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Wirth, Reverend Edmund J., d.d., Ph.D., b. in Germany, 1 September, 1874. Education: parochial schools and St. Andrew's and St. Bernard's Semi- naries, Rochester; American College, Rome; Univer- sities of Innsbruck and Louvain. Ordained 1899; professor of philosophy (1900- ) and disciplinarian of the Hall of Theology, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester. Author of; "Divine Grace" (New York, 1903); "Relation of Experimental Psychology to Philosophy", translation from the French of Mercier (New York, 1902); "Outhnes of Sermons for Young Men and Young Women", translated and edited from German of Schuen (New York, 1906).

ARTICLES: Association of Ideas; Atomism.

Wissel, Reverend Joseph, c.ss.r., b. in Bavaria, Germany, 4 February, 1830; d. at Wilkesbarre, Pa., 7 September, 1912. Education: College at Asehaffen- burg, Bavaria, classmate of Bishop Schork of Bam- berg; Seminary, Fordham, New York. Entered the Redemptorist Order 1852; ordained 1853; engaged in giving missions throughout the United States and Canada 1853-1868; rector, St. Alphonsus House, Baltimore, Maryland, 1868-1871; in charge of (and founder) Mission House, Boston, Massachusetts, 1871; in charge of the Higher Novitiate of the Redemptorist Order in the United States, with the exception of a few years devoted to parish and missionary work, 1872-1893; rector, Redemptorist Mission House, Saratoga, New York, 1893-1897; named Postulator of the causes successively of John Nepomucene Neumann, c.ss.r., and Francis Xavier Seelos, C.SS.R., 1897; at the time of his death engaged in mission and parish work, St. Peter's Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Made three visits to Rome. Author of "The Redemptorist on the American Missions", 3 vols, (for private circula- tion) .

ARTICLE: Neumann, John Nepomucene, Venerable.

Wittmann, Pius Clemens Aloysius Johannes, Ph.D., b. at Augsburg, Germany, 23 June, 1849, son of Patricius Wittmann, historian, and Caroline Deller. Education: pubUc schools, Augsburg; Gym- nasia, Kempten and Dillingen, Germany; Universities of Wiirzburg and Munich. Soldier in the Bavarian Army, Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871; married (1st) Philomena Huber, of Augsburg, 1872; archivist under the Bavarian Government, Munich, 1874- 1905; Reichsarchivrat 1893; married (2nd) Auguste Walde, of Augsburg, 1902; archivist, House of Ysenburg, Budingen, Upper Hesse, 1909- . Has rehabilitated many accused and condemned criminals by his ability as a handwriting expert; as soldier, fought in the Battle of Sedan and participated in the triumphal entry into Munich. Hon. member Sam- fundet for Nordiska Museets framjande; hon. member Bamberg Historical Association; Bavarian Mihtary Medal of Honour; German Military Medal of Honour; Prussian Order of the Red Eagle. Author of: "Die Pfalzgrafen von Bayern" (1877); "Sophia Markgrafin von Brandenburg-Onolzbach " (1884); "Das Fichtelgebirge und die frankische Schweiz" (1888); "Geschichte der Verbindung und Burschen- schaft Algovia-Arminia zu Mtinchen" (1888); "Monumenta Castellana" (1890); "Wiirzburger Bucher in the Universitat-Bibhothek zu Upsala" (1891); "Fuhrer durch Stockholm" (1892); "Fuhrer durch Schweden" (1893); "Zur Geschichte des St. Klara-Klosters in Bamberg" (1895); "Kurzer Abriss der Schwedischen Geschichte" (1896); "Munchener Urkundenbuch", 6 vols. (1897); "Zur Geschichte des Miinehener Urkundenbuches" (1898); "Maria Stuart", tr. from the Norwegian of Storm (1894); "Stockholm", tr. from the Swedish of Blanche (1895); collaborator in Herder's "Kirchenlexikon", 2nd ed.; contributor to: "AUgemeine Zeitung"; "Postzeitung"; " Literarisches Centralblatt"; "Lit-

erarische Rundschau"; "Historisch-politische Blat- ter".

ARTICLES: Bavaria, The Kingdom of; Christina Alex- andra, Queen of Sweden; Denmark; Faroe Islands; Finland, Grand Duchy of; Greenland; Hakon the Good; Harold Bluetooth; Haspinger, Johann Simon; Hofer, Andreas; Iceland; Lapland and Lapps; Linde, Justin Timotheus Balthasar von; Luxemburg; Maximilian I, Duke of Bavaria; Norway; Orkneys; Snorri Sturlubon; Stolbehg, Friedrich Leopold; Wittmann, Patricius.

Witzel, Reverend Theophilus, o.r.M., b. at Soisdorf, Hesse Nassau, Germany, 20 November, 1879. Education: various Franciscan colleges, Ger- many; Franciscan scholasticate at Salsminster, Seminary at Fulda, and University of Freiburg, Germany; College of St. Antony, Bibhcal Institute, Sapienza and S. ApoUinare, Rome. Entered the Franciscan Order 1895; ordained 1903; lector of Sacred Scripture 1905; professor of Hebrew at one of the houses of his order 1905-1906; professor of Old Testament exegesis 1907- ; Licenciatus rerum Biblicarum 1910; stationed for a time at St. Antony's College, Rome, and (1911- ) at the Franciscan Convent, Fulda; .student of Oriental languages. Author of "Die Ausgrabungen und Entdeckungen im Zweistromeland" (1910; 2nd ed. 1911); collaborator in Buchberger, "Kirchliches Handlexikon"; contribu- tor to: "Etudes franciscaines"; "Pastor bonus"; "KathoUscher Seelsorger"; "Rivista storico-critica"; "Archivum franciscanum historicum"; " Literarische Rundschau"; " Theologische Revue".

ARTICLE: Roger Bacon.

Wolfsgruber, Reverend Colestin, o.s.b., b. at Grossalm, near Gmunden, Austria, 14 May, 1848. Education: University of Vienna. Entered the Benedictine Order 1869; ordained 1874; professor of history, geography, and reUgion, Schotten Gymna- sium, Vienna, 1879-1894; Court preacher, Vienna, 1901- ; professor of Church history. University of Vienna, 1903- ; stationed at the Benedictine Monastery, Schotten, Vienna. Author of: "Das Vaterunser in Betrachtungen " (1879; 2nd ed. 1892); "Giovanni Gersen, sein Leben und sein Werk" (1880); "Hortulus animae" (1884); "Die Loretokapel- le zu St. Augustin in Wien" (1886); "Die Kaisergruft bei den Kapuzinern in Wien" (1887); "Hofkirche zu St. Augustin in Wien" (1888); "Joseph Othmar Kardinal Rauscher" (1888); "Gregor der Grosse" (1890); "Die Kamaldulenser Eremie auf dem Kahlenberge bei Wien" (1891); "Christoph A. Kardinal Migazzi" (1891); "Karolina Augusta, die Kaiserin Mutter" (1893); "Augustinus" (1898); "Franz I., Kaiser von Oesterreich", 2 vols. (1899); "Die Schonheit, Heiligkeit und Wahrheit der katho- lischen Kirche", sermon (1901); "Das Kaiser Ferdinand-Kruzifix in der kaiserlichen koniglichen Hofburgkapelle", sermon (1903); "Die kaiserhche und konigliche Hofburgkapelle und die kaiserhche und konigliche GeistHche Hofkapelle", sermon (1904); "Friedrich Kardinal Schwarzenburg" (1906); "Apokalyptische Predigten", with Dtirer's pictures (1908); "Erzbischof Hohenwart" (1912); "Eucharis- tische Predigten" (1912); "Nachfolge Christi" (translation of the "Imitation") (1880; 3rd ed. 1889); "Ausgewilhlte Schriften des heihgen Epiphanius" (tr. from the Greek) (1880); "Ostergruss des heihgen Augustinus" (tr. from the Latin) (1891); collaborated in Mayer, "Quellen zur Geschichte der Stadt Wien" (by Father Wolfsgruber: "Regesten aus dem Archive des Stiftes Schotten") (1896); edited: "Johannis Gersen de imitatione Christi", Book IV (1879) ; "Van der Navolginge Christi ses boeke" (1879); "De imitatione Christi cum append, precum" (1881; 2nd ed. 1889); Rauscher, "Predigten tiber die letzten Dinge" (1888); Rauscher, "Hirtenbriefe", 4 vols. (1889); Rauscher, "Darstellung der Philosophie" (1890); "Die Korrespondenz des Schottenabtes A. Spindler von Hofegg'*^ (1893).