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Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/282

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Review of the Week" (190&-1910), New York; one of the editors of The Catholic Encyclopedia, New York, 1904r- . By his vigorous defence of the interests of the Church as editor of "The Messenger", compelled various non-Catholic encyclopedias and periodicals to retract unfair statements on Cathohc subjects and to recognize for the future the right of Catholics to truthful representation; projector of The Catholic Encyclopedia; founder of "America, a Cathohc Review of the Week"; has visited the university and hterary centres of England, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, and Holland in the interests of his pubhcations; takes an active part in the American Federation of Cathohc Societies; for a number of years director of the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs, Auriesville, New York; decoration Pro ecclesia et pontifice. Author of: "Poisoning the Wells", pamphlet (New York, 1902); "A Shrine in the Mohawk Valley" (New York, 1905); edited "The Great EncycUcals of Leo XIII" (New York, 1902); "The Mass for Sundays, Holy Days and other Days

of Special Observance" (New York, 1915); "The Mass for Every Day in the Year", in collaboration with Rev. E. A. Pace (New York, 1916).

ARTICLES: Abandonment; Abdon aud Sennen; Abrius OF PoNTus; Apostlebhip of Pbatek; Articles of Faith; Ascension, Feast of the; Aspeboes; Ballbrini, Antonio; Bona Mors Confraternity; Breviary, Roman, Reform, of the; Prater; Tbiddum.

Wareing, E. Vincent, b. 1881, son of Alfred and Emily Florence Wareing of Birmingham; convert; married Esther F., daughter of J. J. Hodson, of Bir- mingham, 1910. On the editorial staff of "Page's Weekly," 1903-1913; London manager of The Ency- clopedia Press, Inc., 1913; sub-editor of the "West- minster Cathohc Chronicle," 1907-1915; edited 1907 edition of the Cathedral "Guide"; initiated scheme adopted by Catenian Association for the pubhcation of the Catenian Edition of The Catholic Encyclo- pedia, 1915; has done considerable archaeological re- search and illustrated two antiquarian histories; con- tributor to the popular press. See photo facing page 190.