Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/51

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Carmichael, Montgomery, b. at Birkenhead, England, 1857. Married Maud, daughter of J. W. Parker, pubhsher and owner of "Fraser's Magazine", 1887; entered the British Consular Service 1890; vice- consul (.1892-1908) and consul (1908-1912) at Leg- horn, Italy; consul for Tuscany (except Province of Florence), Umbria, and the Marches, and British representative to the Republic of San Marino, with rank of consul-general, resident at Leghorn, 1912- . Author of: "Sketches and Stories, Grave and Gay" (1896); "In Tuscany" (1901); "The Major General" (1901); "The Lady Poverty" (1901); "Life of John Wilham Walshe, p.s.a." (1902); "Francia's Masterpiece" (1909); "Solitaries of the Sambuca" (1915); collaborator in "On the Old Road through France to Florence" (by Mr. Carmichael: "Italy") (1904).

AKTICLE: Clerks Regulak op the Mother of God of Lucca. '

Carpenter, Paul Dillingham, lawyer, b. at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 26 January, 1867. Educa- tion: private and high schools, Washington and Milwaukee; Columbia University Law School, New York. Became a Catholic 1891; admitted to the Bar 1891; county judge, Milwaukee County, Wis- consin, 1902-1910; practising lawyer, resident at Milwaukee.

AKTICLE: Wisconsin.

Carr, Reverend Edward Joseph, b. at Taunton, Massachusetts, 22 June, 1880. Education: pubUc schools, Taunton; College of St. Laurent, near Montreal; Semmary of Philosophy, Montreal; St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania; American College, Louvain, Belgium. Ordained at Louvain by Bishop Maes, of Covington, Kentucky, 1907; curate. Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, 1907- 1908; secretary to Bishop Feehan and chancellor of the diocese of Fall River 1908-

ABTICLE: Fall River, Diocese of.

Carr, Reverend Fr. Gregory (John Joseph Cabr), Licentiate in Political and Social Sciences, b. at Boston, Mass., 22 August, 1884. Education: John A. Andrew School, Boston; Boston Flnghsh High School; various Franciscan scholasticates; Catholic University, Washington, Louvain Univer- sity, Belgium. Entered the Franciscan Order 1905; ordained by Bishop O'Connor, of Newark, 1911; at present professor of ethics and social science, St. Bonaventure's Seminary and College, AUegany, N. Y.

ARTICLE: Elz]£ar of Sabran, Saint.

Carroll, Right Reverend James Joseph, d.d., b. at Eastport, Pennsylvania, 23 December, 1862; d. at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 4 April, 1913. Education: public schools, St. Clair, and St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania; Catholic Uni- sersity, Washington. Teacher before ordination (3 years); ordained 1889; successively assistant at the Cathedral, Philadelphia, Immaculate Conception Church, Jenkintown, St. Theresa's, and St. Michael's, Philadelphia; professor at St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook; vicar-general of the diocese of Nueva Segovia; Bishop of Nueva Segovia 1909-1912; rector, Church of St. Edward the Confessor, Philadelphia, and titular Bishop of Metellopolis, 1912-1913. ABTIOLE: Nueva Segovia, Diocese of.

Carter, Mart Gilmore (Mrs. John Philip Carter), writer, b. at Boston, Mass., 29 June, 1867, daughter of Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore, bandmaster. Education: Convents of the Sacred Heart, New York and Philadelphia. Married John Phihp Carter, of the Lincohi Safe Deposit Company, New York. Author of: "A Son of Esau", novel (New York, 1892) ; "Songs from the Wings" (New York, 1899); contributor to the "Catholic World".

ARTICLE: Gilmore, Patrick Sabsfield.

Casanova, Dame Gertrude, o.s.b., Stanbrook Abbey, Worcester, England.

ARTICLES: Gertrude the Great, Saint; Gertrude van DER Oosten, Venerable; Mbchtilde, Saint; Thecla, Saint; Walbukqa, Saint; Wekburgh, Saint.

Casartelli, Right Reverend Louis Charles, D.D., M.A., D.Litt.or., Bishop of Salford, England, b. at Manchester, England, 14 November, 1852, son of Joseph CasartelM of Como, Italy, and later of Manchester. Education: Salford Grammar School; Ushaw College, Durham; Louvain University. Ordained 1876; professor at St. Bede's College, Manchester, 1877-1891; rector 1891-1903; editor of "Illustrated Catholic Missions" 1889-1903; professor of Zend and Pahlavi languages, Louvain University, 1900-1903; Bishop of Salford 1903- ; lecturer on Iranian languages, Manchester University; Officer of the Order of Leopold. President of the Dante Society of Manchester and of the Manchester Egyp- tian Association, 1908-1910; president of the Man- chester Statistical Society, 1898-1900; represented the Universities of London and Manchester at the Jubilee of Louvain University, 1909; secretary of many annual Conferences of Catholic Colleges. Vice- president of the Manchester Oriental Society; member of the Royal Asiatic Society; chairman of the Salford Catholic Protection and Rescue Society; president of the SaKord Cathohc Federation. Author of: "Lec- tures on Commercial Geography" (1884); "La philosophie religieuse du Mazd^isme sous les Sas- sanides" (1884); "Traits de medicine Mazd^enne" (translated from Pahlavi, 1886); "Sketches in History" (1906); collaborator in "Encyclopaedia of Rehgion and Ethics" (Edinburgh); contributor of articles on religious and Oriental subjects to numerous periodicals.

ARTICLES: Ahriman and Ormuzd; Avesta, The Theolog- ical Aspectb of; Gentili, Aloysius.

Cassidy, Reverend John Joseph, s.j., b. in New York, 15 February, 1876. Education: parochial schools and St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts; Woodstock College, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1893; teacher of classics, Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland (1898-1900), and Georgetown University, Washington (1903-1906); ordained 1909; principal of St. John's Grammar School, and head- master of St. John's Hall, Fordham, New York, 1910- 1912; stationed at St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Pough- keepsie. New York, 1912-1913; at Canisius College, Buffalo, New York, 1913-1914; again principal of St. John's Grammar School, and headmaster of St. John's Hall, Fordham, 1914-

ARTICLES: Caussin, Nicolas; Conimbricenses.

Castets, Reverend John, s.j., b.a., d.d., b. in France, 1858. Education: Seminary, Aire, France; College of Tivoli, Bordeaux; various Jesuit scholasti- cates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1879; sent to India 1881; stationed at St. Joseph's College, Trichin- opoly, 1881- ; ordained 1893; professor of eco- nomics, ancient law, philology, ethnology, and logic (1887-1890), and of philosophy and pohtical science 1895-1913), St. Joseph's College, Trichinopoly; examiner in philosophy, Madras University, 1895- 1912. Founder of the Museum of St. Joseph's College. Member of the Boards of Philosophical Studies and Mental and Moral Science, Madras University. Author of: "Treatises in Logic and Ethics"; "a course of Economics and Ethics" (for private circulation); has contributed articles on entomology to the "Revue des questions scientifiques" and to "Nature".

ARTICLE: Nobili, Robert de'.

Castle, Reverend Harold Cyril,, m.a., b. in London, 13 November, 1868, d. at Kinnoull,