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the sketch of Father Dreves (1909); "Ursprung des Ambrosianischen Lobgesanges" (1912); collaborator in: Buchberger, "Kirchliches Handlexikon"; con- tributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; "Theo- logie und Glaube", "Die Kirchenmusik".

ARTICLES: Hymn; Hymnody and Hymnology; Prose ob Sequence; Rhythmical Office; Tbope.

Boeynaems, Right Reverend Libert H., b. at Antwerp, 18 August, 1857. Entered the Congre- gation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary 1875; ordained and sent as a missionary to Hawaii 1881; stationed on the Island of Kauai 1881-1895; in Wailuku, Island of Maui, 1895-1902; pro- vicar of the Hawaiian Islands 1902-1903; vicar Apostolic of Hawaii and titular Bishop of Zeugma, 1903- ; resident at Honolulu.

ARTICLE: Damien, Father (Joseph de Veuster).

BoUand, Joseph, s.j., m.a., b. at Glasgow, Scot- land, 1882. Education: St. Aloysius College, Glas- gow, Scotland; Mt. St. Mary's College, Chesterfield, and St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England; Pope's HaU, Oxford. Entered the Society of Jesus 1900; at present, professor of Classics, St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn.

ARTICLES: Soul; Spirit; Spibituaxism; Will.

Boiling, George Melville, b.a., Ph.D., b. at Baltimore, Maryland, 13 April, 1871. Education: Immaculate Conception Grammar School; Loyola College; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Mar- ried Irene Johnson; received into the Church, 1876; FeUow in Greek (1893-1894); FeUow by courtesy (1894-1897), Johns Hopkins tfniversity; professor of Greek, and associate professor of comparative phi- lology and Sanskrit, Cathohc University, 1895- Member of: American Philological Association; American Oriental Society; Archaeological Institute of America. Author of: "The Participle in Hesiod" (J.H.U. Dissertation, Washington, 1897); "The Parisistas of the Atharva-Veda" (edited by G. M. Boiling and Julius von Negelein, Leipzig, 1909); contributor to: "American Journal of Philology"; "American Oriental Society Journal"; "Trans- American Philological Association Bulletin"; "Cathohc University Bulletin".

ARTICLES: Alexandrian Libbaby; Avatar.

Bonney, Reverend Edwin B., b. at Blackburn, Lancashire, England, 1873. Education: St. Cuth- bert's College, Ushaw, Durham, England; Latin honors Intermediate Arts Exam., London. Ordained 1901; minor professor (1896-1899) and professor of sacred eloquence and librarian (1901- ), St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw; editor of "Ushaw Magazine" Author of "Life of John Lingard" (1911).

ARTICLES: Lingard, John; Ushaw College.

Boothman, Charles Thomas, barrister, b. at Southport, Lancashire, England, 1843. Education: Stonyhurst College, Blackburn. Practised at the Bar for a short time but later withdrew; resident in Kingstown, County Dublin, Ireland.

ARTICLES: Bowyeb, Sir George; Bracton, Henry de; Cabyll, John; Digby, Kenelm Henby; Digby, Sib Kenelm; Fitzherbert, Mabia Anne; Glanville, Ranulf de; Hope- Scott, James Robebt.

Bosnians, Reverend Henri, s.j., b. at MechUn, Belgium, 7 April, 1852. Entered the Society of Jesus 1871; ordained 1885; professor of higher mathematics and prefect of studies, Science Depart- ment, College of St. Michael, Brussels, 1886-

ARTICLE: Stevin, Simon.

Bottero, Right Reverend Hugo Magdalena, D.D., M.A., b. at Chamb&y, Savoy, 20 January, 1837;

d. 21 May, 1913. Education: College of Chamb^ry; University of Turin; Seminary for Foreign Missions, Paris. Ordaiued 1859; sent to India 1860; succes- sively stationed at Pondicherry and superior of St. Joseph's School, Cuddalore, India, 1860-1899; 1st Bishop of Kumbakonam, India, 1899-1913. Former corresponding member of the Academy of Savoy. Author of: "Our Lady of Lourdes ia Tamil and Bengah"; "The Holy Bible in Tamil"; several Uves of the saints; various text books. ARTICLE: Kumbakonam.

Boudinhon, Abb£ Aitguste Marie Felix, d.d., D.C.L., b. at Le Puy, Haute Loire, France, 27 March, 1858. Education: Preparatory Seminary of La Chartreuse, Le Puy, France; Seminary of St. Sulpice, Paris; The Minerva, Rome; Roman Seminary; pursued canonical studies for two years at the "Studio" of the Sacred Congregation of the Council. Ordained 1881; for several years defender of the marriage bond. Archdiocese of Paris; professor of canon law. Catholic Institute, Paris, 1884:- ; ecclesiastical advocate. Author of: "La nouveUe legislation de I'Index"; "La nouvelle legislation sur le mariage et les fiangailles"; "Biens d'^gUse et peines canoniques"; "Les procfes en nuUitS de mariage rehgieux"; "Inamovibiht6 et translations des des- servants"; "Les proems de beatification et canonisa- tion"; translated into French: Hogan, "Clerical Studies"; Thurston, "The Stations of the Cross"; Santi, "Le Litanie Lauretane"; Gennari, "Consulta- zioni morali, canoniche, hturgiche", 2 vols.; Gennari, "Quistioni morali, canoniche, hturgiche", 3 vols.; collaborator in the Encyclopedia Britannica (11 ed.); since 1890 director of the "Canoniste Contemporain" (1878- ); contributor to: "Canoniste Contempo- rain", "Revue du clerge frangais", "Revue Anglo- romaine", "Revue cathohque des eghses", "Revue d'histoire et de httSrature rehgieuses".

ARTICLES: Cathedral; Debebtion; Dessebvants; Disci- pline, Ecclesiastical; Domicile; Doweb, Religious; Elec- tion; Excommunication; Faithful, The; Fobgery, Forger; Formularies; Gibebt, Jean Pierre; Glaibe, Jean-Baptiste; Glosses, Glossabies, Glossabists; Hulst, Maurice Le Sagb d'Hauteboche d'; Immunity; Impediments, Canonical; In- fidels; In Pabtibus Infidelium; In Petto; Intebdict; Inven- tory of Chubch Pboperty; Laicization; Laity; Law, Canon; Lay Confession; Majority; Mansi, Gian Domenico; Mar- GAEIT.B; Mensa, Mensal Revenue; Metbopolitan; Minor Ordebb; Monseigneub; Nomination; Nomocanon; Notabies; Notoriety, Notorious; Obdinabiate; Oedinaby; Parish; Parochial Mass; Penitential Canons; Pothieb, Robert Joseph; Precabia; Presentation, Right of; Priest; Primate; Privilege; Protocol; Provincial Council; Redemptions, Penitential; Sanction; Secular Clergy; Secularization; Synods, National.

Bourscheidt, Peter Joseph, b. at Cologne, Germany, 27 February, 1855. Education: school and college in Cologne. Came to America 1881; pharmacist, Peoria, lUinois, 1881-1908; secretary, German Cathohc Central Verein, 1899-1907; has held offices in various Cathohc societies in Ilhnois; organ- izer and president of the Marquette Insurance Company (at first called "Widows' and Orphans' Fund") 1908- . One of the reorganizers and a member of the Executive Board of the Central Verein. Contributor to German-American Catholic periodicals.

ARTICLE : Centralverein.

Bowden, Reverend Henry Sebastian, Orator- ian, writer, b. in London, England, 16 February, 1836. Education: Eton; Catholic University, Dub- lin (under Cardinal Newman). Converted to the Church 1852; entered the army 1855; resigned, as captain, and entered the London Oratory, 1867; ordained 1870; has been three times superior of his community; resident at The Oratory, London. Author of: "Life and Letters of Frederick WilHam Faber"; "The Rehgion of Shakespeare"; "Witness of the Saints"; "Guide to the London Oratory";