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life in missionary work in Ireland, England, and Scotland. Author of: "Lives of the Irish Saints"; "Life of Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque"; "Life of St. Patrick"; "Life of Joan of Arc^'; "Life of Count Moore"; contributor to: "The Irish Ecclesi- astical Record".

ARTICLE: FtrRNiss, John.

Barry, Vert Reverend Canon, William Francis, d.d., writer, b. in London, 21 April, 1849, of Irish parents. Education: St. Mary's School, Hammersmith, London; Sedgley Park, Staffordshire, and Oscott CoUege, Birmingham, England; matricu- lated with honors at London University, Enghsh College, and Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 1873 ; vioe-reotor and professor of philosophy. Diocesan Seminary, Birmingham, England, 1873-1877; pro- fessor of dogmatic theology, Osoott CoUege, Birming- ham, 1877-1880; rector at Dorchester, near Oxford, England, 1883-1907; canon of Birmingham 1907; rector, St. Catherine's, Horse Fair, England, 1907- 1908; rector, St. Peter's, Leamington, England, 1908-

rural dean of Warwickshire; member of the

Education Committee, Leamington; vice-president, London Council of Public Morals. Temperance delegate to World's Convention, Chicago, 1893; delivered Edmund Burke Centennial Lectures, Dublin and London, 1897; addressed the Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, 1911. President of the Wolver- hampton Literary Association. Author of: "The New Antigone" (1887); "Father Hecker, Founder of the Pauhsts" (1892); "The Two Standards" (1898); "Arden Massiter" (1900); "The Wizard's Knot" (1901); "The Papal Monarchy" (1902); "The Day-spring" (1903); "Heralds of Revolt" (1904); "Liter- ary Life of Newman" (1904); "Literary Life of Renan" (1905); "The Tradition of Scripture" (1906); "The Papacy and Modern Times" (1911); "Liter- ature the Word of Life" (1912) ; (pamphlets) : "Sketch of Newman's Life"; "Thoughts for Free-Thinkers"; "Future of CathoUcism"; "The Higher Criticism"; collaborator in "Cambridge Modern History" (by Dr. Barry: "Catholic Europe, 1450-1520"); con- tributor to: "DubUn Review"; "Quarterly Review" (London); "Nineteenth Century"; "Contemporary- Review"; "National Review"; "CathoUc World"; "North American Review"; "Forum"; "Atlantic Monthly"; "Tablet"; "Cathohc Times"; "Book- man" (London); "Speaker".

ARTICLES: Arianism; Ahius; Assize of Clarendon; Cal- vin, John; Calvinism; Newman, John Henry; Oxford Move- ment; Parables; Poetry, Hebrew, of the Old Testament;


BatiSol, Right Reverend Monsignob Pierre Henri, s.t.d., Litt.D., writer, b. at Toulouse, France, 27 January, 1861. Education: Seminary of St. Sulpice; pupil of Duchesne in Paris and of De Rossi in Rome. Ordained 1884; rector of the Catholic University of Toulouse 1898-1907; at present resident in Paris. Ardent opponent of Loisy; has devoted most of his life to the study of ancient Christian literature. Author of: "Histoire du Br^viaire romain" (Paris, 1893; new edition 1911; Enghsh translation: History of the Roman Breviary, London, 1898); "Etudes d'histoire et de th6ologie positive", devoted to a discussion of the origins of penance (against Lea) and of the Eucharist (against Harnack and Loofs), 2 vols. (Paris, 1902, 1905); " L'enseignement de J&us", containing a statement of Catholic doctrine as opposed to Harnack's "L'essence du christianisme" on one hand and Loisy's "L'Evangile et I'Eghse" on the other (Paris, 1905); "L'Eglise naissante et le cathoh- cisme", presenting the Catholic theory of Christian origins and substituting it for that of Ritschl, Har- nack, and Sabatier, and, in the "Theologische Literaturzeitung", 16 January, 1909, recommended by Harnack himseK for the depth, of its scholarship (Paris, 1908; Enghsh translation: Primitive Catho-

licity, London, 1911; German translation: Urkirche und KathoUzismus, Kosel, 1911); "Orpheus et I'Evangile", a series of lectures in defense of the historicity of the Lebensbild of Christ against the attacks of Salomon Reinach (Enghsh translation: The Credibihty of the Gospel, London, 1912) ; one of the editors of the series "Etudes d'histoire des dogmes et d'ancienne litterature chr^tienne"; discovered and published (Paris, 1900) ; "Tractatus Origenis de Jibris sanctorum scriptuarum", a work of the Spaniard Gregory of Elvira (IV century), composed of extracts from Novatian, Hippolytus, and Origen. ARTICLE : Apocatastasis.

Battandier, Right Reverend Monsignob Albert Marie Joseph, s.t.d., j.c.d., b. at St. F61icien, Ardeche, France, 11 April, 1850. Educa- tion: Seminary, Viviers; French Seminary, Rome. Took part in the siege of Paris against the Commune 1871; ordained 1875; secretary in the service of Cardinal Pitra, Bishop of Frascati, 1879-1881; Con- suitor of Congregation of Bishops and Regulars and honorary Papal Chamberlain 1881; vicar-general of Frascati 1881-1884; prothonotary Apostohc ad instar participantium 1882; vicar-general of Porto and Santa Rufina 1884-1889; Officer of the French Academy 1894; Officer of PubUc Instruction (France) 1899; correspondent of the Lincei Pontificii, Rome, 1904; consultor of the Propaganda ^Latin and Oriental Rites) 1906; editor of the Annuaire Pontificale Cathohque 1907- ; consultor of the Congregation of Rehgious 1908; honorary canon of several dioceses; vice-dean of the prothonotaries Apostolic; at present resident in Paris and Rome. Author of: "La ques- tion romaine au point de vue financier" (brochure) (1885); "Analecta Juris Pontificii", 2 vols. (1895, 1896); "Guide canonique pour les constitutions des communautiSs ^ vceux simples" (5 ed. 1911); con- tributor to "Le Cosmos"; of a study on St. HHdegard to "Revue des questions historiques"; of "Un hvre d'heures de Catherine de M^dicis" to "L'Art Chretien"; editor and author of "Annuaire Pontificale Catholique" (1897- ).

ARTICLES: Addresses, Ecclesiastical; Batavia; Bel- grade AND Smederevo; Benadib; Benin, Coast of; Bittiah; Borneo; Burma.

Baumberger, Georg, Knight of the Order of St. Sylvester, b. at Zug, Switzerland, 16 March, 1855. Editor of "Appenzeller Nachrichten" 1881-1886; editor-in-chief of "Ostschweiz, St. Gall", 1886-1904; editor-in-chief of "Neue Ziiricher Nachrichten" 1904- . Assisted at the International Convention for the protection of industrial property, Paris, March 20, 1883; member of the convention assembled for the drawing up of the St. Gall Constitution 1888-1890 fellow of the Cathohc College, St. Gall, 1890-1904 president of the Swiss Press Association 1894^1896 member of: the Great Council of St. GaU 1897-1904 the Great Municipal Council, Zurich, 1913-1917; the Great Council, Ziirich, 1917. Member of: the Society of Historical Research, Zurich; the Belletristic Associ- ation of CathoUc Switzerland; the Central Committee of the CathoUc Volksverein of Switzerland; president of the Christian Social Party of the Canton of Zurich; Secretary-general of the CathoUc International Union, Zurich, 1917. Author of: "Geschichte des Central- verbandes der Stickereiindustrie der Ostschweiz" (1891); "Questa la via"! (travels) (1895; 3 ed. 1906); "Aus sonnigen Tagen" (1897; 2 ed. 1908); "Gruss Gott ! " (1899 ; 3 ed. 1909) ; " Blaues Meer und schwarze Berge" (1902; 3 ed. 1909); "St. Galler-Land— St. Galler-Volk" (1903); "Der selige Nikolaus" v. d. Flue (1904); "Appenzeller Freiheitskriege" (drama) (1906); "Im Flug ans siidUche Gestade" (1908)," "Schlacht am Stoss" (drama); "Im Banne von drei Koniginnen".

ARTICLES: Periodical LirERATUEB, Catholic, Switzer- land; Zurich.