Baumgaxten, Right Reveeend Monsignoe
MoEiTZ Julius Maximilian Paul Maeia, j.u.d.,
S.T.D., b. at Rittershausen, Germany, 25 July, 1860.
Education: Gymnasium, Montabaur; Universities of
Bonn, Marburg, Breslau, Strassburg, and Berlin;
Academy of Noble Ecclesiastics, Rome. Began
practice of law 1885; engaged in historical research
in various libraries and archives of Europe, par-
ticularly those of the Vatican, 1887; Chamberlain of
the Sword and Cape to Leo XIII 1888; assistant at
the Royal Prussian Historical Station, Rome, 1888-
1889; ordained 1894; private chamberlain in abito
pavonazza 1895; ablegate fori Cardinal Sembratowicz,
Ruthenian Archbishop of Lemberg, 1895 ; consistorial
consultor 1896; domestic prelate of His Holiness
1900; canon of Santa Maria di Monte Santo, Rome,
1906; has travelled in the interests of scientific
research throughout Europe and the United States.
Took part in the anti-Free-Masonry Congress which
exposed the Leo Taxil-Diana Vaughan swindle,
Trent, 1896; president of the seventh section. Second
International Congress of Christian Archaeology,
I'ome, 1900; secretary of the Fifth International
Congress of Catholic Scholars, Munich, 1900. Cor-
responding member of the Pontifical Academy of
Roman Archaeology (1894) ; member of the Academy
of the Catholic Religion, Rome (1899) ; papal decora-
tion pro Ecclesia et pontifice (1888); Order of the
Iron Crown, second class (1895); Emperor WilKam
Commemoration Medal, yeUow ribbon (.1899) ; Cross
di benemerenza of the Jubilee Year (1900). Author
of: "Die Deutschen Hexenprozesse" (1883); "Zur
Naturgeschichte der Presse" (1885); "Hat das
System Kneipp eine soziale Bedeutung?" (1892);
"Giovanni Battista de Rossi" (1892); "Undioi
lettere Pontificie all' Inghilterra 1131-1187" (1894);
"II Regesto di Celestino V" (1896); "II dizionario di
erudizione storico-ecclesiastica del Moroni ricerche
intorno alia propriety litteraria di esso" (1896);
"Untersuchungen und Urkunden ilber di Camera
CoUegii CardinaHum fiir die Zeit von 1295-1437"
(1898); "Rom, das Oberhaupt, die Einrichtung und
Verwaltung der Gesamtkirche" (1899); "Die kathol-
ische Kirche in Deutschland, der Schweiz, Luxem-
burg, und Oesterreich-Ungarn" (1900; 2 ed. 1907);
"Das Wirken der kathohschen Kirche auf dem
Erdenrund, unter besondere Berticksichtigung der
Heidenmissionen" (1901; 2 ed. 1907); "Kirchliche
Statistik" (1905); "Der Papst,die Regierung und die
Verwaltung der Heiligen Kirche in Rom" (1905);
"Verfassung und Organisation der Kirche" (l906);
"Aus Kanzlei und Kammer zur kurialen Hof- und
Verwaltsgeschichte im XIII-XV Jahrhimdert"
(1907); "Von der apostolische Kanzlei" (1908); "Die
Werke von Henry Charles Lea und verwandte
Bucher" (1908); "Famihenleben" (1887; a transla-
tion of Devas, Studies in Family Life); editor of "Die
katholische Kirche unserer Zeit und ihre Diener", 3
vols. (1899-1901); contributor to: "KirchUches
Handlexikon": " Historisches Jahrbuch der Gor-
resgesellschaft"; "Theologische Revue"; "Romische
Quartalschrift"; ' 'Allgemeines Literaturblatt ' '
(Vienna); "Literarische Rundschau" (Freiburg-im-
Br.); "Allgemeine Rundschau" (Munich); occasional
contributor to various scientific and pohtical period-
ARTICLES: Cardinal Vicab; De Rosbi, Giovanni Bat- tista; DOLLINGEH, JOHANN JOSEPH lONAZ VON; HOLY Sbe; IN- STITUTES, Roman Historical; iNTESNnNcio; Maestro di Cam- era del Papa; Majordomo; Marini, Luigi Gaetano; Miha- BiLiA Urbis Rom«; Monsignor; Old Catholics; Pontifical Colleges; St. Peter, Basilica of; Statistics, Ecclesiastical; Vatican, The.
Baumstaxk, Kael Anton, Ph.D., b. at Constance, Germany, 4 August, 1872, son of Reinhold and Clementine (Beck) Baumstark. Education: Uni- versities of Heidelberg; Freiburg im Breisgau; Leipzig, Germany; Camp Santo dei Tedeschi, Rome;
International BibUcal School, Jerusalem. Married
Frida, daughter of Joseph Tvondle, 15 April, 1909.
Passed State examination for teacher in intermediate
schools; formerly privat docent, University of Heidel-
berg; at present, instructor. Lender Institute, Sas-
bach, Germany. Author of: " Lucubrationes Syro-
grfficse" (1894); "Babylon, zur Stadtgeschichte und
Topographic" (1896); "Der Pessimismus in der
friechischen Syrik" (1898); "Aristoteles bei den yrier von V bis VIII Jahrhundert" (1900); "Die Petrus und Paulusacten in der literarischen Uber- heferung der syrischen Kirche" (1902); "Liturgia Romana e hturgia dell' Esarcato" (1904); "Auf der Fahrt nach dem Frieden, eine seelengesohichte in itahenischer Tagebuchaufzeichnung" (,1904); "Die Messe im Morgenlande" (1906); "Abenlandische Palastina pilger des ersten Jahrhunderts und ihre Berichte" (,1906); "Die Konstantinopolitanisohe Messhturgie von dem neunten Jahrhundert" (1909); "Festbrevier und Kirchenjahr der syrischen Jakob- iten" (1910); "Die ChristUche Literatur des Orients" (,1911); "La riforma del saltero Romana aUa luce della storia comparata delle liturgie" (1912); "Le liturgie orientali e le preghiere 'Supra quae' e 'Sulpices' del canone romano" (1913). Founder (1901) and editor (1901-05; 1911- ) "Oriens Christianus". ARTICLE: Cosmas.
Baur, Reveeend Chrysostom, o.s.b., Ph.D., Doctor of Moral and Historical Sciences, b. at Oberdettingen, Germany, 14 December, 1876. Edu- cation: Colleges of Friedrichshafen; Benedictine Monastery, Seckau, Austria; University of Louvain; Oxford (one term) ; Cambridge (one term) . Professed in the Benedictine Order 1896; ordained 1901; teacher of Greek, College of Seckau, 1901-1903; lecturer on patrology, St. Anselm's College, Rome, 1908-1910; professor of ecclesiastical history and patrology, St. Anselm's College, 1910- . Author of: "S. Jean Chrysostome et ses oeuvres dans I'histoire UttSraire" (Louvain-Paris, 1907); collaborator in: "Chrysos- tomica": "Studi e Ricerche intorno a S. Giovanni Crisostomo a cura del comitato per il XV° centenaria della sua morte" (by Father Baur: "Der ursprung- liche Umfang des Kommentars des hi. Joh. Chrysos- tomus zu den Psalmen") (Rome, 1908); contributor to: "Revue d'histoire eccl&iastique " (L'entr^e littfiraire de S. Jean Chrysostome dans le monde htt&aire), VIII, 1907; "Revue b^n^dictine" (S. Jerome et S. Jean Chrysostome), XXIII, 1906; "Theologische Quartalschrift" (Zur Ambrosius- Theodosius Frage), XC, 1908.
ARTICLES: John Chrysostom, Saint; Severian, Bishop OF Gabala; Theodore, Bishop of Mopsuestia; Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrus; Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch.
Beatrice, Sister St., Sisters of the Misericorde, Montreal, Canada. ARTICLE: Misericorde, Congregation of the Sisters of.
Beccari, Reverend Camillo, s.j., b. in Rome, 15 July, 1849. Education: Roman College; Royal University, Naples. Ordained 1877; has been for the greater part of his life professor of philosophy and theology (twenty years) and postulator general of the Causes of the Servants of God of the Society of Jesus (fourteen years), at present holding the latter post. Author of: "La Cronaca della Novalesa e le sue leggende" (Rome, 1885); "Catologus sanctorum, beatorum, venerabiKum et servorum Dei e Societate Jesu" (Rome, 1901); "Notizia e saggi d'opere e documenti inediti riguardanti la storia d'Etiopia" (Rome, 1903); "Rerum Aethiopicarum scriptores occidentahs inediti", of which eleven volumes have appeared (Rome, 1903- ); "Apologia P. Antonii Henriquez sacerdotis professi e Societate Jesu" (Rome, 1905); "II TigrI descritto da un missionario