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Perth, Scotland, 24 October, 1908. Education: Charterhouse, Godalming, England; Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford. Musketry Instructor, with MiUtia, 1889-1893; tour of the world and barrister (Inner Temple) 1892; received into the Church by Father Luke Rivington and entered the Redemptorist Order 1894; ordained 1898; the following year stricken with paralysis. ARTICLE: Beidgett, Thomas Edwahd.

Caswell, Vert Reverend Canon John, b. at Dudley, Worcestershire, 8 May, 1846, son of John Caswell, of Dudley. Education: The Mount, Wal- sall; Sedgley Park; Oscott; matriculated at London University. Ordained 1870; professor, Oscott Col- lege, 1870-1883; vice-rector, St. Wilfrid's College, Oakamoor, 1883-1885; vice-president, Oscott College, 1885-1889; chaplain, Benedictine Priory, Prince- thorpe, 1891-1903; rector, St. Augustine's, Kenil- worth, 1903- ; canon of the cathedral, Birming- ham, 1906. Member and trustee of the Old Brother- hood of the English Secular Clergy; first chairman of Princethorpe Parish Council (six years). Has pub- lished numerous sermons (several in Northcote, "Oscott Sermons"); contributor to various period- icals; editor for over thirty years of the Diocesan and other church Almanacs.

ARTICLE; Birmingham, Diocebe of.

Cathrein, Reverend Victor, s.j., b. at Brig, Canton Wallis, Switzerland, 8 May, 1845. Educa- tion: Gymnasium at Brig; various Jesuit scholasti- cates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1863; professor of German at the Belgian Colleges of Antwerp and Verviers, 1867-1869; occupied in caring for wounded French soldiers at Coblenz during Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871; expelled from Germany by law against the Jesuits 1872; ordained 1877; on the staff of "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach" 1S79-1882; succes- sively professor of ethics at the Jesuit scholasticates of Blyenbeck Exaten and Valkenburg, Holland, 1882- 1912. Author of:" Die EnglischeVerfassung" (1881); "Die Aufgaben der Staatsgewalt und ihre Grenzen" (1882); 10th ed. 1915; "Die Sittenlehre des Darwin- ismus; eineKritik der Ethik Herbert Spencers" (1885); "Moralphilosophie",2vols. (1890-1891; 5thed. 1911); "DerSoziahsmus" (1890; 10th ed. 1910);"DasPrivat- grundeigentum und seine Gegner" (1892; 4th ed. 1909); "Philosophia morahs in usum scholarum" (1893; 10th ed. 1915); "Kirche und Volksschule" (1896); "Durch Atheismus zum Anarchismus" (1895; 2nd ed. 1900); "Recht, Naturrecht und positives Reoht" (1900; 2nd ed. 1909); "Glauben und Wissen" (1901; 5th ed. 1911); "Die Grundbegriffe des Straf- rechts" (1905); "Die Frauenfrage" (1901; 3rd ed. 1909); "ReUgion und Moral, oder gibt es eine Moral ohne Gott?" (1902; 2nd ed. 1904); "Die katholische Weltanschauung" (1907; 4th ed. 1914); contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; "Historisch- politische Blatter"; "Theologisoh-praktisohe Quartal- schrift".

ARTICLES: Duel; Ethics; Law; Property; Right.

Cedillo, Jeb6nimo L6pez de Atala y Alvarez DE Toledo, Count de, Viscount db Palazuelos, Ph.D., Litt.D., b. at Toledo, Spain, 4 December, 1862. Education: Jesuit colleges, Orduiia and Orihuela, Spain; Superior School of Diplomatics and Central University, Madrid. Former senator of Spain; has held the posts of professor at the Superior School of Diplomatics, and professor of Spanish history and of the methodology of geographical science. School of Higher Studies "for Teachers, Madrid; at present, librarian. Royal Academy of History, and member of the Royal Council of Military Orders, Madrid; writer, archivist, and antiquarian; conservative in politics; Gentleman of the Chamber of His Majesty the King of Spain; grand notary of the Kingdom of

Granada; chronicler of Toledo. Member of Royal Academy of History; corresponding member and honorary member of numerous scientific and literary societies, Spanish and foreign; Knight Commander of Oreja and Major Ensign, Order of Santiago; Knight (Grand Cross) of the Order of Isabella the Catholic. Author of about twenty books; contributor to various periodicals, Spanish and foreign. ARTICLE: Toledo, Archdiocese of.

Cerretti, Most Reverend Bonaventitbe, d.d., J.U.D., LL.D., b. at Orvieto, Italy, 17 June, 1872. Education: Seminary, Orvieto; Roman Seminary; Sapienza, Rome. Ordained 1895; successively pro- fessor of Latin and Itahan Classics at the Vatican Seminary and ofiicial of the Sacred Penitentiaria; minutante of the Secretary of State 1902; auditor of Nunciatures of the Second Class and Secretary to the Apostolic Delegation to Mexico 1904; auditor of the Apostohc Delegation to the United States 1906-1914; titular Archbishop of Corinth and Apostolic Delegate to Australasia, 1914- ; censor of the Theological Academy at Rome ; private chamberlain to Pope Pius X. Author of: "Leggenda di S. Severo" (thesis for doctorate); contributor to: "Vita Nova"; "Ateneo".

ARTICLE: Legate.

CeruUi, Vincbnzo, Ph.D., b. at Teramo, Italy, 20 April, 1859. Education: school, Teramo; Sapien- za, Rome; University of Berlin. Former astronomer, Gregorian University, Rome; at present, director (and fovmder, 1892), Collurania Observatory (private), Teramo. Discovered the planet (704) Interamnia; rediscovered the Faye Comet, 1910. Corresponding member of: Lincei Academy, Rome; Pontaniana Academy, Naples, Italy; Academy of Sciences, Turin, Italy; member (President, 1909-1911) Italian Astro- nomical Society; Knight of Sts. Maurice and Lazarus. Author of: two books on Mars; three volumes of pubhcations of the Collurania Observatory; contribu- tor to: "Astronomische Nachrichten " ; "Memorie Spettroscopisti Itahani"; "Astronomia e scienze affini". ARTICLE: Respighi, Lorenzo.

Chabot, Abb]6 Jban-Baptiste, s.t.d., b. at Vouvray, Indre-et-Loire, France. Education: Semi- nary, Tours, France; Louvatn University, Belgium; School of Higher Studies, Sorbonne, Paris. Ordained 1885; formerly in charge of the Department of Missions, Ministry of PubUc Instruction, Paris; director of "Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium", Vols. I-LXXVI (1903-1914); associate editor of "Corpus scriptorum Semiticarum", of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres. Awarded: prize by Academy of Inscriptions, 1900; Prix Bordin (Academy of Inscriptions), 1897; Prix Saintour (College of France), 1908; Prix Jean Reynaud (Academy of Inscriptions), 1910; second choice of the professors and of the Academy of Inscriptions for Professor of Aramaic Languages and Literatures, College of France, 1895; organized "Corpus scripto- rum Christianorum Orientalium", directing the S3rriac portion and confiding the Coptic, Ethiopian, and Arabic to Henry Hyvernat, I. Guidi, and B. Carra de Vaux (now J. Forget) respectively, 1902. Member of the Council, Asiatic Society of Paris. Author of: "Notes d'Epigraphie et d'Arch^ologie orientale", Fascs. I-IV (Paris, 1897-1901); "Les 6v6ques Jacobites du VHP au XIIP siecle d'apres la Chronique de Michel le Syrien" (Paris, 1901); "Narsai le Docteur et les origines de I'Ecole de Nisibe" (Paris, 1905); " Eclaircissements sur la litt^rature Syriaque" (Paris, 1906); "Les langues et les littSratures aramtennes" (Paris, 1910); "Les Saints Evangiles", new translation according to the Vulgate, with historical introduction and notes (Tours, 1911), etc.; edited: "De sancti Isaaci Nini-