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Giovanni Antonio; Reni, Guido; Rosa, Salvatore; Rosselli, CosiMo; Rubens, Peter Paul; SAnchez, Alonzo Coello;


ScHONQAUER, Martin; Signorelli, Luca; Sodoma; Stanfibld, William Clarkbon; Teniers, David; Theotocopuli, Domeni- 00 ; TiBALDi, Pellegrino; Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista; ToHBiDO, Francesco; Uccello; Van der Weyden, Roqier; Van de Velde, Peter; Vargas, Luis de; Vasari, Giorgio; VivAHiNi, Alvise; Vivaeini, Antonio; Vivarini, Bartolom- MEo; VOLTERRA, Daniele da; Watteau, Jean Antonine; William of Sens; Wolqemut, Michael.

Willis, John Willey, m.a., Ph.D., lawyer, b. at St. Paul, Minnesota, 12 July, 1854, son of Charles li. Willis and Anna Marie Gleeson. Education: public and high schools, St. Paul, and Macalaster College, Minneapolis; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; Dartmouth College, New Hampshire; law studies, St. Paul. Instructor in Latin and Greek, Central High School, St. Paul, 1877; admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Minnesota 1879; member of the Board of Education, St. Paul, 1881-1882; became a Catholic 1884; member Minnesota Board of Correc- tion and Charities 1888, 1889; Judge of the District Court, Second Judicial District of Minnesota, 1893- 1899; lecturer on the History of Law, University of Minnesota, MinneapoHs; practising lawyer, resident at St. Paul. Unanimously nominated for Attorney General of Minnesota by the Democrats, 1883, for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Minnesota by the Democrats and the People's Party, 1894, and for Representative in Congress by the Democrats, 1898, but defeated; has frequently represented Mhmesota at National Conferences of Charities and has done much for sociological reforms; as chairman of the Committee on Criminal Law Reform, presented an elaborate report on the indeterminate sentence. National Conference of Charities, 1894; has done much for the Italian immigrants of St. Paul, they being entrusted to his special care by Archbishop Ireland. President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Minnesota; member (former Chancellor, Deputy Grand Knight and Grand Knight, St. Paul Council) Knights of Columbus (4th degree) ; member of the Sons of the Revolution; member of the Sons of the American Revolution.

ABTICLES: Corporation; Hennepin, Louis; Law, Common; Minnesota; Punishment, Capital.

Willmann, Otto Philipp Gustav, Ph.D., k.s.g., b. at Lissa, Posen, Austria, 24 April, 1839. Educa- tion: Gymnasium, Lissa; Universities of Breslau, Berlin, and Leipzig. Teacher at I^eipzig 1863; teacher at the Psedagogium, Vienna, Austria, 1863- 1872; special professor (1872-1877), professor (1877- 1903) and professor emeritus (1903- ) of philoso- phy and pedagogy, University of Prague; member of the Bohemian Board of Education 1878-1883; Privy Councillor, member of the Austrian House of Lords; resident at Salzburg, Austria, 1903-1910; resident at Leitmeritz, Bohemia, Austria, 1910- . Has lectured in Vienna, Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Stutt- gart, Bonn, Diisseldorf, etc., etc. Member of the Philosophic Institute of Louvain; hon. member of the Christian Educational . Association, Catholic School Association, and Catholic University Associa- tion; Knight of the Austrian Order of the Iron Crown. Author of: "Paedagogische Vortrage" (1869; 4th ed. 1905); "Didaktik als Bildungslehre", 2 vols. (1882, 1889; 4th ed. 1 vol., 1909; Flemish tr. by Simdons and de Hovre, 1912); "Geschichte der IdeaUsmus", 3 vols. (1894-1897; 2nd ed. 1907); "Philosophische Propadautik": Vol. I, "Logik" (1901; 4th ed. 1912). Vol. II, "Empirische Psyohologie" (1903; 3rd ed; 1913); "Aus Horsaal und Schulstube" (1904; 2nd ed. 1912); "Aristoteles als Padagog und Didaktiker" (1909); "Die wichtigsten philosophischen Fachaus- drucke" (1909; 2nd ed. 1912; Dutch tr. by Van Altdorf, 1911); "Der Lehrstand im Dienste des christlichen Volkes" (1910); "Aus der Werkstatt der

Philosophia perennis ", collection of his philosophical writings (1912); collalDorator in Herder's "Lexikon der Padagogilc", Vols. I-II; "Jahrbtioher ftir christ- Mohe Erziehungswissenschaft". ARTICLES: Arts, Seven Liberal; Idealism.

Willms, Reverend John (Peter Claver), c.s.sp., b. at Nideggen, Rhineland, Germany, 22 March, 1849; d. 3 January, 1914. Education: Holy Ghost scholasticates in Germany and France. Entered the Congregation of the Holy Ghost 1868; sent to France 1872; ordained 1876; teacher (1878-1884) and acting president (1885-1886), Holy Ghost College, Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania; pastor (and founder) of a German parish, Pittsburg, 1886-1896; central director for the United States of the Holy Childhood Associa- tion, Pittsburg, 1896-1914. Editor of "Annals of the Holy Childhood" (German andFIngUsh editions). ARTICLE: Holy Childhood, Association of the.

Wilstach, Joseph Walter, M.A., Lafayette, Indiana.

ARTICLE: Indiana.

Windle, Sir Bertram Coghill Alan, K.S.G., SC.M., M.D., M.A., B.Ch., LL.D., F.R.S., F.8.A., F.R.S.A.I., b. at Mayfield, Staffordshire, England, 8 May, 1858; married (2nd) Edith Mary Nazer, 1901. Education: Repton School, Repton, England; University of DubUn, Ireland. Became a CathoKc 1883; former president, Birmingham Library, Birmingham, Eng- land (four years) ; at various times member of Educa- tion Committee and chairman of Higher Education Sub-Committee, School Board, Birmingham, on Consultative Committee to Board of Education and Teachers' Registration Council, hon. secretary of Committee of Catholic Training College, Cavendish Square, London, and member of Joint Universities Cathohc Board; professor of anatomy (and for many years also dean of Medical Faculty), Birmingham University (and bodies which preceded it), 1884r- 1904; Representative of Birmingham University, English General Council of Medical Education, 1900- 1905; President (1904- ) and professor of archae- ology (1910- ), Queen's (now University) College, Cork, Ireland; Senator of the Royal (since 1909 National) University of Ireland; pro-vice-chancellor. National University of Ireland; chairman of Standing Committee on Irish Technical Education; Commis- sioner of Intermediate Education in Ireland; Knighted 1912. Former President, Birmingham Philosophical Society. Vice-President, Royal Society of Antiqua- ries of Ireland; Fellow of the Anthropological Insti- tute; life member of German Anatomical Society; member of the Anatomical Society of Paris; member of the Council, Cathohc Truth Society; member of the Council, Folk Lore Society; etc., etc. Author of: "Proportions of the Human Body" (1892); "Life in Early Britain" (1897); "Shakespeare's Country" (1899); "The Malvern Country" (1900); "The Wessex of Thomas Hardy" (1901); "Chester", "Ancient Cities" Series (1903); "Remains of the Prehistoric Age in England" (1904); edited: 'Tyson, "Essays on Pygmies", with critical Introduction; last edition of Murray's Handbooks to following counties; Shropshire, Cheshire, Somersetshire, Wilt- shire, and Dorsetshire; contributor to: "Proceedings of the Royal Society"; "Proceedings of the Zoological Society" ; " Journal of the Linnean Society " ; "Journal of Anatomy and Physiology"; "Anatomischer An- zeiger"; "Ergebnisse der Anatomie und der Ent- wickelungsgeschichte"; "Journal of the Society of Antiquaries"; "Proceedings of the Birmingham Archseological Society" ; "Dublin Review" ; "Month" ; "Weekly Register"; "Cathohc Press"; "Tablet"; etc.; etc.; General Editor of "Ancient Cities" Series.

ARTICLES: Heredity; Mendel, Mendelibm; Van Bene- den, Pierre-Joseph.