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Adam, Brother S.M San Jose, Cal.

Ahern, Patrick J Texarkana, Ark.

Albert, Brother, Clayton, Mo.

Aldridge, Rev. J. P., O.P New Haven, Conn.

Alliance Council Alliance, Nebr.

American Ecclesiastical Reviev? Philadelphia, Pa.

Amyot, Bruno E Cohoes, N. Y.

Angel, Rev. F. H Pittsburgh, Pa.

Anthony, Zeno L Ft. Recovery, Ohio

Anton, Dr. Francis L Los Angeles, Cal.

Appleyard, Mrs. James Lansing, Mich.

Archambault, Rev. Napoleon L Bristol, Vt.

Armstrong, Isaac F Philadelphia, Pa.

Arundel, Thomas J., M.D Youngstown, Ohio

Ashe, Maria T West Duxbury, Mass.

Atherton, E. J — ^ Shreveport, La.

Auberten, Fred L Peoria, HI.

Aylward, James F Cambridge, Mass.

Babin, A Beaumont, Texas

Bangor Public Library Bangoi Me.

Bangs, Tracy R Grand Forks, N. Dak.

Banks, Leroy M Monrovia, Cal.

Barnett, Rev. Michael Ubly, Mich.

Barron, Rev. Philip I Barry, Minn.

Barron, Wm. J Payette, Idaho

Barry, Edward B Ba^' "more, Md.

Barthold, Rodolfo G Nev York City, N.

Baschab, Rev. Charles R., Ph.D Sslw .ito, Cal.

Bassler, Rev. Jas. J Afton, Union To., . .'

Baummer, John C Baltimore, Mu.

Beck, Jos. C Beaumont, Texas

Behles, J. J Garrison, N. D.

Beierschmidt, Rev. J. M., C.SS.R Philadelphia, Pa.

Bellwald, Rev. A., S.M Washington, D. C.

Benedictine Fathers Covin^on, Ky,

Benedictine Sisters Guthrie, Okla.

Benedictine Sisters Kersey, Pa.

Benincasa, Nicholas . . Niagara Falls, N. Y.

Bennett, Thos. J Pittsburgh, Pa.

Berg, Wm. H Aberdeen, So. Dak.

Bergen, John Butler, Morris Co., N.

Bertels, Rev. Francis Shreveport, La.

Bertrand, Mr. Jos Roberts, Mont.

Bethke, Frank A Milwaukee, Wis.

Beyer, Rev. K. G La Crosse, Wis.

Bieniawski, Rev. A Manistee, Mich.

Bieschke, Albert M West Brooklyn, 111.

Binghamton Public Library Binghamton, N. Y.

Bird, Louis A Lawrence, Mass.

Birmingham, Mrs. Sara D Salamanca, N. Y.

Blaznik, Rev. Aloysius Leo Haverstraw, N. Y.

Bloom, J. B Petaluma, Cal.

Bloom, John L Williamsport, Pa.

Bonino, Savino T Wakefield, Mich.

Bonnot, L. C Louisville, Ohio

Borgerding, Rev. Henry, O.S.B St. Joseph, Minn.

Boston Athenseum Boston, Mass.

Boutet, CO Central Falls, R. 1.

Bowdoin College Library Brunswick, Me.

Bowman, Samuel T Philadelpiiia, Pa.

Breen, Rev. Aloysius A., S.J Kansas City, Mo.

Brennan, Jas. F Peterborough, N. H.

Brennan, Jas. P Tampa, Fla.

Brennan, Rev. Jos. Jas Ellsworth, Wis.

Brennan, Rev. Jos. P New York City, N. Y.

Brennan, Jos. T Boston, Mass.

Brennan, Patrick M New York City, N. Y.

Brennan, Rev. Sebastian, O.M.Cap Ukiah, Cal.

Brenner, John F Charleston, S. C.

Brockhoff, B. F Grand Forks, N. Dak.

Brockton Public Library Brockton, Mass.

Bronson, Mrs. Addison Woolsey Titusville, Pa.

Bronson Library Waterbury, Conn.

Brophy, M. J Bisbee, Ariz.

Brower, C. F Auburn, Iowa

Brune, Very Rev. F. J Alton, Iowa

Buchmann, Rev. J. O Newark, N. J.

Buckley^ Rev. John Delavan, Wis.

Buckley, T. Jos Albany, N. Y.

Bucknell Library, Crozer Theological

Seminary Chester, Pa.

Budenz, H. J Indianapolis, Ind.

Buning, John H Indianapolis, Ind.

Burchhardt, Rev. Wm Springville, N. Y.

Burckhardt, Dr. Edward H Yonkers, N. Y.

Burdick, Chas Rensselaer, N. Y.

Burke, Rev. J. J Peoria, III.

Burke, Martin M Shenandoah, Pa.

Burke, Patrick T Cleveland, Ohio

Burke, Thos. P New York City, N. Y.

Burke, Rev. W. J Delavan, Dl.

Burns, Frank P Ithaca, N. Y.

Burnett, Rev. Mother R Torresdale, Pa.

Busald, Rev. A. H Indianapolis, Ind.

Buschmann, Chas. B Columbus, Ohio

Byrider, John Akron, Ohio

Byrne, Rt. Rev. Thos. Sebastian Nashville, Tenn.

Caballero, Jos. L New Orleans, La.

Cain, E. J Chico, Cal.

Cain, P. W Beattie, Kansas

Came, Rev. Clement Aberdeen, So. Dak.

Callan, Rev. M. S Jersey City, N. J.

Cannon, Thos. H Chicago, Hi.

Cantwell, Rt. Rev. John J Los Angeles, Cal.

Capuchin Fathers Pittsburgh, Pa.

Capuchin Fathers Hays, Kansas

Capuchin Fathers Appleton, Wis.

Capuchin Fathers Harman, Butler Co., Pa.

Capuchin Fathers Herndon, Kansas

Carberry, T. J Springfield, 111.

Carico, Mrs. Ida W Owensboro, Ky.

Carlm, Wm. J New Castle, Pa.

Carmelite Fathers of St. Florian Milwaukee, Wis.

Carnegie Free Library Tampa, Fla.

Carnegie Library San Antonio, Texas

Cary, Miss Emma F Cambridge, Mass.

Case Memorial Library Hartford, Conn.

Casey, J. T Gildford, Mont.

Cashin, D. J Yonkers, N. Y.

J. Cassidy, Rev. M. P Woonsocket, R. I.

Cassin, Rev. J. M Santa Rosa, Cal.

Cathedral College Chicago, 111.

Cawley, Michael T Atlantic City, N. J.

Chaminade College Clayton, Mo.

Champion, Rev. Raymond Ecorse, Michigan

Chazal, Louis R Ocala, Fla.

Chene, G. C Detroit, Mich.

Cherry, Rev. P. J Brooklyn, N. Y.

Christian Brothers Business College. . .Portland, Ore.

Church of the Holy Name Miami, Fla.

Churchill, Chas. H Springfield, Mass.

City Library Manchester, N. H.

Clark, Rev. Geo. W Richardsville, Iowa

Clark, J. E Brookfleld, Mo.

Clements, F. L . . .Houston, Texas

Coady, E. J Letts, Iowa

Coady, Patrick Francis, M.D West Newton, Mass.

Coakley, Rev. T. F Pittsburgh, Pa.

Coffin, C. A New York City, N. Y.

Coghlan, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Gerald P Philadelphia, Pa.

Coleman, Jas. J Elizabeth, N. J.

Coles, F. E Bisbee, Ariz.

Coll, Patrick Johnstown, Pa.

College of New Rochelle New Rochelle, N. Y.

Colling, Aloysius Theo Hackensack, N. J.

CoUins, Chas. H Detroit, Mich.

Collins, John D Morristown, N. J.

CoUins, Hon. J. M MaysvUle, Ky.

Collins, Rev. Wm. J Hartford, Conn.

Conaty, Rev. Bernard S Pittsfield, Mass.

Concannon, Rev. M. J San Francisco, Cal.

Conception Abbey Conception, Mo.

Condon, Ed. L Central Falls, R. I.

Conniff, T. M Plains, Pa.

Connolly, J. P Jerome, Ariz.

Connolly, Owen P Shreveport, La.

Connor, Rev. Robert G Glendale, Ohio

Connor, Rev. Wm. Arthur Boston, Mass.