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gesuita del secolo XVII" (Rome, 1907); "Brevi cenni

della vita di Maria Polverosi vedova Beocari" (Rome,

1910); "Stato presente delle cause di beatificazione

de' servi di Dio della Compagnia di Gesil" (Rome,

). ARTICLES: Beatification and Canonization; Confessor.

Bechtel, Reverend Florentine Stanislaus, R.J., b. near Haguenau, Alsace, 4 February, 1857. Education: CoUege of Providence, Amiens, France; Jesuit Scholasticate, Florissant, Missouri; Wood- stock CoUege, Maryland; University of Chicago; University of Innsbruck, Austria. Entered the Society of Jesus 1874; teacher, St. Ignatius CoUege, Chicago, and St. Mary's CoUege, Kansas, 1880-1885; ordained 1888; teacher of philosophy, St. Mary's CoUege, Kansas, and St. Louis University, St. Louis, 1890-1898 ; professor of Semitic languages and Sacred Scripture, St. Louis University, 1899- . Author of: "Select Psalms", translated and annotated.

ARTICLES: Ahicam; Airoli, Giacomo Maria; Alabaster; Alcimus; Ambarach, Peter; Ammon; Ammonian Section; Beelen, Ian Theodor; Bethsaida, City and Pool; Bethsan; Bethulia; Bickell, Gustav; Brethren of the Lord, The; Cades; Caleb (6); Calmet, Dom Augitstin; Captain (in the Bible); Cedar (Son of Ismael); Cedar (Tree); Cedes; Cen- turion; CoRDiER, Balthasar; Core, Dathan, and Abiron; Cornelius, Centurion of the Italic Cohort; Itineraria; JuDAizERs; Kings, First and Second Books of; Klee, Hein- rich; Machabees, The; Machabees, The Books of; Manna; Noe; Paralipomenon; Pharao; Pillar of Cloud; of Fire; Plagues of Egypt; Sabbath; Sabbatical Year; Susa; Tob- TADO, Alonso.

Beck, Reverend Joseph Charles, s.t.d., b. in Sursee, Lucerne, Switzerland, 28 October, 1858. Education: CoUeges of Sursee, Lucerne, and Ein- seideln; University of Innsbruck; University of Louvain. Ordained 1884; parish priest, Basle, 1885- 1888; professor of moral and pastoral theology. Seminary, Lucerne, 1888-1891; professor of pastoral theology, Fribourg University, 1891- ; rector of the University 1906-1907; rector of the Salesianum, Fribourg. Author of: "Die katholisch-soziale Bewe- gimg in der Schweiz" (1903); "Joseph Ignaz von Ah, Ausgewahlte Predigten und Entwiirfe" (1903- ); "Das HeiUgste Herz Jesu und die Manner" (1907); "Volkswirtschaft imd Sittengesetz, Rektoratsrede" (1908); "tjber Arbeiterseelsorge, Briefe an einen stadtischen Vikar" (1909); "Pfarrer Burkart Jurt, Lebensbild" (1909).

ARTICLE: Poor, Care of, by the Church.

Beecher, Reverend Patrick A., d.d., m.a., b. at TaUow, Co. Waterford, Ireland, 1870. Educa- tion: Mt. Melleray Seminary; St. John's CoUege, Waterford; Maynooth College; New York University. Ordained 1896; professor and prefect of studies, Regiopohs CoUege, Kingston, Canada, 1896-1898; chaplain and professor, St. Angela's CoUege, New Rochelle, New York, 1898-1901; professor of sacred eloquence, apologetics, and English literature, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York, 1901- 1904; recalled to Ireland 1904; professor of sacred eloquence and pastoral theology, Maynooth CoUege, Dubhn, 1904- . Preacher of note.

ARTICLES : Homiletics; Homiuarium; Homilt; Macartht, Nicholas Tuite; Moriartt, David.

Beissel, Reverend James C. (Father Col- TTMBANtrs), ss.cc, b. at Burtscheid, near Aachen, Germany, 2 April, 1854. Education: Gymnasium, Aachen; Picpus scholasticate and Louvain University, Louvain, Belgium. Entered the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Picpus) 1874; ordained 1878; missionary in Hawaii 1879- ; in charge of Molokai, outside the Leper Settlement, and confessor of Father Damien, 1886-1888; provincial of the Hawaiian Province, Congregation of the Sacred Hearts, 1903-1906; in charge of the Mission, Hilo, Hawaii, 1908- . As missionary, built eight churches, largely with his own hands; deputy to the

Chapters General of his order, Courtrai, Belgium, 1903, 1908; engaged in a newspaper controversy defendmg the innocence of Father Damien against C. M. Hyde, 1905. ARTICLE : Sandwich Islands.

Belloc, HiLAiRE Joseph Peter, b. at La CeUe St. Cloud, near VersaiUes, France, 27 July, 1870, son of Louis Swanton BeUoc, barrister, and Elizabeth Rayner, daughter of Joseph Parkes, of Warwick and Birmingham, England. Education: Oratory School, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England; BaUiol CoUege, Oxford. Served in the French ArtiUery 1891 ; married Elodie Agnes Hogan, of Napa, Cahfornia, 1896; Liberal M. P. for S. SaHord 1906-1910; lecturer on English Literature, East London CoUege, London, 1911-1913; journalist; traveller; founder and editor (1911-1912) of "The Eye-Witness". Author of: "Verses and Sonnets" (1895); "Bad ChUd's Book of Beasts" (1896); "More Beasts for Worse Children" (1897); "Essays in LiberaUsm by Six Oxford Men" (1897); "The Modern TraveUer" (1898); "Danton" (1899); "Lambkins Remains" (1900); Paris (1900); "Robespierre" (1901); "Path to Rome" (1902); "CaUban's Guide to Letters" (1903); "Aftermath" (1903); "Avril" (1904); "Emmanuel Burden" (.1904); "The Old Road" (1905); "Esto Perpetua" (1906); "HiUs and the Sea" (1906); "Cautionary Tales" (1907); "On Nothing and Kindred Subjects" (1908); "The Historic Thames" (1909); "On Everything" (1909); "Marie Antoinette" (1909); "The Pyrenees" (1909); "A Change in the Cabinet" (1909); "Mr. Clutterbuck's Election" (1910); "On Anything" (1910); "On Something" (1910); "Pongo and the BuU" (1910); "Verses" (1910); "The French Revo- lution" (1911); "Blenheim" (1911); "Verses" (1911); "Waterloo" (1912); "The Servile State" (1912); "The Battle of Tourgoing" (1912); "Crecy" (1912); "The Four Men" (1912); "The Green Overcoat" (1912); "More Peers" (1912); "The River of London" (1912); "This and That and the Other" (1912); "Warfare in England" (1912); "Poitiers" (1913); "The Stane Street" (1913); "The Book of Bayeux Tapestry" (1914); "The Girondin" (1914); "A General Sketch of the European War" (1915); translator: "Tristan and Iseult" (1913); editor: Lingard, "History of England", 11 vols. (1915); ARTICLE: Land-Tenure in the Christian Era.

Bemelmans, Reverend John Henbt, s.m.m., missionary, b. in Limburg, HoUand, 1879. Educa- tion: St. Mary's ApostoUc School and scholasticate of the Company of Mary, Schimmert, Limburg, HoUand. Ordained and transferred to Ottawa, Canada, 1902; occupied in preaching various Canadian dioceses 1902-1906; stationed at Gate of Heaven Church, Ozone Park, Long Island, 1906-

ARTICLES: Mary, Missionaries of the Company of; Wis- dom, Daughters of.

Benigni, Right Reverend Monsignor Umbbrto, b. at Perugia, Italy, 30 March, 1862. Education: Seminary, Perugia; School of Palaeography and Diplomacy, State Archives, Rome. At Perugia (1880-1893), secretary to the Archbishop, professor of Church history at the Seminary, ecclesiastical assistant of the Catholic Association, founder and director of the "Rassegna sociale", the first Italian periodical devoted to CathoUc sociology, and the "Monitore Umbro"; ordained 1884; at Genoa (1893- 1895), editor-in-chief of "Eco d'ltaUa" and director of "Rassegna sociale"; in Rome (1895- ), editor of "Bessarione", director of "Voce della Verity", founder and director of the "MisceUanea di storia e cultura ecclesiastica"; professor of Church history at the Seminary (St. ApoUinaris), the Propaganda and the Vatican Seminary, assistant at the Vatican Library, member of the Historico-Uturgical Commis-