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Zabel, Vert Reverend Francis Hubert, d.d., D.C.L., R.D., b. at Erb^villers, France, 19 February, 1839. Education: public school, Erbdvillers; private school; preparatory seminary, Pont-i-Mousson, and seminary, Nancy, France; AU HaUows College, Dubhn, Ireland; Gregorian University, under Patrizi, Ballerini, and Franzelin, and Sapienza, under Canon Philip de Angelis, Rome. Ordained 1861; came to Illinois 1862 ; successively assistant and administrator, St. Mary's Church, Springfield, rector of St. Patrick's Church, East St. Louis, and rector of St. Patrick's Church, Cairo, Illinois, 1862-1879; rector of Annun- ciation Church, Bunker Hill, Illinois, 1879-1915; at present, chaplain Ursuline Novitiate, Alton, Illinois; Examiner of the clergy (1889-1911) and (1889- ) dean of the Alton District, censor of books and diocesan consultor, diocese of Alton, Illinois. Pro- motor, First Diocesan Synod, Alton, 1889; former editor of "Catholic Monthly" (Bunker HiU); present at the canonization of the Japanese Martyrs, Rome, 1862; one of the Fathers and Proxy for Bishop Baltes of Alton, Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, 1884; speciaUst in Gregorian Chant. Translated "Manuel de la Ligue Anti-Magonnique"; has contributed to the "New World" (Chicago); etc., etc.

ARTICLE: Alton, Diocese of.

Zelle, Reverend Joseph, s.j., writer, b. at Bavilliers, France, 18i)3. Education: seminaries, diocese of Strassburg, Alsace; Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1874; ordained 1882; lector of Holy Scripture, St. Joseph's University, Beirut, Syria, 1884-1888; lector of dogmatic theology, Jesuit scholasticate. Mold, England, 1890-1891; at present, engaged in literary and mission work, Paray- le-Monial, France. Author of: "La Confession d'apr^s les grands maltres" (5 eds.; Italian and Spanish trs.); "Album historiquedeParay-le-Monial" (40,000 copies); contributor to: "Messenger of the Sacred Heart"; "FamiUe Chretienne".

ABTICLE: Pakat-le-Monial.

Zephiriny, Brother (Louis Brochier), Marist Brother, b. at Lyons, France, 1861. Education: Marist Brothers College, Notre Dame de I'Hermitage, France. Entered the Order of Little Brothers of Mary; former teacher in various colleges conducted by Marist Brothers, France; stationed for a short time in London; sent to New York as director of one of the new schools of the Marist Brothers 1892; has held the posts of Principal, St. Jean Baptiste's School, and Director, St. Ann's Academy, New York; former provincial of the American Province of the Marist Brothers; visited the Marist South African Province, in interest of his order; at present, stationed at St. Ann's Hermitage, Poughkeepsie, New York.

ARTICLE: Maby, Little Brothers of.

Zevely, Julia, b. at Washington, D. C, 8 February, 1888. Education: Convents of the Sacred Heart, Sault-au-RecoUet, Montreal, Canada, and Man- hattanville. New York. On the staff of The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1910-1911; resident in New York.

ARTICLE: Petropolis; Pierron, Jean; Pierson, Philippe Rivii:RE; PoNCET de la liivi£:RE, Joseph Anthony.

Zimmerman, Reverend Benedict Mart op the Holt Cross (George Rudolph Zimmerman), o.D.c, b. at Zurich, Switzerland, 21 March, 1859, son of George Rudolph Zimmerman, Protestant dean and pastor of the Fraumiinster, Zurich. Education:

pubUo schools, Gymnasium, and Municipal Secondary- School, under his uncle Ulrich Stutz, Zurich. Became a Catholic 1877; connected with the Union Generate Bank, Lyons, France, 1879-1881; engaged in t..j business of Marine Insurance, Zurich, 1881-1885; entered the Carmelite Order 1885; professor of philosophy at one of the houses of his order, England, 1886-1889; ordained 1889; master of novices and sub-prior, CarmeUte Convent, Kensington, London, 1890-1903; prior, St. Luke's Priory, Wincanton, England, 1903-1911; assistant. Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, London, 1911-1913; at present at St. Luke's Priory, Wincanton. Has travelled extensively in France, Italy, Belgium, and Spain to collect material for a general history of the Carmelites. Author of: "Ratpert, der erste Ziirchergelehrte" (Basle, 1878); "Carmel in England" (London, 1899); "Monumenta bistorica Carmelitana" (Lerins, 1907); "Ordinaire de I'Ordre de Notre Dame du Mont Carmel (1312)", Latin and French (Paris, 1910); edited: St. Teresa, "Life" (London, 1904; 4th ed. 1911) ; Idem, " Interior Castle" (London, 1906) ; Idem, "Wav of Perfection" (London, 1911); St. John of the Cross, "Ascent of Mt. Carmel" (London, 1907); Idem, "Dark Night" (London, 1908) ; Idem, "Spiritual Canticle" (London, 1909); has contributed articles on liturgy and on Carmehte subjects in English, French, German, and Spanish reviews.

ARTICLE: Bacon, John; Baptista Manttjantjs; Billick, Eberhard; Blyth, Francis; Carmelite Order; Cohen, Hermann; Conecte, Thomas; Cyril of Constantinople; Deheser, Anton; Frances d' Amboise, Blessed; Garcia, Anne; Gratian, Jerome; Heliae, Paul; Honoratus a Sancta Maria; John OF THE Cross, Saint; Legipont, Oliver; Lezana, Juan; Lobera, Ann; Ludovicus a S. Caholo; Netter, Thomas; Philip of the Blessed Trinity; Rites; Carmelite: Salmanti-


Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Thomas a Jesu.

Zimmennann, Reverend Otto, s.j., b. at Dottin- gen, Switzerland, 24 May, 1873. Education: Gym- nasium, Einsiedeln, Switzerland; Stella Matutina College, Feldkiroh, Austria. Entered the Society of Jesus 1890; ordained 1904; associate editor of "Stim- men aus Maria-Laach", stationed at Luxemburg, Luxemburg (1906-1911) and at St. Ignatius College, Vallienburg, Holland (1911- ). Author of: "Ohne Grenzen und Enden" (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1908; 3rd ed. 1912); "Das Gottesbediirinis" (Freiburg-im- Breisgau, 1910).

ARTICLE: Infinity.

Zupan, Reverend Ctril, o.s.b., pastor of the church of St. Mary's (Slovenian), Pueblo, Colorado. ARTICLE: Slomsek, Anton Martin.

Zwierlein, Reverend Frederick J., d.sc, m.h., b. at Rochester, 16 November, 1881. Education: Holy Redeemer School and St. Andrew's and St. Bernard's Seminaries, Rochester; Louvain University, Belgium; Deutscher Campo Santo, Rome. Ordained 1904; professor of Church history, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, 1904- . Has made re- searches for materials bearing on United States history for Department of Historical Research, Carnegie Institute, Washington, D. C, in the Archiepiscopal and Provincial Archives, Quebec, Canada. Member of the Association of Former Members of the Seminary of History of the University of Louvain. Author of "Religion in New Nether- land" (Rochester, 1910); "CathoHc Rochester and its First Bishop, B. J. McQuaid" (in course of publication, 1917).

ARTICLE: Rochester, Diocese of.