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AKTICLES: AusTHO-HnNQARiAU Monabcht; HUbneh, Alexander; Klesl, Melchior; Metternich, Klemens LoTHAR Wenzel, Prince VON; MiQAZzi, Christoph Anton; MiLDE, ViNZENz Edtjakd; Mostar and Markana-Teebinje ; Olmutz, Archdiocese of; Parenzo-Pola, IJigcese of; Prague, Archdiocese of; Przemysl, Diocese of; Ragusa, Diocese of; Rauscher, Joseph Othmah; Salzburg, Archdiocese of; Sankt Polten, Diocese of; Schwarzenburg, Friedrich, Prince of; Sebenico, Diocese of; Serajevo, Archdiocese of; Spalto-Macarsca, Diocese of; Tarnow, Diocese of; Thugut, Johann Amadeus; Thun Hohenstein, Count Leo; Triest-Capo d'Istria, Diocese of; Vegua, Diocese of; Veith, Johann Emmanuel; Zara, Archdiocese op.

Woodlock, Thomas Fhancis, a.m., ll.d., stock- broker, b. in Ireland, 1 September, 1866. Education: Beaumont College, Old Windsor, and London University, England. Came to America, 1892; journalist 1898-1905; stockbroker, resident in New- York City^ 1905- . Former president and one of the organizers, Laymen's League for Retreats and Social Studies. Author of: "Anatomy of a Railroad Report" (1895); "Ton-Mile Cost" (1900); member of the board of directors of The Catholic Ency- clopedia.

ABTICLE: Prout, Father.

Woods, Reverend Joseph Michael, s.j., b. at Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Education: public and private schools; Jesuit scholasticates; further studies in Brussels; Louvain University, Belgium. Entered the Society of Jesus 1875; ordained 1891; former professor of Classics and English hterature, St. John's College, Fordham, New York; at present, professor of Church history (1898- ), patrology, and archaeology, Woodstock College, Woodstock, Mary- land. Gave two courses of lectures at the Catholic Summer School, CKff Haven, New York. Member of: United States CathoUc Historical Society, and Cathohc Educational Association. Editor of : "Wood- stock Letters"; "The Teacher's Review" (both for private circulation).

ABTICLES: Alenio, Giulio; Alexandria, The Church op; Amiot, Joseph Maria; Andrada, Antonio de; Angeli, Francesco degli; Angeli, Girolamo degli; Angiolini, Francesco; Azevedo, Luiz de; Berruyer, Isaac-Joseph; BoBADiLLA, Nicolas; Bruyas, Jacques; Buglio, Luigi.

Womdle von Adelsfried, Hbinkich, writer, b. at Castle Weiherburg, near Innsbruck, Austria, 16 October, 1861, son of Edmund von Womdle, painter, and Sophie von Attlmayr. Education: pubUc and high schools. Entered publishing business 1880; connected with the firm of Leo Woerl (1880-1886) and with the St. Norbert Pubhshing House (1887- 1888), Vienna; with the Wagner Company, Innsbruck, 1889; manager, Anton Pustet Publishing House, 1890-1896, and editor of "KathoKsche Warte", 1895-1897, Salzburg, Austria; Manager, Association and Printing Company, 1897-1906, and editor of "Kunstfreund", 1902-1906, "Kathohscher Volks- vereinskalender", 1902-1910, and "Oesterreiohische Post", 1907, Innsbruck; married Elsa von Fuhrioh, 1900; at present, engaged in literary pursuits, Inns- bruck. Secretary of the Committee on Arrange- ments, General Catholic Day, Salzburg, 1896; awarded bronze memorial medal of Hall, Tyrol, Austria, 1903 ; awarded silver memorial medal of the Tyrol, 1909: diamond brooch from Archduke Eugene, 1911. Member of the Tyrolese Branch, Austrian Leo Society; hon. member of various Catholic student societies. Author of: "Alte BurschenherrUchkeit", poem (Wiirzburg, 1883); "Bitter Jorg von Frunds- berg" (Meran, 1885); "Dr. Philipp von Womdle zu Adelsfried und Weiherburg" (Brixen, 1894); "Lukas Ritter von Fiihrichs, ausgewahlte Schriften mit Biographie" (Stuttgart, 1894); "Hauschronik des Wirtes 'Zum weissen Schwan' " (Salzburg, 1894; 2nd ed. illustrated, 1906); "Johann Kaspar von Womdle" (Innsbruck, 1895); "Gebhard Flatz" (Salzburg, 1901); "Akademische Legionen der Um- versitat Innsbruck" (Innsbruck, 1901); "Krieg-

sereignisse in Kirchdorf" (Innsbruck, 1901); "Siard Plaser" (Innsbruck, 1907); "Fuhrer durch Bad Ramwald" (Innsbruck, 1908); "Chronik von Markt Gossensass am Brenner" (Innsbruck, 1908); "An den Thermopylen Tyrols", 2 vols. (Innsbruck, 1908): "Mathias Wishofer" (Innsbruck, 1908); "Paul Haider und Paul Hilber" (Innsbruck, 1909); "Anton WaUner und die Blutzeugen aus dem Iseltale" (Innsbruck, 1910); "Valentin Schweiggl und Josef Peteffi" (Innsbruck, 1911); "Aus vergilbtenBlattern" (Innsbruck, 1909); "Josef Ritter von Fiihrich" (Munich, 1911); "Josef Fuhrioh: Verzeichnis seiner Werken mit urkundhchen Beitriigen und Biblio- graphie" (Vienna, 1913); "Andreas Hofer" (Inns- bruck, 1913); contributor to: "Vaterland" (Vienna); "Reichspost" (Vienna); " Literarischer Anzeiger" (Graz); "Tirolerstimmen" (Innsbruck); "Schlesische Volkszeitung" (Breslau); "Bergstadt" (Breslau); "Hochland" (Munich); "Aar" (Ratisbon).

ARTICLE: Speckbacher, Josef; Worndle, August von; WoRNDLE, Edmund Von; Worndle, Philipp von.

Woywood, Reverend Stanislaus, o.f.m., b. at Guttstadt, East Prussia, Germany, 10 August, 1880. Education: Franciscan College, Harreveld, Holland; St. Antony's College, Rome. Came to America 1897; entered the Franciscan Order 1899; ordained 1906; lector general of moral theology and canon law in the Franciscan Order 1909 ; professor of canon law and Kturgy, Franciscan scholasticate, Paterson, New Jersey, 1909- ; master of theologians, Franciscan Province of the Holy Name. Author of "Marriage Laws", pamphlet; associated editor of "Friar Series", American Edition; contributor to "American Ec- clesiastical Review"; editor of "St. Antony's Almanac".

ARTICLE: Baptibta Yarani, Blessed.

Wuest, Reverend Joseph, c.ss.r., writer, b. at Coblentz, Rhine, Germany, 22 February, 1834. Education: Gymnasium, Coblentz; Redemptorist scholasticate, Cumberland, Maryland. Entered the Redemptorist Order 1853; came to America 1854; ordained 1859; has spent his hfe in writing on liturgical and ascetical matters and on Redemptorist subjects; resident at Ilchester, Maryland. Author of: "Annales Provinciffl Americanee" (Ilchester, 1888); ascetical works; compiler of Redemptorist Ordo for the United States (annual).

ARTICLES: Redeemer, Feast of the Most Holy; Re- demftorists.

Wyman, Reverend Henry H., a.b., c.s.p., b. at Westminster, Massachusetts, 6 March, 1849. Edu- cation: pubUc schools, Massachusetts; Brown Univer- sity, Providence, Rhode Island. Became a Catholic 1871; entered the Paulist Congregation 1872; ordained 1876; has passed his life in mission and parish work; rector (1899-1910) and assistant (1910-1914), St. Mary's Church, San Francisco, CaUfornia; chaplain, California State Senate, 1909; at present, assistant, St. Mary's Church, Chicago, 111. Author of "Cer- tainty in Religion" (New York, 1905); contributor to: "Catholic World" ; "American Ecclesiastical Review" ; "Messenger".

ARTICLE: Hewit, Augustine Frederick.

Wynne, Reverend John J., s.j., b. in New York 30 September, 1859. Education: Christian Brothers' School and St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; various Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1876; professor of physics and mathematics, St. Francis Xavier's College, New York, 1882-1883; professor of higher mathematics, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts, 1886-1887; ordained 1890; assistant director (1891-1892) and director (1892- 1907), Apostleship of Prayer, and editor of "The Messenger of the Sacred Heart" (1892-1902), "The Messenger" (1902-1909) and of "America, a Catholic