church of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, North Judson, and of St. Adalbert's Church, Whiting, Indiana; rector, St. Casimir's Church, Hammond, Indiana, 1911- ; director of the Fire Insurance Society, diocese of Fort Wayne, Indiana. President of the Alumni Association of St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Indiana; Knight of Columbus; member of: Pohsh Roman Catholic Union; Cathohc Order of Foresters. Contributor to: "Cathohc Standard and Times" (Philadelphia); "Extension" (Chicago).

ARTICLE : Barzynski, Vincent; Dabkowbki, Joseph; Poles IN THE United States.

Sexton, Reverend Canon Patrick, D.D., S.T.D. Education: Christian Schools, Christian Brothers College, and St. Finnbar's College, Cork; Royal University of Ireland; The College, Maynooth. Ordained 1896; successively, lecturer in theology and mathematics, Maynooth; professor of dogma and music, All Hallows College, Dublin; president, St. Finnbar's College, Cork. Member of Literary and scientific associations, Cork. Author of "Quomodo fides divina sit lumen"; contributor to: "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Columban Record"; "Homiletic Monthly"; "Irish Rosary"; "New Ireland Review", etc.

ARTICLE: Cork, Diocese of.

Shahan, Right Reverend Thomas J., d.d., j.Tj.L., b. at Manchester, New Hampshire, 11 Sep- tember, 1857, son of Maurice Peter Shahan and Mary Anne Carmody. Education: pubho schools, Milbury, Massachusetts; Montreal College, Montreal, Canada; American College and Roman Seminary, Rome; University of Berlin; New Sorbonne, Paris. Ordained 1882; assistant pastor, St. John's Church, New Haven, Connecticut, 1882-1883; chancellor and secretary, diocese of Hartford, Connecticut, 1883- 1888; professor of Church history and patrology, Cathohc University, Washington, 1891-1909; rector, Cathohc University, 1909- ; domestic prelate 1909; titular Bishop of Germanicopolis 15 November, 1914. Active in the foundation of Chair of GaeUc of Ancient Order of Hibernians, Cathohc University; former editor of "Cathohc University Bulletin"; decoration Pro ecclesia et Pontifice. Member of : the Board of Judges, Hall of Fame, New York; American Historical Association; American Irish Historical Association; New England Cathohc Historical So- ciety; United States Cathohc Historical Society; Knights of Columbus; Ancient Order of Hiberni- ans. Author of: "The Blessed Virgin in the Cata- combs" (1892); "Begmnings of Christianity" (1903); "The Middle Ages" (1904); "St. Patrick in History'* (1904); "The House of God" (1905); "Patrology", translated from the German of Bardenhewer (Frei- burg and St. Louis, 1908); contributor to: "Cathohc University Bulletin"; "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; "American Ecclesiastical Review";