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Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/33

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research. Visited Germany as one of the Catholic representatives of British Christian Churches, 1909. Member of the Committee of the Catholic Truth Society. Author of: "Lingard's History of England abridged"; "History of Downside School"; "Eliza- bethan Settlement of Religion"; "The Line of Cleavage under Elizabeth"; "Benedictine Pioneers in Australia", 2 vols.; "Obit Book of the English Benedictines"; contributor to: "Downside Review"; "Catholic Book Notes"; "Tablet".

ARTICLES: Abbey; Baccanceld, Synod of; Bainbridqb, Christopher; Bicknor, Alexander; Boso, Cardinal; Bour- CHiER, Thomas; Charterhouse; Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Blakely, Reverend Paul Lendrum, s.j., b. at Covington, Kentucky, 29 February, 1880. Educa- tion: St. Francis Xavier's College, Cincinnati, Ohio; St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri; Normal school, Florissant, Missouri. Entered the Society of Jesus 1897; instructor in Classics, Detroit College, Detroit, Michigan, 1900-1902, St. Louis University 1906-1909; ordained 1914; associate editor of "America", New York, 1914-

ARTICLE: St. Louis, University of.

Blanc, Right Reverend Joseph Felix, s.m., Litt.B., S.T.D., b. at Toulon, France, 26 March, 1872. Education: St. Joseph's College at Toulon, Institute of St. Mary at Seyne-sur-Mer, and Marist scholasti- cate at Montbel, France. Entered the Society of Mary; ordained 1895; professor of Scripture, Marist scholasticate, Montbel, France, 1895-1901;" mission- ary in the Tongo Islands 1901-1912; for some time in charge of the mission at Nukualofa, Tonga Tapu, and pro-vicar of the vicai* Apostohc of Central Oceania; vicar Apostolic of Central Oceania and titular Bishop of Dibon 1912- , . Built the first Catholic church at Nukualofa;, former editor of "Revue CathoHque, tongienne" (5 years). Author of "Chez les M&idionaux- du Pacifique" (Lyons,

1910).. ARTICLE : Oceania, Central. , ;

Blanchin, Reverend Francois, o.m.i.; d.d., b. near Chamb^ry, Savoy, 1874, Education: Ottawa; LiSge, Belgium. Entered the order of Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1891; ordained 1898; professor of philosophy (1898-1905) and of theology (1905- ), Oblate Scholasticate, Ottawa.

ARTICLE: Oblates of Mary Immaculate.

Blenk, Most Reverend James Hubert, s.m., d.d., Archbishop of New Orleans, b. at Neustadt, Bavaria, 28 July, 1856, of Lutheran parents, d. at New Orleans, 20 April, 1917. Education: schoolsof New Orleans, Lou- isiana; St. James Seminary, Baltimore; Jefferson Col- lege, Convent, Louisiana; Marist scholasticates, Belley and Lyons, France, and Dublin and Dundalk, Ireland; Catholic University, Ireland . Emigrated with his fam- ily to New Orleans while still a child; received into the Church in boyhood; entered the Redemptorist Order, leaving on account of ill health; entered the Society of Mary 1874; professor of mathematics, St. Mary's College, Dundalk, Ireland; ordained 1885; succes- sively professor of humanities, rhetoric, philosophy, mathematics, and natural science (188.5-1891) and president (1891-1896), Jefferson College, Convent, Louisiana; visited the Marist houses of Europe at the invitation of the general of the order 1896-1897; rector of the Church of the Holy Name of Mary, Algiers, Louisiana, 1897-1898; auditor and secretary of the Apostolic Delegation to Cuba and Porto Rico 1898; sub-ApostoUc delegate for Archbishop Chapelle to Cuba 1899; Bishop of Porto Rico 1899-1906; Archbishop of New Orleans 1906-1917. One of the organizers of the Cathohc Winter School of America and at one time member of its Executive Board and chairman of the Board of Studies; member of the

Board of Consultors of Bishop Janssens and of Arch- bishop Chapelle; effected a reorganization of the Church in Porto Rico after the American occupation, 1899; raised $30,000 for the relief of the hurricane victims in Porto Rico, 1899; member of a general committee to collect funds for the relief of the people of Porto Rico and commissioned by President Mo- Kinley to distribute the funds and report the needs of the people to the United States government; erected in New Orleans many new churches and schools, several especially for colored people; en- couraged the erection of Loyola LTniversity and the Dominican Seminary for American Missionaries to the Orient; founded St. Joseph's Seminary; or- ganized many new parishes; received into his arch- diocese many exiled French rehgious; one of the chief promoters of the works of the Catholic Educa- tional Association, ■ the National Conference of Charities, the American Federation of Catholic Societies, the Knights of Columbus, etc.; forceful orator in EngHsh, French, German, and Spanish; dehvered the opening address at the First Cathohc Missionary Congress in America and at the First National Conference of Cathohc Charities, Washing- ton; pronounced the closing address at Cardinal Gibbon's Golden Jubilee Celebration and at the National Eucharistio Congress, Cincinnati, 1911; took a prominent part in the Eucharistio Congress, Montreal, 1910, and in various conventions of the Federation of Catholic Societies; assisted at the Jeanne d'Arc Celebration, Orleans, France, 1909. Member of: the Board of Trustees, Catholic Univer- sity of America; the Board of Governors, Catholic Church Extension Society; the Cathohc Board for Work among Colored People. Contributed to various newspapers on religious, social, economic, and educa- tional matters.

ARTICLE : Penalver y Cardenas, Luis Ignatius.

Blotzer, Reverend Joseph, s.j., writer, b. at Wyler, Lotschental Ct. Wallis, Switzerland, 13 May, 1849; d. at Munich, 7 July, 1910. Education: College of Brig, Canton Wallis, Switzerland; scholasticates of the Society of Jesus. Entered the Society of Jesus 1870; ordained 1886; successively professor of Church history and rector, German Jesuit scholasticate, Ditton Hall, England; superior of the Collegium Scriptorum, Luxemburg, Luxemburg." Member of the Gorres Association. Author of : " Die Katholiken- emancipation in Grossbritannien und Irland" (Frei- burg, 1905); contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria- Laach", "Zeitsohrift fiir kathoKsche Theologie", "Historisches Jahrbuch der Gorres-GeselLsohaft".

ARTICLE: Inquisition.

Blume, Reverend Clemens, s.j., hymnologist, b. at Billerbeck, Westphalia, 31 January, 1862. Education: Jesuit Gymnasium, Feldkirch, Austria; Jesuit scholasticates in Holland and England; Uni- versity of Prague; University of Bonn. Entered the Society of Jesus 1878; gymnasium professor, Feld- kirch, 1887-1890; ordained 1893; occupied in hym- nological research, visiting most of the libraries of Europe, 1906- ; co-editor with Father Guido Maria Dreves, of "Analecta Hymnica medii sevi", 1896-1905; editor of "Analecta Hymnica medii sevi" (to consist of fifty-seven volumes, of which fifty-three have already appeared, Leipzig, 1886- ), 1906-

resident in Munich. Member of the Gorres-

GeseUschaft. Authorof: " Das apostolische Glaubens- bekenntnis" (1893); "Repertorium Repertorii oder kritischer Wegweiser durch Ul. ChevaUer's Reper- torium Hymnologicum" (,1901); "Wolstan von Winchester und Vital von St. Evroult" (1903); "Cursus s. Benedicti Nursini und die liturgische Hymnen des 6.-9. Jahrhunderts" (1908); "Ein Jahrtausend lateinisoher Hymnendiehtung"; "Eine Blutenlese aus den Analecta Hymnica", written from