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vitse vita, scriptis et doctrina" (Paris, 1892); "His- toire de Mar Jabalaha III et du moine Rabban Cauma", translated from the Syriac and annotated (Paris, 1895; Supplement, 1896); "Commentarius Theodori Mopsuesteni in Evangelium D. Johannis" (Paris, 1897); Jesus-Yahb Adiabenus, "Histoire de Jesus Sabran", Syriac text, with introduction (Paris, 1897); "Chronique de Michel le Syrien", edited and translated, 4 vols. (Paris, 1899-1910); John Bar Kaldoun, "Histoire du moine Rabban Youssef Bousnaya", translated from the Syriac (Paris, 1901); "Repertoire d'Epigraphie s^mitique", Vol. I; Vol. II, Pases. 1-3 (Paris, 1901-1912); "SynodioonOrientale", Syriac text, translated and annotated (Vol. XXXVII of "Notices et Extraits") (Paris, 1902); "Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum", Part II, Vol. I, Fasc. 3; Vol. II, Fasc. 1 (Paris, 1902, 1907); "Chronica Minora", 2 vols. (Series III, Vol. IV, "Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium"), in collabo- ration with E. W. Brooks and I. Guidi (Paris, 1904, 1905); Dionysius Bar Salibi, "Commentarii in Evangelia", 2 vols. (Series II, Vol. XCVIII, "Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium"), in collabo- ration with I. Sedlacek (Paris, 1906); "Documenta ad origmes Monophj'sitarum illustrandas", Syriac text (Series II, Vol. XXXVII, "Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium") (Paris, 1908); Ehas, Archbishop of Nisibis, "Opus chronologicum", Syriac text (Paris, 1909), etc.; collaborator in: "Orientalistische Studien" (Giessen, 1906); "Floril- egium Melchior de Vogu6" (Paris, 1909); contributor to: "Journal Asiatique"; " Byzantinisohe Zeit- schrift"; "Revue sfimitique"; "Revue de 1' Orient Chretien"; "Revue bibKque"; "Nouvelles Archives des Missions Scientifiques " ; "Comptes Rendus de TAcad^mie des Inscriptions"; "Revue des Etudes Juives"; "Revue critique"; "Revue de 1' Orient Latin"; "Revue de 1' Histoire des Religions"; "Jour- nal des Savants".

ARTICLES: Semitic Epigkapht; Steiac Hymnodt; Sykian Language and Litekatuee.

Chaine, Reverend Marius, s.j., Ph.D., s.t.d., b. at Tarascon-sur-Rhone, France, 10 August, 1873. Education: School of Higher Studies, Sorbonne, and School of the Louvre, Paris. Ordained and entered the Society of Jesus 1897; professor of Oriental lan- guages, successively at St. Joseph's University, Beirut, Syria, Gregorian University, Rome, and (at present) Pontifical Bibhcal Institute, Rome. Author of: "L'Egypte et le Soudan" (1902); "Grammaire ethiopienne" (1907); "Compendium morphologise copticse" (1910); "Inventaire sommaire des manu- scrits ^thiopiens de Berlin acquis depuis 1878" (1912); "Catalogue des manuscrits 6thiopiens provenant de la collection Antoine d'Abbadie" (1912); "Catalogue des manuscrits ^thiopiens de la collection Mondon-Vi- dailhet"(1913);"Etudesurle texte original des Apoph- tegmes des Ptos d'aprSs le texte grec et le texte copte " (1912)^ "La consecration et I'epiclese dans le missel ethiopien" (1909); "La consecration etl'^piclfese dans le missel copte" (1912); "Rituel 6thiopien" (1912- 1913); collaborator in: "Corpus scriptorum christian- orum Orientalium" (by Father Chaine: "Apocrypha B. M. Virginis", 1908-1909); Kaufmann, "Zur Ikonographie der Menas-Ampullen" (1910); "Patro- logia orientahs"; contributor of articles on Coptic and Ethiopian history and philology to: "Revue s^mitique" (Paris); "L'Orient chr^tien" (Paris); "Bessarione" (Rome); "Melanges de la Faculty Orientale de Beyrouth" (Beirut); the Arab review "Al Machriq" (Beirut); "Nuovo Bulletino di archeologia cristiana" (Rome); "Oriens Christianus" (Leipzig); "Recherches de science religieuse" (Paris). ABTICLE: Ethiopia.

Chambon, Reverend C^lestin M., Ph.D., Litt. B., b. AJvant, near Le Puy, France, 15 April,

1879. Education: public schools, St. fitienne^ and College of Philosophy, Alix, France; seminaries of Lyons, France, and New Orleans, Louisiana. Ordained 1904; assistant, cathedral, New Orleans, 1904-1908; rector, St. Alphonsus Church, Maurice, Louisiana, 190S-1910; rector, St. Anthony's Church, Eunice, Louisiana, 1910- ; lecturer on hterary and historical subjects. Author of: "In and around the Old St. Louis Cathedral of New Orleans"; "The Capuchin Fathers of France and Spain in Louisiana", etc.; contributor to: "Morning Star"; "Picayune"; "L'Abeille"; aU of New Orleans. ARTICLE: Dtibourg, Louis-Guillaume-Valentin.

Champon, Reverend Louis Marie Abel, s.j., litt.L., b. at Cercy-la-Tour, Nifevre, 2 December, 1885. Education: Seminary of Piguelin, Nievre. Entered the Society of Jesus 1901. Professor of humanities, St. Holier, Jersey.

ARTICLE: La Hue, Chaeles de.

Chandlery, Reverend Peter Joseph, s.j., associate professor Jesuit scholasticate, Roehampton, London.

ARTICLES: Foley, Henry; Holywell, Wales; Shrines of Our Lady and the Saints in Great Britain and Ireland; Welsh Monastic Foundations; Winefride, Saint.

Chapman, Reverend John (Henry Palmer Chapman), o.s.b., b.a., writer, b. at Ashfield House, Suffolk, England, 25 April, 1865. Education: private tutors; Christ Church, Oxford. Anglican curate (as deacon), St. Pancras, London, 1888-1889; received into the Church by Father Kenebn Digby Best, of the Oratory, 1890; received the Benedictine habit 1892; ordained 1895; stationed at Erdington Abbey, Birmingham, being at various times cantor, organist, lecturer on philosophy, and theology, master of novices and prior, 1895-1912; at St. Benedict's Abbey, Maredsous, Belgium, 1912-1913; at Caldey Abbey, Tenby 1913- . Author of :" Bishop Gore and the Catholic Claims" (London, 1905); "Notes on the Early History of the Vulgate Gospels" (Ox- ford, 1908); "John the Presbyter and the Fourth Gospel" (Oxford, 1910); contributor to: "Dubhn Review"; "Journal of Theological Studies"; "Revue b^nedictine"; "Zeitschrift fiir N. T. Wissenschaf t " ; "Expositor".

ARTICLES: Caius and Soteh, Saints and Popes; Callistus I, Pope; Clementines; Clement of Rome; Cornelius, Pope, Martyr; Cyprian of Carthage, Saint; Cyril of Alexandria, Saint; Cyril of Jerusalem, Saint; Demetrius, Saint; Didache; DiDASCALiA Apostolorum; Didymus THE Blind; Diodorub of Tarsus; Diognetus, Epistle to; Dionysius of Alexandria; Dionysius, Saint; Dioscurus, Bishop of Alexandria; Doctors OF the Church; Doctrine of Addai; Donatists; Elcesaites; Ephesus, Council op; Ephesus, Robber Council of; Euse- Bius OF Nicomedia, Bishop; Eutyches; Eutychianism; Evo- Dius, Bishop of Antioch; Fathers of the Church; Fessler, Josef; Firmilian; Fulgentius, Fabius' Claudius Gohdianus, Saint; Gaudentius, Saint; Gennadius I, Saint; Hegesippus, Saint; Heraclas, Bishop of Alexandria; Hermas; Honorius I, Pope; Liberius, Pope; Maximus of Constantinople, Saint; Melchisedechians; Monarchians; Monophysites and Mono- physitism; Monothelitism and Monothelites; Montanists; Nestorius and Nestorianism; Novatian and Novatianism; Optatus, Saint; Papias, Saint; Patrology; Paul of Samosata; PEREGElNUS;PEEiODlfPETEl); Photinus; Praxeas; Semiarians AND Semiarianism; Tertullian; Tritheists.

Charles, Brother, b.s.h., b. at Mobile, Alabama, 22 August, 1855. Education: St. Joseph's Institute, IndianapoUs, Indiana. Entered the Order of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart 1871; successively director of St. Aloysius School, Vicksburg, Mississippi, and of St. Aloysius College, New Orleans, 1889-1900; director of the Cathedral School, Natchez, Mississippi, 1900-1911; director of St. Vincent's Academy, Baton Rouge, La., 1911-

ARTICLES: Natchez; Sacred Heart, Brothers of the.

Charles, Brother (Joseph Alfred Henet Lane), c.s.c, b. at St. James, Manitoba, 25 January, 1883. Education: Ottawa University; scholasticate