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SELINGER the Light of Modern Educational Problems" (St. Louis, Mo., 1903); "Character and Character Formation "(Worcester, 1909); "Juvencius' Lern-und Lehr-methode" (Freiburg, 1898); twelve booklets in the Collection Volks-Auf klarung (Wainsdorf , Austria, Opitz, 1900-1904). Contributor to: "Catholic Quar- terly Review"; "Ecclesiastical Review"; "The Messenger"; "The Review"; "Benziger's Magazine"; "Pastoral-Blatt"; "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach". ARTICLES: Alvarez, Manoel; College; Pachtlee, Georq Michael; Pestalozzi and Pestalozzianism; Ratio Studioedm. Scott, Abb^; Henry Arthur, b.a., j.c.b., ll.d., D.D., b. at St. Nicholas, P. Q., 3 September, 1858. Education: Seminary and Laval University, Quebec. Professor, Seminary, Quebec, 1878-1882; ordained 1882; curate at St. Antoine de Tilly, P. Q., 1883- 1885; curate, Notre Dame de la Viotoire, Levis, P. Q., 1885-1893; professor of philosophy, Notre Dame College, Levis, 1892-1893; rector at Ste. Foy, P. Q., 1893- . Has lectured on Savonarola (1898) and Darras's Church History (1906), Laval University, Quebec. Author of: "Une paroisse historique de la Nouvelle France, Notre Dame de Sainte Foy", Vol. I (1902); collaborator in: Memorial Volume of the Tercentenary of Quebec (by Abb6 Scott: "Les femmes iUustres pendant I'^piscopat de Mgr. de Laval") (1908) ; "Cyclopedic History of the Canadian People" (by Abh6 Scott: "History of the Church of Canada East of the Great Lakes ") (1912) ; contributor to: "Le Quotidien" (Levis); "L'Evfenement" (Que- bec); "Voix du Pr^cieux Sang" (St. Hyacinth); "NouveUe France" (Quebec). ARTICLE: Quebec, Aechdiocese of. Scott, John Askew, m.a., ll.b., editor, b. at Dunedin, New Zealand, 19 April, 1869. Education: Otago Boys' High School and Otago University, Dunedin, winning Bowen Essay Prize in a competi- tion open to all New Zealand undergraduates. Convert to the Church; successively head master, Kynnersley Public School, Richardson Public School, assistant master, Otago Boys' High School, and head master, Fairfax Public School, Dunedin; former editor, "Otago Liberal", Dunedin; former member of the staff and editor (1910- ), "New Zealand Tablet", Dunedin. At one time Liberal candidate for New Zealand Parhament; former deputy member of the Arbitration Court for the Settlement of Industrial Disputes; received public approbation for his work as editor of the "New Zealand Tablet" from the New Zealand hierarchy at their Annual Con- ference, 1911. ARTICLE: New Zealakd. Scully, Reverend John, s.j., b. at Brookljm, New York, 23 September, 1846. Education: private; Sault-au-R6collet, Canada; Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Began career as a salesman; entered Society of Jesus 1872; ordained 1884; has held the posts of professor of Classics and rector, St. John's College, Fordham, New York, prefect of studies, St. Peter's College, Jersey City, New Jersey, and Gonzaga College, Washington, D. C, rector, St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, lecturer on history, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts; formerly stationed at St. Francis Xavier's Church, New York; in charge of the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs, Auriesville, N. Y., 1909- ; stationed at St. Ignatius's Church, New York, 1910-1912; and at Woodstock CoUege, Woodstock, Maryland, 1912- 1913. Professor of history, Gonzaga College, Wash- ington, D. C, 1913-1917; St. Francis Xavier's Church, 1917- . Erected two buildings at Ford- ham University; founded Free Hospital for Poor Consumptives, Philadelphia; spent four years in Europe. Contributor to: "Messenger"; "Messenger

of the Sacred Heart"; editor of "Pilgrim of Our Lady of Martyrs". ARTICLE: Squiebs, Hebbebt Goldsmith. Scully, Reverend Vincent Joseph Henet, can.Reg.Lat., b. in London, 1876, of Irish parents. Education : Canons Regular of the Lateran. Professed in the order of Canons Regular 1894; ordained 1899; has held the post of master of professed at one of the houses of his order; at present, rector of the Mission, St. Ives, Cornwall, where he has built a chmrch. Author of: "Child of Mary's Little Hand- book"; "Life of the Venerable Thomas ft Kempis"; "A Mediaeval Mystic: Blessed John Ruysbroeck"; "St. Ives, a Catholic Retrospect"; "Sermons to the Novices Regular"; "Meditations and Sermons on the Incarnation, Life and Passion of Our Lord"; "Life of St. Lidwine" (tr. from Flemish of Ruys- broeck); editor of: "The Child of Mary"; "St. Agnes Magazine". ARTICLES: Gerhard of Zutphen; Radewtnb, Flobens; Rtjysbboeck, John, Blessed; Saint Victoe, Achard de; Thomas a Kempis; Thomas of Jesds; Twenge, John, Saint; Vaux, Laweence. Searle, Reverend George Mary, c.s.p., m.a., Ph.D., astronomer, b. in London, 27 June, 1839, descendant of Governor Dudley, of Massachusetts Bay. Education: high school, Brookhne, Massa- chusetts; Harvard University. Came to the United States 1840; computer for Nautical Almanac 1857; assistant, Dudley Observatory, Albany, New York, 1858-1859; computer, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1859-1862; became a Catholic 1862; assistant professor of mathematics. United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, 1862- 1864; assistant. Harvard Observatory, 1866-1868; entered Pauhst Order 1868; ordained 1871; professor of mathematics. Catholic University, Washington, D. C, 1895-1897; superior general, Pauhst Fathers, 1904-1910; engaged in astronomical observations, particularly relative to Halley's Comet, Newman Hall, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1910-1911; stationed at St. Mary's Church, San Francisco, California, 1911-1915; Apostolic Mission House, Brookland, Washington, D. C, 1915- Discovered the asteroid Pandora, 1858. Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Science; member of: the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Philosophical Society of Washington; Astronomical Society of the Pacific; Astronomical Society of Mexico; American Mathematical Society; American Geographical Society, etc. Author of: "Elements of Geometry" (New York, 1877); "Plain Facts for Fair Minds" (New York, 1895); "How to Become a Catholic" (New York, 1905); contributor to: "Astronomische Nachrichten"; "Astronomical Journal"; "CathoHc World"; "Truth". ARTICLE: Deshon, Geobqe. Sears, Reverend Martin G., b. at Ventry, Co. Kerry, Ireland, 7 September, 1883. Education: All Hallows College, Dublin. Ordained 1907; at present, rector, St. Joseph's Church, and assistant priest of the diocese, St. George's, Newfoundland. ARTICLE: St. George's, Diocese of. Secunda, Mother M., Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ, Fort Wayne, Indiana. ARTICLE: Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. Selinger, Reverend Joseph, d.d., b. at Hannibal, Missouri, 9 Ajjril, 1859. Education: St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; American College, Rome. Ordained 1887; instructor in dogma, Ameri- can College, Rome, 1887-1888; assistant rector, St. Peter's Church, Jefferson City, Missouri, 1890; professor of dogma, Greek, and Hebrew, St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee, 1904; at present, rector, St.